The Faculty has implemented the Credit Semester System since 1978. On 17 August 1988 the Medical Faculty moved from Baraya to the new campus in Tamalanrea. Now the Faculty has improved significantly and in 2000 was accredited by BAN (the National Accreditation Board) with grade A. The Medical Faculty of Hasanuddin University is the centre for the development of health sciences in the Eastern Region of Indonesia; consequently, big efforts have to be made to improve (among others) the quality of its graduates. The Medical Faculty of Hasanuddin University is committed to produce graduates who are able to compete with overseas.
We prepare future health leaders, contribute to our communities, and improve the health of individuals and populations, through the discovery, application and communication of knowledge.
Serving the community through quality education, caring practice, and advancement of health science.
To prepare future professionally and scientifically competent medical doctors who show high standard of ethical and moral norms, and life-long learning
International leadership in health research and education.
In the next 5 years, the Medical Faculty will be nationally acknowledged as an outstanding Medical Faculty in health education and research.
Other improvement plans, which include improving academic governance standard of quality by improving the standard for staff recruitment and on the job training of current staff, and improving sustainability by increasing intake of overseas students, fund raising from alumni and cooperation with local governments.

Doctors in the era of global competition and meet the international standards. The Medical Faculty of Hasanuddin University is located in Makassar, which is a very strategic city geographically and economically. As the centre for development in the Eastern Region of Indonesia (KTI), Makassar has a Type-A Hospital, -the highest referral hospital with wide range of specialties -, which is also used as a teaching hospital. The main hospital used for clinical teaching is RSUP Wahidin Sudirohusodo, located at the vicinity of the campus.The clinical and para-clinical departments are located in the hospital, while the pre-clinical departments are located in the Faculty campus.
In addition, the Faculty is collaborating with various hospitals for clinical teaching (clerkship), including RSU Labuang Baji, RS Pelamonia, RS Akademis Yaury Yusuf, RS Islam Faisal, and various Puskesmas (Primary Health Care Centre).
Indonesia still needs a high number of doctors. The total number of doctors in Indonesia at the moment is around 48,000, while the required up to year 2010 is 105,231 (Kepmenkes 850/Menkes/SK/V/2000). The Medical Faculty graduate around 150-200 medical doctors annually.
Message from Dean

Postgraduate training for doctors (Specialist Training) is the combined responsibility of the Division of Graduate Medical Studies and the Academy of Medicine. The Faculty of Medicine has strong research-oriented graduate programs leading to Master of Science (MSc) or PhD to train biomedical scientists for academia and industry. There is also an MSc (Clinical Science) Course that provides training in clinical research methods for careers in clinical research, health care and biomedical and pharmaceutical industries. Scholarships are available on a competitive basis.
The Faculty has an excellent infrastructure for biomedical research as well as a very committed group of competent scientists and clinician-scientists who are actively engaged in teaching and high quality research. We are confident that we can take on future challenges in biomedical education and research and fulfill our vision to excel in education, research and provision of health care of the highest quality
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