1. Phase in 1962 s.d 1965
At first IAIN Alauddin Makassar now menjadin UIN Alauddin Makassar status Branch Faculty of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, at the insistence of the People and Government of South Sulawesi and the approval of the Rector of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia issued Decree No. 75 dated October 17, 1962 concerning Faculty of Shari'ah penegerian UMI became the Faculty of Sharia IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Makassar Branch Yogyakarta on 10 November 1962. Then followed penegerian UMI Tarbiyah Faculty to the Faculty of Tarbiyah IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Makassar Branch on 11 November 1964 by Minister of Religion No. 91 dated 7 November 1964. Then Following the establishment of the Faculty of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Ushuluddin Yogyakarta branch of Makassar on October 28, 1965 by Minister of Religion No. 77 dated October 28, 1965.
2. Phase in 1965 s.d 2005
By considering the support and the great desire of the people and Government of South Sulawesi's education and instruction in Islam the university level, as well as the legal basis Presidential Regulation No. 27 of 1963 which among others states that with at least three types of IAIN faculty can be combined into a single institute individual is being referred to the existing three faculties in Makassar, the Faculty of Shariah, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Faculty Ushuluddin, then started on 10 November 1965 with the name of the independent status of the State Islamic Institute of Al-Jami'ah al-Islamiyah al-Hukumiyah in Makassar with Decree of the Minister of Religion No. 79 dated October 28, 1965.
Naming IAIN in Makassar with "Alauddin" is taken from the name of the first king of Gowa Kingdom memuluk Islam and has a historical background of Islamic development in the past, in addition to containing the increased expectation of future glory of Islam in South Sulawesi, Indonesia in particular and the East in general Courant . Sultan Alauddin was the king of Gowa XIV years 1593-1639, (grandfather / datok) of Sultan Hasanuddin XVI King of Gowa, with the full name I Mangnga'rangi Daeng Manrabbia Sultan Alauddin, who after his death was called also by Tumenanga Gaukanna ri (who died in the greatness of his power ), according to one version, and according to other versions of the title after his death it was Tumenanga Agamana ri (who died in his religion). Sultan Alauddin title given to the King of Gowa XIV of this, because he was King of Gowa who first accepted Islam as the religion of the kingdom. The idea of giving the name "Alauddin" to IAIN based in Makassar, the first originally coined by the founders of the IAIN "Alauddin", among them the Prince Daeng Rani Andi, (grandson / derivatives) of Sultan Alauddin, who is also a former Governor of South Sulawesi, and Ahmad Makkarausu Amansyah Ilau Daeng, a historian of Makassar.
In this phase, IAIN (now UIN) Alauddin which originally only had three (3) Faculty of fruit, grown to five (5) pieces marked with the establishment of the Faculty of Adab Fakuktas based on Ministerial Decree No. Religious Affairs. 148 of 1967 dated 23 November 1967, followed by the Faculty of Da'wa by Minister of Religious Affairs Faculty # 253 of 1971 which is based in Bulukumba (153 miles south of the city of Makassar), which further by Presidential Decree No.9 of 1987 Faculty of Da'wa diverted to Makassar, then followed by the establishment of the Graduate Program (PPs) with the Decision of the Director General of the Islamic Binbaga Dep. No religion. 31/E/1990 dated June 7, 1990 the status of a remote class of PPs Sharif Hidayatullah Jakarta IAIN then by the Minister of Religious Affairs No.. 403 of 1993 PPs IAIN Alauddin Makassar became independent PPs.
3. Phase of 2005 s.d now
To respond to the demands of the development of science and a fundamental change over the birth of the Law on National Education System # 2 in 1989 in which the levels of education at the Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs Ministry, has likened his position, especially for medium levels of education, as well as to accommodate graduate education medium under the auspices of the Ministry of National Education and Ministry of Religious Affairs, Institutional required change of status from the Institute of the University, then on the initiative of the leadership of IAIN Alauddin period 2002-2006 and for the support of the academic community and IAIN Alauddin Senate and Governor of South Sulawesi, then the conversion diusulkanlah IAIN UIN Alauddin Alauddin Makassar Makassar became the President of Indonesia through the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Minister of National Pnedidikan Starting October 10th, 2005 Institutional Status State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Alauddin Makassar turned into (UIN) Alauddinn State Islamic University of Alauddin Makassar under Presidential Decree (Presidential Decree) of the Republic of Indonesia No. 57 of 2005 dated October 10, 2005 marked the inauguration of the signing of the inscription by the President RI Mr. DR H Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on December 4, 2005 in Makassar.
In a change of institutional status of the Institute to the University, UIN Alauddin Makassar experienced growth of five (5) Faculty of fruit into 7 (seven) Faculty of fruit and 1 (one) Graduate Program (PPs) Minister of Religious Affairs under Regulation No. 5 of 2006 dated 16 March 2006, namely:
1. Faculty Shari'ah and Law
2. Faculty Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
3. Ushuluddin and Philosophy Faculty
4. Faculty of Adab and Humanities
5. Faculty of Da'wa and Communication
6. Faculty of Science and Technology
7. Faculty of Health Sciences.
8. Program Pg (PPs) Then the officer will provide Payment Introduction SPP / DPP and other payments. Mission Aim For Scholarship recipients will get a free voucher payments.
UIN Leaders
Rector: Prof.. Dr. H. A. Qadir Spinner HT., M.S
Vice Rector I (Bid. Academic): Professor. Dr. H. Ahmad M. Sewang, M.A
Vice Rector II (Bid. Adum. Keu): Prof. Dr. Musafir Pababbari, M. Si
Vice Rector III (Bid. Student Affairs): Drs HM Natsir Siola
Vice Chancellor IV (Bid. Cooperation): Prof. Dr. Phil. H. Kamaruddin Amin, M.A.
Bureau Chief AU: Drs. H. Wahyuddin Naro, M. Hum
Bureau Chief AAK: Dra. Hj. Nuraeni Gani, M.M
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