At its inception, PTPG Malang has 5 majors. This pioneering majors include majors:
1. Language and Literature Indonesia
2. English Language and Literature
3. History and Culture
4. Economics
5. Surely Nature
Lectures held at the high school building square Bunder. A year later, on the date of June 20, 1955, PTPG its own building which originally was "Hotel Splendid" in Jl. Tumapel 1, Malang.
On 10 November 1954, established a new university in East Java the University Press (Unair) in Surabaya. As a consequence, based on PP. 71 In 1958 PTPG formally changed the status and name to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) Unair.
In 1958, for services Sarjono father of former Mayor of Malang, the institute is to get a piece of land, which later built the campus complex located at Jl. 5 Semarang, Malang.
In the early days of this institution in great need of outside assistance to complete the facilities and infrastructure. A noteworthy contribution of the time, among others from:
1. Ford Foundation in the form:
1. Scholarships sending lecturers overseas
2. Some laboratory facilities
3. Library books
2. Government of Japan through the Colombo Plan
3. Sie Twam Tjing (Samsi), Malang Bentoel cigarette factory owners, who provide assistance at the time of modern cafeteria
On January 3, 1963, outgoing Minister of Higher Education and Science No. 35 of 1964 which stipulates that IKIP Malang has branches as follows:
1. In Surabaya (derived from the branch of Guidance and Counseling University Press)
2. In Madison (derived from the Branch Guidance and Counseling University Press)
3. In Singaraja (Guidance and Counseling from the University of Udayana)
4. In Kupang / Endeh (Guidance and Counseling from the University of Nusa Cendana)
On the day Tuesday, May 20, 1964 held at the building dedication ceremony held SKMAN IKIP Malang Malang which also means regardless of Unair.
From the results of the reorganization, IKIP MALANG has 4 faculties which include:
1. Faculty of Education (FIP)
2. Teaching Faculty of Literature and Art (FKSS)
3. Faculty of Social Studies teacher (FKIS)
4. Teaching Faculty of exact sciences (FKIE)
While the Faculty of Engineering Teaching (FKT) was born after a year of reorganization. Next, the name and term faculty who have held national adjustment in 1982. FIP did not change, FKSS into the Faculty of Education and Language Arts (FPBS), FKIS to the Faculty of Social Sciences of Education (FPIPS), FKIE into the Faculty of Education Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FPMIPA), and FKT into the Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education (FPTK ).
On March 23, 1968 several faculties branches IKIP MALANG handed over to the new parent. Jember branch submitted to the University of Jember. Branch Singaraja to the University of Udayana. Kupang Branch and the University of Nusa Cendana Endeh. Surabaya branch eventually became a stand alone IKIP Surabaya (now State University of Surabaya).
In terms of academic, PTPG start of the level of education "baccalaureate" (Bachelor) with a time of 3-year study. Then in 1959 began to open up ladder "Doctoral" or Acarya (Bachelor) with 2-year study period. After several years through the consolidation phase, finally in 1968 opened the program "post graduate" (Doctoral program) majoring in education as the first majors. Subsequently in 1982 the program is refined into the Faculty of Graduate Masters Degree (S2) and the doctoral program (S3). In 1990, the name was changed to Graduate School Graduate (PPS).
In 1992 the program changed their status to D2 PGSD new courses under the auspices of FIP, namely the Diploma 2 Primary School Teacher Education. In 1993 established two new courses, namely:
1. Indonesian Undergraduate Education Primary Schools in FPBS
2. Graduate Education Program in Elementary School Mathematics FPMIPA
And in 1994 established six new courses, namely:
1. Diploma in Electrical Engineering Education 1
2. Diploma in Automotive Engineering an Education
3. Diploma 3 Education Electrical Skills
4. Diploma 3 Education Automotive Skills
5. Diploma 3 Education Skills Metal Work
6. Diploma 3 Education Building Skills in FPTK
In the second semester of 1994/1995, PPS opened two new courses, namely:
1. Masters Program in Mathematics Education
2. Master Program in Chemical Education
In 1998/1999 UM has accepted new students for the 14 new courses nonkependidikan, consisting of:
1. 7 undergraduate programs, namely:
1. Mathematics
2. Physics
3. Chemical
4. Biology
5. Language and Literature Indonesia
6. English Language and Literature
7. Visual Communication Design (DKV)
2. 7 3 Diploma courses are:
1. English for Business (Home for Business)
2. Engineering
3. Civil Engineering and Building
4. Electronics Engineering
5. Electrical Engineering
6. Catering
7. Tata Clothing
Year 1999 / 2000 to open six new courses, consisting of:
1. 4 nonkependidikan courses, namely:
1. Sport Science (S1)
2. Management (S1)
3. Marketing Management (D3)
4. Accounting (D3)
2. 2 educational courses, namely:
1. German Language Education (S1)
2. Dance Education (S1)
Year 2000/2001 opening a new course nonkependidikan, namely Psychology (S1), and in 2004/2005 opening nonkependidikan course History of Science and a course of study that is educational PGSD (S1), in 2005/2006 opening two courses namely nonkependidikan Accounting (S1) and Economic and Development Studies; in 2006/2007 to open an educational study programs namely Automotive Engineering Education (S1), 2006/2007 opened an educational course of Vocational Education (S2), in 2007/2008 opens three educational courses the Education of Information (S1), Catering Education (S1), and Tata Education Clothing (S1); year 2008/2009 opens three PG courses early childhood (S1), Game Animation (D3), Education Electrical Engineering (S1), and established the Faculty of Sport Sciences (FIK); year 2009/2010 established the Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS), opened the program of study Special Education (S1) and Libraries (D3)
Based on Presidential Decree No. 93 of 1999 stipulates that IKIP MALANG changed to State University of Malang (UM) and by Decree No. Director General of Higher Education. 143/DIKTI/Kep / 2000 UM has five faculties, namely Faculty of Education (FIP), Faculty of Letters (FS), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Natural Sciences), Faculty of Economics (FE), and the Faculty of Engineering (FT), and 1 Graduate Program (PPS).
During the period of almost 54 years, UM has several times experienced baton. The Rector who has been credited for leading the UM began his early stand-up now is:
1. Prof. H. S. Adam Bakhtiar, 1954-1958
2. Prof. Kuntjoro Purbopranoto, SH, 1958-1963
3. Prof. Dr. D. Dwidjo Seputro, M.Sc., 1963-1966
4. Prof. Dr. Eri Soedewo, July - September 1966
5. Prof. H. Darji Darmodihardjo, SH, 1966-1970
6. Prof. Dr. H. Samsuri, 1970-1974
7. Prof. Drs. H. Rosjidan, M.A., 1974-1978
8. Prof. Drs. H. M. A. Icksan, 1978-1982 and 1982-1986
9. H. Mas Hadi Soeparto, M.Sc., 1986-1990 and 1990-January 1995
10. Prof. Dr. H. Nuril Huda, MA, January 1995-1999 and 1999-16 July 2001 (died in the task)
11. Prof. Drs. H. M. Saleh Marzuki, M.Ed. (Pj. Rector), 23 July 2001 - 6 April 2002
12. Prof. Dr. H. Imam Syafi'ie, 6 April 2002-8 November 2006
13. Prof. Dr. H. Suparno, 9 November 2006-present
Vision, Mission and Objectives
University of Malang (UM) which has a sensitivity to the development of global, national, regional, local and want to contribute to the maximum of these developments, especially through education, research, and application of science and technology to society. For that vision, mission and objectives of the institution need to be formulated in a more explicit order to be a guideline in the implementation of the development.
UM UM's vision is to make a superior college who care about human values and a reference in the field of educational development, science, technology, and art.
Mission carried UM is:
1. Organizing higher education with due respect to equity and expanding access for the community.
2. Improve the quality, relevance and competitiveness through education and learning, research and science development, and community service
3. Build a healthy organization in order to strengthen governance, transparency, and imaging of the public towards an autonomous college.
To realize the vision and mission that has been formulated above, the objectives need to be formulated based on relevance, academic atmosphere, internal management, sustainability, and efficiency. Formulation of MW goals are:
1. Equity and Access Expansion:
* Develop educational programs of academic, vocational, and professional
* Enhance institutional capacity in order to increase their capacity.
* Develop a partnership with schools to produce quality graduates.
* Improve collaboration with provincial governments, counties, and cities to develop education and teaching, research, and community service.
* Learners through scholarships, soft loans, vouchers, and research assistance.
* Expanding opportunities for lifelong learning through non-formal education.
* Develop information and communication technology (ICT) as a means of distance learning.
* Increase the role of the community and alumni in providing education at UM
2. Improved Quality, Relevance, and Competitiveness:
* Develop quality standards in a sustainable academic
* Improving oversight and quality assurance are programmed through an internal quality assurance, self-evaluation, and monitoring and evaluation system
* Increase the relevance of the curriculum and the quality of learning
* Enhance and leverage information and communications technology (ICT) in education
* Developing life skills education tailored to the needs of learners.
* Enhance creativity, entrepeneurship, and student leadership.
* Improve the quality and competence of education through certification programs.
* Improve the quality of teachers and through degree and non-degree education in the country and abroad.
* Improve facilities / infrastructure to meet the quality standard of education.
* Improve collaboration with partner institutions and alumni at home and abroad.
* Increase the number and quality of research and development, scientific activities, and publications.
* Increase the number of patents and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
* Increase the role of institutions in applying science, technology, and art to improve the welfare and competitiveness of society.
* Increasing confidence in the city / county or institution of primary and secondary education providers of formal and nonformal.
3. Strengthening Governance, Accountability, and Public Imagery:
* Increase the clamp-bagaan organizational structuring.
* Improve human resources management system
* Increasing the capacity and competence in the field of management officials of higher education
* Improve the arrangement of education and enforcement regulations.
* Improving the image and public services through various media.
* Develop an integrated SIM (academic, student affairs, finance, assets, personnel, and other data).
About the Official Website of the State University of Malang : www.um.ac.id
UM site appear more efficient, more local material, supported by rubrics are useful and popular, and accompanied by photographs taken from heights campus. UM site with the address http://um.ac.id constructed starting on August 25, 2008 and was inaugurated on October 18, 2008 is the replacement for the UM site http://malang.ac.id built since the date of February 6, 1998.
The new site has been featuring UM UM identity that is "The University of Learning (Learning University)" and the slogan, "When Learning is Enjoyment". Motto "Work and Continue to Work" embodied in the rubric of "Work and Continue to Work". Rubric is expected to be filled with new thoughts, new works, new achievements accomplished, and "the true story" in an effort to achieve them.
On July 31, 2009, the site of the UM for the first time entered the 6000 version of the Webometrics ranking. UM 2791 is ranked the world, Southeast Asia 82, 13 Indonesia, and an ex-IKIP. Especially for components Scholar, UM was ranked 161 of the world and Indonesia rank 1. Thanks to all those who participated and hope that we can improve achievement. I invite all students, alumni, staff, faculty, and retired UM to create a link to your blog http://um.ac.id in each and put the files to a site owned http://um.ac.id .
Since May 1, 2009, UM site also began to enter the world ranking of Top 100,000 Alexa version (as of June 30, 2009 there were 238 million sites). This suggests that the UM site visited more and more and more and more pages were read. To improve this performance, I call on all parties to try every morning to open the UM site, made the announcement department / faculty through the UM site, and online support system. Online system has been developed is the online KHS (see KHS through http://siakad.um.ac.id), Selection Online (sign up through http://seleksi.um.ac.id Admissions), CCN Online (sign up CCN through http://kkn.um.ac.id). Next will follow Scholarship Online, Online KRS, etc.
Since 2006, UM provides Internet access with a bandwidth of 640 Kbps. In October 2007 up to 1 Mbps, in November 2008 rose to 3 Mbps, May 2009 up to 8 Mbps, and in July 2009 rose to 10 Mbps. Today more and more students who have a laptop and use the internet facility provided via hotspots. Hopefully in the year 2010, Internet access can reach 21 Mbps to meet the standards of Higher Education (1 Kbps per student for 21 thousand students).
Academic Facilities
1. FIP has seven laboratories, namely:
1. Laboratory BKP
2. Laboratory TEP
3. Laboratory ASP
4. Laboratory PLS
5. Laboratory of Elementary and Preschool Education (KSDP)
6. Laboratory IK
2. FS has four laboratories, namely:
1. Laboratory Drama
2. Language Laboratory
3. Laboratory of Art and Design
3. Mathematics and Natural Sciences has:
1. Laboratory of Biology
2. Chemistry Laboratory
3. Physics Laboratory
4. Mathematics Laboratory
5. Workshop
6. Garden experiment
4. FE has 3 laboratories, namely:
1. Laboratory Management
2. Laboratory of Accounting
3. Laboratory of Economic Development
5. FT has four laboratories / workshops, namely:
1. Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
2. Civil Engineering Laboratory
3. Electrical Engineering Laboratory
4. Laboratory of Industrial Technology
6. FIS has 3 laboratories, namely:
1. Laboratory CIVICS
2. Laboratory History
3. Geography Laboratory
Laboratory Pancasila
This institution was founded July 5, 1967 at the initiative of the Rector Prof. officials. Darji Darmodiharjo, S.H (1966-1971). Institutional motivation as the basis of the assessment and development center (philosophy) countries primarily enforce state system of Pancasila Pancasila-Constitution 45.
This institutional assessment exercise the functions and integrated development with the principles and functions Tridharma college; special with a priority in these areas:
1. Philosophy
2. Ideology
3. State
4. Law
5. Political
6. Economy
7. Socio-cultural
8. Hankamnas
Laboratory of Pancasila implement institutionally based studies:
1. Juridical approach to constitutional
Focusing on the principle of constitutional imperatives based on the Constitution Proclamation whole, as a principle of philosophical-ideological-constitutional state system NKRI
2. Comprehensive approach, including:
1. The general approach
As a fundamental understanding and appreciation of the knowledge, practice and life of the people in general
2. Scientific approach
As the level of a multi-disciplinary science in the dynamics of science and technology and all fields of science that developed in the education and culture
3. Philosophical approach
In accordance with the intrinsic value and integrity of the teaching philosophy of Pancasila
4. Approach to religious
That the system contains the Pancasila philosophy of quality and integrity of noble theism as a philosophical-religious system (sila I) which animates and underlies the order of nationhood and statehood RI (article 29 of the Constitution Preamble + 45)
Institutional Laboratory to develop and enforce consistent Pancasila philosophy of Pancasila state doctrine, including the Proclamation of the Constitution as the founders of the state mandate (PPKI) who carry out the mandate of the founding fathers (national hero). Development and acculturation of the state philosophy of Pancasila is constitutionally enforce Pancasila-based state system within the meaning of the Constitution elaboration of principle 45 kerokhanian country, culture and moral principles (based on) is an integral philosophy of Pancasila. The vision and mission of the Laboratory of Pancasila is fully integral with the Unitary Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila vision-mission 45 Constitution as a state proclamation.
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