Palangkaraya University (Unpar) is the largest campus in Central Kalimantan is a modern, comprehensive, open, multi-cultural, and humanistic disciplines covering a wide. Unpar current continuously always tried to be one of the leading universities or academic institutions in the world. As a leading university, the efforts of the highest achievements in the discovery, development and diffusion of knowledge regionally and globally has always done. Meanwhile, Unpar also deepen the commitment in its efforts in the field of academic development and research activities through a number of existing disciplines dilingkupnya.
Unpar established in 1963 and is a representation of an educational institution with the history of the oldest in Central Kalimantan. Has produced more than ... alumni, Unpar sustainably continue its important role in national and world level. However Unpar can not escape from its current mission into educational institutions of high quality, world standard research prestige and maintain standards in a number of international journals.
Unpar actively develop cooperation with many world-renowned universities. Several leading universities that currently have agreements with Unpar recorded are: Hokkaido University, Toyohashi University, Monash University, and La Throbe University.
Geographically, Unpar campus positions are far apart in two areas, college campuses and Yos Sudarso Kartini. The majority of faculty are in Yos Sudarso with an area of almost 53.000 hectares of land (including forest education) with a green campus atmosphere because only 5% of land used as a means of academic, research and student affairs. About 95% of Unpar can say is tangible green area urban forest. A promising area of academic feel of a tranquil and beautiful tradition.
History Unpar
Initial formation of UNPAR conducted in 1962 by the Preparatory Committee for Establishment of the University of Central Kalimantan who received formal endorsement from the Regional Government of Central Kalimantan. The work of the committee resulted in the founding of the State University in Central Kalimantan with the name of Palangkaraya University which was inaugurated by Minister of PTIP based on Decree No. 141 dated 10 November 1963 with three faculties namely Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Faculty. At the same time stands well IKIP Palangkaraya Bandung Branch with two faculties, namely Faculty of Education (FIP) and the Teacher Training Faculty of Social Sciences (FKIS). On July 24, 1969 IKIP Palangkaraya Branch Bandung is integrated into the UNPAR.
In subsequent trips Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Forestry, who was stationed in Kuala Kapuas, can only walk about a year. In 1973, FKIS renamed the Faculty of Teacher Training. It is therefore up to the 1981 Palangkaraya University had only three faculties namely Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Teacher Training.
Recognizing the need for skilled workers in agriculture and forestry in Central Kalimantan in 1981 the University of Palangkaraya opening new faculties namely Faculty of Non-Degree Technology (FNT) that organizes educational programs at diploma level three (D-3). In 1982, the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Teacher Training were merged into the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) until now. Meanwhile, in 1991 inaugurated the establishment of the Faculty of Agriculture as a substitute for non-degree Faculty of Technology.
In subsequent developments, in 2000 established the Faculty of Engineering, and in 2003 stood also the Faculty of Law. Thus, until now has Palangkaraya University has five faculties namely: (1) Faculty of Economics, (2) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, (3) Faculty of Agriculture, (4) Faculty of Engineering, and (5) Faculty of Law. Starting in August 2010 a new Faculty of Faculty of Medicine will be opened as the sixth faculty at the University of Palangkaraya.
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