Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University campus Attack in Jakarta Km.4 Pakupatan Road Attack Banten province, while the campus of the Faculty of Engineering located on the Road. Jend. Sudirman Km.3 Cilegon Banten Province Tel (0254) 395 502.
The development of science an increasingly rapid and cangih in a short period of time, to make countries feel challenged how to be a world class university as well as Indonesia. Many universities are vying to world class university, one satunnya UNTIRTA.
UNTIRTA is one of the state university that is fairly new in Banten, to be a world class university is not easy because a lot needs to be done to the world-class university. Thus starting from a small thing to prepare a world-class, do not go overboard and rush. As conditions in the UNTIRTA that there are still many shortcomings of the various aspects that are either HRD or any facility, if we want to be world class.
In realizing it must be optimistic if UNTIRTA UNTIRTA can compete with other universities in the nation (ITB, UGM, IPB, etc.) or abroad (China, Korea, Singapore, Thailand and others). What are the steps that must be done. According to Professor Kai Ming Cheng Hong Kong University lecturer explained that there were four things that must be present in every higher education unit of international reputation, research accomplishments, a graduate of a leading, international participation. If these four things have not been met should not dream used to be a world-class university. Meanwhile, according to Rector Institute of Technology 10 November Surabaya (ITS) Prof Ir Priyo Suprobo MS PhD states, one way to world class university is working with universities abroad credible. Cooperation should be based on the principle of mutual benefit and could be a trigger improvement of education quality. A good first step to initiate cooperation through joint research. To initiate the cooperation of this field, both universities must have the same interests. With this common interest, both parties will work together well. This is what we must try together to achieve it. So all of the academic community in contributing to the building UNTIRTA UNTIRTA as world class.
There is also a good idea for UNTIRTA improve its reputation as a public university in Jakarta, such as by improving the quality of education in cooperation between universities abroad, such as Germany or the Netherlands, increasing mental kretifitasnya practically in the field of research is still low in Banten, either professors or students , only about 10%, as well as graduates who can compete with the university world and be able to create jobs, because students function itself is the agent of change and actively participate in any international activity.
Realizing the university world is not an easy job for UNTIRTA who still fairly new. Moreover, offered by Professor Kai Ming Cheng is quite high. Therefore there are several solutions that can go from my world-class UNTIRTA, diantarannya are: First, improve the quality of education. In (article okezon.com, 2008) that the quality of education in Indonesia, especially the college is still lagging behind the western countries so that appropriate strategies necessary to improve the quality of universities in Indonesia. As with the quality of education UNTIRTA that remains, and also many facilities lack adequate education and so inhibition of this process will affect the reputation of the college itself, such as longer in teaching techniques in UNTIRTA there are still professors who are still focused in the text book in providing teaching, so this makes students bored with what was given in college lecturer in progress, and lack of clarity in presenting the material. What this does not mean the quality of our education is still low? and pastinnya need to be improved so as not to lag behind major universities in Indonesia or even tiger country. Second, the growing spirit of creativity. Any student or faculty must have a different creative soul. Can be a study which is adjacent to natural conditions, social, and cultural, or even creating a business field that is entrepreneurship so that train students and faculty independence, as well as benefit the community and reduce the number of unemployed. Third, create an academic campus, the campus community who have long dreamed of Bantam, which in it are the ones who have the scientific expertise and high, and broad-minded, intelligent, critical to bring the reputation UNTIRTA progressing worldwide, and also used as an exchange student between universities abroad. One of the work done in academic development is to increase awareness of the importance of reading, discussing, whether Indonesian or international language, and others, because we as human beings endowed by Allah SWT (sense) which seharusnnya more familiar than a beast (termite) who like to devour books until exhausted or deer that always release a brilliant idea in the face of his enemies.
In realizing world-class university once again do not reproduce the promises are nice, but the effort or work seriously and earnestly, so it's really proven results. Hopefully with the joint venture UNTIRTA achieve world class university.
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