Toward the end of the registration of the National Selection College Entrance Paths (SNMPTN) via the invitation, the number of applicants has increased. That's according to predictions committee said applicants would flock towards the close on 12 March.

In Surabaya, only University Press (Unair) that do not open the lines of invitations. Three other state campuses, State University of Surabaya (Unesa), Institute of Technology (ITS), and the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sunan Ampel, the invitation remains open lines with different allocations.

Vice Rector for Academic fields Unesa, Kisyani Laksono, said the increase in the number of applicants seen since the end of last week, although the exact number is unknown. Unesa provide 1734 seats for students from the path of the invitation and over 2,000 registrants who make Unesa as the first choice. Although the number of applicants exceeds the quota, but spreading in each department is uneven.

"The number of applicants already on the quota. Because it uses an online system so the movement continues," said Kisyani, Sunday (6 / 2).

Kisyani called the selection process remain in place at the invitation of participants pathway. Therefore, he urged the school and students to immediately enroll without waiting for the final day. "We are concerned at the end of the day soaring registries. Feared no interruption system if they sign up ahead of the closure. Better to use the remaining time well," Kisyani message.

Vice Rector I ITS, Arif Djunaidy reveals, there are some schools that states kebinggungannya in registering students to track the invitations. ITS itself provides 974 seats for students from the path of the invitation.

"The number of registrants has reached 2300 students and will continue to increase. For schools, our weekend was to socialize so there's no problem anymore," said Arif.

University of Indonesia is a public university (PTN) is most preferred by the number of applicants over 5300 applicants. Followed by the University of Gadjah Mada about 4,500 registrants, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) to about 2,500 applicants. "Three campus became the first choice for favorite. Target ITS amount reached 5 thousand candidates registering new students," says Arif.

In line invitations, school accreditation acceleration class A which has allowed all students enrolled. A status for accreditation with the International Standard School Stubs (RSBI) only 75 percent of students who may enroll.

A regular accreditation Adapaun only 50 percent of students, accreditation B 25 percent of students, as well as accreditation of C 10 per cent of the best students are given the opportunity to register. "The announcement will be made on May 18 and re-registration be done on May 31 and June 1 in conjunction with the selection through a test track," said Arif.


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