Or click here to Download pdf of path selection SNMPTN UNSRAT 2011 Written Exam. With this announced that based on the results of Path Selection SNMPTN Written Exam / Skills tests in 2011 the participants whose names are listed in the above list is passed as an academic, is concerned will be accepted as a candidate if the student has passed the National Examination SMA / MA or SMK years 2009 to 2011.

Expected to participants who pass the selection test must re-register / register WITHOUT represented on the date of 1 July to 12 July 2011 at the University of Sam Ratulangi BAAK at 08:00 to 15:00 AM. For those who do not register (Register) disqualified as prospective students from the Gaza SNMPTN Written Exam 2011.
To the applicants should comply / bring the following administrative requirements:

1. Participants card SNMPTN Line Test of Written in 2011;
2. Copy of report cards Semester 1 s / d 6 semesters which have been legalized;
3. Copy of legalized ljazah School (1 double);
4. Copy of Family Card / Letter of the Population of Village Chief (1 double);
5. Payment of electricity bill last 2 months;
6. File blue background color photograph size 3x4 cm (for the manufacture of a student card);
7. Pay a development contribution of the University, tuition, etc. click here;
8. For participants who received the study program: Pend. Doctor, Pend. Dentistry, Nursing, Architecture must submit a certificate free colorblind from a specialist.

For Tuition Assistance Recipients Prospective Mission Shutter expected attention to the following:

1. In addition to mandatory re-enroll at the University of Sam Ratulangi BAAK;
2. Completing the Program Requirements Manual Shutter Shutter accordance Mission Mission in 2011. http://bidikmisi.dikti.go.id;
3. Take the candidate receiving the least acceptable Mission will be announced later because it is still in the process of selection & verification.

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