Unair occupies three campuses spread across Surabaya. Campus A (FK, FKG) on Jl. Prof. Dr. Moestopo, Campus B (FE, FH, FF, FISIP, FPSI, FIB, Master's degree) on Jl. Dharmawangsa In Surabaya. While Campus C (FSAINTEK, FKM, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, F NURSING, F. FISHERIES AND MARINE, Office of Management) is located in the region Mulyorejo, East Surabaya.
Profile Unair
Currently Airlangga University has 13 faculties and a graduate program and has 127 courses (Prodi) of various levels, including academic programs, vocational, and specialists.
• the organized academic program consists of three levels of education are:
1. S1 by 32 Prodi,
2. S2 as much as 34 Prodi,
3. S3 as much as 9 Prodi.
• vocational and professional education programs consist of:
1. D3 by 20 Prodi,
2. Education profession as much as 7 program, which is a Physician, Dentist, Pharmacist, Veterinarian, Notary, Accountant, and psychologist;
3. Prodi Specialist 1 (Sp1) as many as 32 courses.
Based on data from odd semester of 2009/2010 as of October 2009, the number of active student University Press of 24 143 people, distributed in all the programs D3, S1, S2, S3 and some specialist programs.
Human resources at the University Press consists of academic staff and educational staff. Academic staff consists of permanent academic staff of 1642 people with 1534 details the status of Civil Servants (PNS) and the status of the UA-BHMN Employees numbered 108 people. Academic staff are not fixed or outstanding faculty of 565 people.
Recapitulation of the number of permanent academic staff based on education are as follows:
• Staff education academic degree (S1) as many as 347 people
• academic staff by education level Master (S2) & Specialist 1 (Sp 1) as many as 885 people
• academic staff with Doctoral education level (S3) as many as 410 people
Educational staff consisting of 1571 amounted to 1186 people with the status of civil servants and 385 person-BHMN UA Employee status. Administration of all academic staff at the University either a fixed or not fixed (extraordinary professor) are at each faculty, including all academic staff involved in the Graduate Program.
Recapitulation of the number of staff education on the basis of education is as follows:
• Staff education with education level Master (S2) as many as 28 people
• Staff education with education degree (S1) as many as 348 people
• academic staff by level of education Diploma (D1-D3) as many as 130 people
• academic staff with senior high education level (high school) as many as 773 people
• academic staff with the education level of less than Upper Secondary (SMP & SD) of 292 people
University Press of activities centered on the administration of the Office of Management University Press on Campus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya.
Address correspondence:
Office of Management University Press
Campus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya - 60 115, Indonesia
Tel. 031-5914042, 5914043, 5912546, 5912564, 5915551
Fax. 031-5981841, 5939934
E-mail: sekretaris_ua@unair.ac.id
A Brief History of the University of Airlangga
University Press of history originated from the precursor institution Nederlands Indishe Artsen School (NIAS) and the School Tot Opleiding van Indishe Tandartsen (STOVIT), respectively maisng-founded by the Dutch East Indies government in 1913, and 1928. After a period of upheaval was disturbed smoothness of independence, in 1948 the Dutch government founded the Institute which is a branch Tandheelkunding Universiteit van Indonesie Jakarta and reopened under the name Faculteit NIAS der Geneeskunde who is also a branch Universiteit van Indonesie Jakarta.
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia officially opened the new Airlangga University, Surabaya, - which is the first institution of higher education in eastern Indonesia - in 1954. Persmian University Press conducted by the first President, Dr. Ir. Sukarno, to coincide with the commemoration of Memorial Day is the 9th, dated 10 November 1954. Legally stance set by Government Regulation No.. 57/1954.
At the University Press inaugurated consists of five faculties, namely:
1. Faculty of Medicine;
2. Faculty of Dentistry, which was originally a branch of the University of Indonesia;
3. Faculty of Law, which was originally a branch of the University of Gadjah Mada University;
4. Faculty of Literature, which is based in Denpasar, which in 1962 the faculty was split off from the University Press to be part of the University of Udayana;
5. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, based in Malang, and in 1963 broke away from the University Press became the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Teachers' Training College) of Malang, who now has turned into the State University of Malang (UM).
Since its founding, University Press continues to grow, among others, by giving birth to new faculties. Consecutively born faculties are:
1. Faculty of Economics and Business, established in 1961 which originated from Surabaya Economics of Higher Education;
2. Faculty of Pharmacy, founded in 1963;
3. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, founded in 1972 that originated from UB;
4. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, founded in 1977;
5. Faculty of Science and Technology, established in 1982, formerly known as the Faculty of Mathematics and Science;
6. Non-degree Faculty of Health, is the development of the Education Expert Laboratory (Palk). In 1993 the institution was closed and integrated at several faculty, by type program of study;
7. Faculty of Graduate Studies, established in 1982, then in 1991 turned into the Graduate Program;
8. Faculty of Psychology, established in 1993, is the development of the Psychology Program at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences;
9. Faculty of Public Health, composed in 1993 is the development of Community Health Science Program at the Faculty of Medicine;
10. In 1998, University Press again to have the Faculty of Letters, which is the development of Indonesia and Literary Studies Program Study Program English Literature at the Faculty of Social and Political Science and began in 2008 changed its name to the Faculty of Humanities;
11. Faculty of Nursing, established in 2008, is the development of Nursing Science Program at the Faculty of Medicine;
12. Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Affairs, established in 2008, is the development of the Aquaculture Program at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
These developments indicate that the presence and gait University Press accepted, appreciated, and needed by society. The development is currently ongoing, including the opening of new study programs, field improvement and development and education strata there, so now the University of Airlangga with thirteen faculty and one graduate program and has 127 courses (Prodi) of various level, the program includes academic, vocational, and specialists, are able to serve more than 20,000 students.
The names of the Rector who ever and was leading the University Press are:
1. Prof. Mr. A.G. Pringgodigdo Year 1954-1961
2. Prof. Dr. Moh. Toha Year 1961-1965
3. Cabbage. CKH. Chasan Durjat, SH Year 1965-1966
4. Prof. Dr. Dr. ERI Sudewo Year 1966-1974
5. Prof. Dr. Kwari Setjadibrata Year 1974-1975
6. Prof. Abdul Gani, SH., MS. Year 1976-1980
7. Prof. Dr. dr. Marsetio Donosepoetro Year 1980-1984
8. Prof. Dr. Soedarso Djojonegoro Year 1984-1993
9. Prof. Dr. H. Rahino Bambang S. Year 1993-1997
10. Prof. Dr. H. Soedarto, DTM & H., Ph.D. Year 1997-2001
11. Prof. Dr. Med. Dr. H. Puruhito Year 2001-2006
12. Prof. Dr. H. Fasich, Apt 2006-present
08-2010:: Guidelines for Education 2010-2011 University Press
Vision, Mission and Objectives
Became an independent university, innovative, leading national and
International, the pioneer development of science, technology, humanities, and arts based on religious morals.
1. Conducting academic education, vocational and profession;
2. Carrying out basic research, applied research and innovative policy to support the development of education and community service;
3. Dedicated their expertise in the fields of science, technology, humanities and arts to the community;
4. Striving for independence in the implementation of the Tri Dharma Higher Education through the development of modern manejemen institutional quality-oriented and ability to compete internationally.
1. Produce qualified graduates who are able to develop science, technology, humanities and arts, and can compete in international markets based on religious morality;
2. Generating groundbreaking research that encourages the development of science, technology, humanities, and arts in national and international scale;
3. Produce community service to empower people to be able to solve problems independently and sustainably;
4. Realize the independence of universities that are adaptive, creative, proactive to the demands of the development of the strategic environment.
Supporting the University
• A Campus Library
Jl. Prof. Major General. Dr. No. Moestopo. 47 Surabaya
Tel. (031) 5034509
Fax. (031) 5034509
• Library Campus B
Jl. Dharmawangsa In the South, Surabaya
Tel. (031) 5030826
Fax. (031) 5020468
• Library Campus C
Campus Library Building C lt. A
Campus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya
Tel / Fax. (031) 5997615
Campus Library Building C Lt. A
Campus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya
Tel. (031) 5966864
Fax. (031) 5915551
Campus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya
Tel. (031) 5992246,5992247
Fax. (031) 5992248
Campus B Unair
Jl. Airlangga 4-6 Surabaya
Phone / Fax. (031) 5053608
Jl. No. Dharmawangsa. 29 Surabaya
Phone / Fax. (031) 5048654
• Center for Health Services (CSR) Campus B
Jl. Airlangga 4-6 Surabaya
Phone / Fax. (031) 5015016
• Center for Health Services (CSR) Campus C
Building Student Center (SC)
Campus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya
Phone / Fax. (031) 5966463
Electron Microscopy
Jl. Prof. Dr. No. Moestopo. 47 Surabaya
Tel. (031) 5020251 ext. 127
Fax. (031) 5022472
Jl. No. Sriikana. 51
Tel / fax. 031-5031153
Jl. No. Airlangga. 4-6 Surabaya
Tel / Fax. 031-5031153
Faculty of Economics & Business
Jl. Airlangga No.4-6 Surabaya
Phone / Fax. 031-5049480
Faculty of Pharmacy
Jl. Dharmawangsa In South
Phone / Fax. 031-5031641
Jl. Airlangga No.1, Surabaya
Tel. (031) 5034792
Fax. (031) 5034807
Jl. Airlanggga 4-6 Surabaya
Tel. (031) 5029046
Fax. (031) 5053607
University Institute
1. Institute for Community Research and Service at (LPPM)
Building Kahuripan lt. 2 Campus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya
Tlp. (031) 5995247
Fax. (031) 5962066
Web: www.lppm.unair.ac.id
E-mail: lppm@unair.ac.id
2. Institute for Tropical Diseases (LPT)
Campus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya
Tlp. (031) 5992446
Fax. (031) 5992445
Web: www.itd.unair.ac.id
E-mail: itd@unair.ac.id
3. Institute for Education Studies and Development (LP3)
Jl. Dharmawangsa In South
Tlp. (031) 5044871, 5035282
Fax. (031) 5044871
E-mail: p4ua@unair.ac.id
Strategies are developed to keterwujudan vision, mission keterlaksanaan, and achievement of goals
Strategies are developed to keterwujudan vision, mission keterlaksanaan, and achievement of goals
Strategies to achieve these objectives must be supported by internal and external support factors. Direction and development have been formulated in Airlangga University Strategic Plan University Press.
* The pattern of academic management developed in the direction of decentralization of academic and financial development patterns in the developed toward centralization.
* The number and competence of lecturers will be enhanced and empowered to be able to produce graduates who are in accordance with the demands and needs of the community.
* Land and campus buildings continue to be developed efficiently and effectively in a modern campus setting and environment, also needs to be planned development of a new campus outside campus who have been there now.
* Development of organizational and institutional purpose is to develop strategic alliances and institutional cooperation in the framework of university development;
* The pattern of development of education and directed management to get the most use of information technology.
* The pattern of university management was developed to explore all the potential in an optimal, synergistic, and sustainable development in higher education.
* The number of faculty and number of courses that exist will continue to be improved with the priorities that are relevant to the demands and needs of the community and the development of science and technology.
Directorate University Press
Directorate of Education
Brief Profile
Directorate of Education is supporting the University of elements that help in implementing the management-led university education.
This directorate is under the Rector.
Academic Director: Dr.. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, Dra., M. Si
E-Mail: dir_ak@unair.ac.id
Directorate of Student Affairs
Brief Profile
Directorate of Student Affairs University is a supporting element that helps the leadership of the University in implementing the management organization of student activities.
This directorate is under the Rector.
Director of Student Affairs: Prof.. Dr.Imam Mustafa, drh., M. Kes.
E-Mail: dir_km@unair.ac.id
Directorate of Resources
Brief Profile
Directorate of Resources is a support element that helps the leadership of the University of the University in carrying out the implementation of resource management.
Suberdaya Directorate oversees three sub DIT University, namely the Sub Directorate of Human Resources, Sub-Directorate of Facilities and Infrastructure, and Sub-Directorate of Procurement.
Resources Director: Prof. Fendy Suhariadi, MT
E-Mail: dir_sd@unair.ac.id
Directorate of Finance
Brief Profile
Directorate of Finance is a support element that helps the leadership of the University of the University in carrying out the implementation of financial management.
Three Sub-Directorate in the Directorate carrying this is the Sub Directorate of Treasury, Sub-Directorate of Accounting, and Sub-Directorate of Budget.
Finance Director: Dr. Moh. Fate, SE., Ak.MT.
E-Mail: dir_keu@unair.ac.id
Directorate of Information Systems
Brief Profile
Information Systems Directorate of a support element that helps the leadership of the University of the University in carrying out the implementation of management information systems.
The Directorate is at the center of University information technology development in charge of two sub-DIT, the DIT Sub Sub Directorate of Data Processing and System Development.
Director of Information Systems: Imam Siswanto, Drs., M.Sc. (Plt)
E-Mail: dir_si@unair.ac.id
University Secretary
Brief Profile
Airlangga University Secretary is directly responsible to the Rector, in order to perform secretarial functions of the University.
Sekretarias University oversees four areas, namely for Administration, Legal Affairs, Public Relations and Protocol, as well as the Field of International Relations & Partnerships.
Secretary Unair: Dr.Subhan.
E-Mail: sekretaris_ua@unair.ac.id
Quality Policy
University Press is committed to the University who excel at national and international level based on moral values through:
1. implementation of a quality academic process,
2. university management in autonomous, transparent and accountable, and
3. academic development and sustainable management.
Organizational Culture
Universitas Airlangga as an autonomous college is committed to applying the principles of "excellence with Morality" to the university system of good governance (Good University Governance) are characterized by honesty, trust, cooperation, discipline, transparency, and excellence.
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