We recognize that as an academic institution that functions as a printer-quality human resources and competitive, to enter the era of globalization Haluoleo University are required to be able to provide service information quickly and up to date. To achieve this purpose is nothing else that should be done is to use information and communication technology (ICT), because in today's information age the utilization of information and communication technologies including the Internet is one of the most effective alternatives for the dissemination of information and obtain information up to date .
One indicator to become an international-class universities diera globalization today is the number of community colleges that utilize the website domain, especially in the electronic publication (e_publication) that there are 4 dalamya assessment indicators, namely: Size (S) is the number of pages contained electronic publications in the PT website, Visibility (V) or other page that lists the number of domain URL PT, Rich Files (RF) relevance of electronic resources and academic activities and publications and Scholar PT (S), is the number of quality publications and websites. So as to improve the quality of information services depends on the commitment and understanding the entire academic community at the University of Haluoleo in utilizing this site as a medium for the publication of scientific works of quality.
Finally, we hope that this website can provide benefits for the needy, and if it is felt that this website has not been able to satisfy the need for information about the University Haluoleo, we apologize and we will continue to improve itself, so that in time will be able to meet the needs for information about University Haluoleo with satisfactory quality. So that I can say, Welcome to visit this website and who have visited this site, we say thank you.
Wassalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.
(Message from the Rector)
Currently the University Haluoleo already has 7 faculties with the addition of some programs and the opening of the Graduate Diploma. Based on the results "Self Evaluation" program by the Director General of Higher Education study presented at the National Working Meeting of the Vice Rector I, II and III throughout Indonesia which was held on November 29, sd. December 1, 2004 in Surabaya, Haluoleo University ranks 15th of 82 State Universities all over Indonesia.
Haluoleo University in 2007/2008 is expected to have become a developed and modern University, following an agreement Soft-Loan Aid Indonesia government with the Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah whose realization will start in 2005.
The grant will be used to build the 8 (eight) new international building and rehabilitating 11 (eleven) of existing buildings at the Campus Earth Tridharma. Assistance will also be supported by DANIDA (Denmark) for laboratory equipment and technical colleges.
University Haluoleo (Unhol) was established in 1964 as a private college of the University of Hasanuddin Makassar filial. After seventeen years ago, the University of Haluoleo inaugurated as the first public universities in Southeast by the Directorate General of Higher Education; Prof. Dr. Doddy Tisnaamidjaja representing the Minister for Education and Culture which was held by Prof. period. Dr. Nugroho tangggal Notosusanto on August 19, 1981 as to the 42 public universities in Indonesia under the President of the Republic of Indonesia Decree Number 37 of 1981 which comprises:
- Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
- Faculty of Agriculture.
When inaugurated, Haluoleo University campus Kemaraya that their area occupies only an area of 7 ha. Campus is relatively narrow conditions requires the founders to search for alternative campus as well as capacity expansion and the anticipated accretion `faculty. Along with that, public confidence was the greater of the University of Haluoleo, although supported by only 17 people remained lecturers.
After two years was inaugurated, began construction of the campus Green Earth Tridharma Anduonohu which occupies an area of 250 ha, which was then located on the outskirts of Turkey, within 14 miles of the Gulf seaport Turkey. After expansion Kendari, Anduonohu campus currently located in the heart of the city. Simultaneously, the Senate stands menyhetujui Haluoleo University University Haluoleo turned into UNHALU.
Construction of a relatively large campus it takes about ten years to complete perkulihan buildings and office buildings as well as other supporting facility. Marking the completion of this Anduonoho campus construction, the Minister of Education and Culture, Prof.. Dr. Ing. Wardiman Djojonegoro on 4 April 1994 signed a dedication inscription.
Towards the completion of the construction of Campus Anduonohu, Minister of Education and Culture closed the operation of the School of Teacher Education (SPG) and the School Teachers Sports (SGO), so that all of the following facilities faculty and employees transferred to the University of Haluoleo. Since then the University has two campuses Haluoleo main classes, namely; Campus and Campus Kemaraya Anduonohu, plus two former college campus supporting SPG with area of 4 ha and 3 ha of former SGO.
As a leading university in the southeastern peninsula of Sulawesi Island, University of Haluoleo actively contribute ideas for the development of 1528 villages, 67 districts, 4 districts, 2 and 1 Town Municipal Administration in the region. Southeast Sulawesi, including population growth which reached 2.72% per year, well above the average growth of the national population; 1.92. Currently the population of Southeast Sulawesi amounted to 1.72 million people, mostly living in rural areas.
The word "Haluoleo" is taken from the name of a king in the Kingdom Konawe who lived around the seventeenth century. Haluoleo besides known as a wise leader, as well as a warrior who believed relentless and tenacious defense of his blood spilled. Haluoleo literally means eight days in Tolaki language - the language of the natives who inhabited the Kingdom Konawe Kendari.
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