Based on Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia Number 66 Year 2010 on Amendment of Government Regulation Number 17 Year 2010 on the Management and PenyelenggarAhun 2010 on the pattern of Undergraduate Admissions in Higher Education organized by the Government, the pattern of new admissions to the college degree program through a pattern nationwide selection performed by all universities together to be followed by prospective students from all over Indonesia.

Based on the results of the meeting of State Council of Higher Education Chancellor Indonesia in Jakarta on November 4, 2010, the Rector of State Universities under the coordination of the Director General of Higher Education Ministry of Education held a selection of new students nationally in the National Selection of Higher Education (SNMPTN) . SNMPTN 2011 is the only pattern selection is carried out jointly by the State Universities in one integrated system and held simultaneously. SNMPTN 2011 will be implemented through (1) line invitations based on academic achievement crawl, and (2) lines written exam and / or skills.

In connection with the execution of a series of dissemination activities regarding governance SNMPTN 2011 Track Invite in various regions across Indonesia, the committee has received various feedback from principals, teachers, students, parents, and the general public, about the provisions and requirements of schools and student applicants Path Invite SNMPTN 2011 as contained in the Preliminary Information. Therefore, the committee has perfected the provision of schools and student applicants Invitation Line, as well as updating the information on the integration of Tuition Assistance Program (Shutter Mission), as presented in the book of this information.

The book presents the general provision of information SNMPTN 2011 both lines written exam / skills and track invitations, requirements, how registration, type of exam, schedule, cost, including the group study program both IPA and IPS Group of 60 State Universities. The book is published for information used and examined carefully by the prospective participants who will follow SNMPTN 2011, so that prospective participants can prepare themselves in choosing the desired study program and can be a guide to follow the initial selection process SNMPTN well. Detailed information about registration procedures and implementation SNMPTN contained in the Participant Handbook SNMPTN 2011 which can be accessed on the page (website) with http://www.snmptn.ac.id address.

Pengumuman Snmptn Jalur Undangan Ung 2011

Addressed to. All the candidates Students who have passed through the Gaza Invitation SNMPTN 2011. He also noted that, Regitrasi Birthday was held on May 31 s / d June 1, 2011, bringing with them:

1. Participants Invitation Card Line
2. Diploma / SKHUN / SKL Original or certified copy of which has been labeled by the principal.
3. Photo Pas 2 x 3 and 3 x 4 Colors each 2 (two) copies.

For prospective students who are not doing at the time of Registration that has been defined above, is considered

Similarly, the announcement was delivered, to be noticed.


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