On January 19, 1960 P3SL hold consultations with community leaders Lampung to prepare the establishment of a university. At that time renamed P3SL Committee Establishment Extension School and Faculty (P3SLF) with Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam Chairman and Secretary Tjan Djiit Soe.
On July 19, 1960 at the Secretariat of Economic Law Faculty of Social (FEHS) Lampung Opened in the hall of the former school building in the street right Haw Hasanudin No.34 Gulf Betung by three students representing P3SLF, namely Hilman Hadikusuma, Alhusniduki Hamim, and Abdoel Moeis Radja Law.
On 7 September 1960 after a meeting between P3SLF and P3YPTL, then both are merged into one committee with the name of the Foundation Trustees Foundation for Higher Education Lampung (YPPLT) with Deputy Notary deed MM Efendi No. 24 dated 23 November 1960, in charge of building the new Faculty established and seek changes in the status of a country.
Based on Presidential Decree Sriwijaya University (dr.M.Isa) No. D-40-7-61 dated February 14, 1961, commencing on February 1, 1961 established a branch of Lampung majors FEHS Unsri Faculty of Law.
On February 15, 1961 Hi.Zainal Abidin natural fence curator was appointed as a member of the University of Srivijaya in the area of Lampung on the basis of Presidential Decree No. Unsri UP/031/C-1/1961. Mr.Hosein Effendi gained the confidence to lead the Faculty of Law and Drs.Moersalim entrusted to lead the Faculty of Economics.
In 1962, Mr.Rusli Generous entrusted to lead for education at the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics and Drs.P.Sitohang led by
Drs.Subki E. Aaron as the secretary of the Faculty. In order to study the completion of a student branch of the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics Unsri these branches, with the approval of the President Unsri, in 1964 held affiliation with the University of Indonesia in Lampung jakarta.Harapan community to have a stand-alone public university can come true. This was proved by diterbitkanya letter Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP), number 195 in 1965 which stated that since the date of 23 September 1965 established the University of Lampung (Unila), which currently has two School of the Faculty of Law and Economics. Kusno Danupoyo which at the time as the Governor / KDH Lampung Province was appointed as presiding officer until Presedium Lampung University in 1966 kedudukanya replaced by a Governor who replace them, namely Hi. Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam. Later confirmed by Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 73 of 1966 regarding the establishment of the University of Lampung.
In 1968, the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Teachers' Training College) Jakarta branch of Cape Coral with the decision of the Directorate General of Higher Education No. 1 in 1968, in Unila be integrated into the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Lampung University increasingly developed and developing along with the times.
In 1967 established a new Faculty of Faculty of Agriculture based on the Decree of Presidium Unila Number 756/KPTS/1967, which was then confirmed by a decree of the Minister of education and Culture, No. 0206/01973, so that from the date of March 16, 1973, officially became the Faculty of Agriculture Integral part of Lampung University in the container.
After the establishment of Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering was established by Decree No. 227/KPTS/Pres/1968 Unila Presidium on July 5, 1968. But because of various constraints, this faculty can not continue its existence and by Decree No. 101/B-/11/72, Faculty of Engineering does not accept new students again and some students of the Faculty is channeled to other faculty. In subsequent developments, with the support
Lampung Provincial Government, set up another opening of the Preparatory Committee for the Faculty of Civil Engineering. On January 13, 1978 by the Rector Decree No. Unila 08/KPTS/R/1991 dated July 6, 1991 Faculty of Technology Non-degree status at the turn into the Faculty of Engineering.
In the 1986/1987 Academic Year opens Study Program (PS) PS Sciences Sociology and Government under the auspices of the Faculty of Law. To menkoordinasikan academic implementation, in the form Preparation Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Preparation FISIP). In its development, based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture, No. 0334/0/1995, Preparation FISIP officially become FISIP.
In the 1989/1990 Academic Year opens PS PS Biology and Chemistry under the auspices of the Faculty of Agriculture. To coordinate the implementation of academic, formed Preparation Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Natural Science Foundation). In its development, based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0334/0/1995, officially became the Natural Science Foundation Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
In the year 2002/2003 was opened doctor education programs. Under the Higher Education Decree Number 3195/D/I/2003 Unila licensed Physician Education Program organized the 2002/2003 school year began to accept students currently Unila baru.Dengan Similarly consists of 7 (Seven) faculties, namely Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, Faculty Teacher Training and Education, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences pengatahuan and 1 (one) Medical Education Program.
In 1999 Unila organizing Graduate study program begun by Agro Industry and Technology Master Master of Law, followed by a Masters manajamen and Agronomy in 2000 and Master in Technology Education in 2001.
In 2002 Unila has a graduate program that coordinates and sets the quality standard postgraduate course in Unila. In addition to undergraduate and graduate programs, Diploma programs Unila also organizes.
At first, Unila be 3 (three) locations, namely Roads Hasanudin No. 34; complex road No. 61 General Suprapto Cape Coral; and complex Betung Bay Road Sorong pot. Since the year 1973/1974 has opened campuses in Gedong Meneng Unila and currently all the faculty was already inside the campus.
Between the years 1960 to 1965, Unila headed by a Coordinator. Since the date of December 25, 1965 until May 28, 1973, Unila led by a presidium, chaired by the Provincial Governor of the Province of Lampung. From May 1973 until now, led by a Rector Unila sequentially was as follows:
1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Hi. Sitanala Arsyad (1973-1981)
2. Prof. Dr. R. Margono Slamet (1981-1990)
3. Hi.Alhusniduki Hamim S.E. M.S.c (1990-1998)
4. Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhajir Utomo, M.S.c (1998-2006)
5. Prof. Sugeng P Harianto (2006-present)
In addition to referring to Law No. 2 of 1989 jo Act No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System and Government Regulation No. 60 of 1999 on higher education, University of Lampung in menyelenggrakan programs to statutes Lampung University, established by the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 0432/0/1992 dated 18 November 1992 and updated in 2003 set by the Minister of National Education of Republic of. 182/O/2002 dated October 21, 2002. National education policy which aims to improve the linkage and the equivalence between education and research with the development of national development are also made in the direction.
Another reference is primary issues that became the theme of Indonesian higher education today, namely (1) expansion and the equitable distribution of learning opportunities, (2) increasing relevance, (3) improving the quality of education, (4) increasing efficiency of educational programs contained in the Long-Term Framework for Higher Education (KPTJP) HELTS III and 2003-2010, as the embodiment of a new paradigm of higher education in Indonesia.
1) Oriented to Customer Satisfaction
University of Lampung as an educational service providers put the students as the main Custumor. Decisions of students and parents / guardians of students who have entrusted the education of their children in Unila, became the main orientation of service Unila in utilizing available resources, for the provision of education above all other considerations.
The general public and scientific community in particular is another customer Unila. As a scientific institution, the program puts Unila development of science, technology, and art in a consistent and sustainable as the main program in utilizing resources, so that through research and community service, the results are expected to be useful and satisfactory for the community.
2) rests on the Professional Organization and Management
In this era of globalization and in order to implement the new paradigm of higher education, Unila organization will be developed and refined continuously toward terwujutnya an organization with a professional edge management model, which comes with a software-quality human resources and hardware that utilizes advanced technology, so Unila organization characterized by efficient management, auditable, and accountable in order to increase the quality of graduates, research, and community service.
For systems that have implemented Integrated Quality Management (MMT) MMT Lampung University to apply through the five main principles:
a) Modeling the leadership is the key to success
b) Today must be better than yesterday
c) delays, errors, and defective work mirrors the low quality
d) Eliminate the cause of the error means doing business improvements
3) Form of Sustainable Quality Improvement (Continuous Quality Improvement)
In the frame of winning the competition are more stringent in the era of globalization, seeks Unila consistently and constantly to improve the quality of service in the field of education services to be produced Unila graduates who:
a) Intellectual, spirited Pancasila, and integrate high;
b) Have sufficient competence in their fields;
c) Capable to learn independently in a sustainable manner in order to be ready to enter the professional world of work, and able to compete in meeting the demands of rapid change and development.
Improving the quality of research is also conducted on an ongoing basis in line with the high quality of the lecturers who owned Unila, by increasing the weight meperdalam research, improving products peneliatian regular distribution, both at national and at international level. Research urged to support regional development and in terms of dedication to improving the welfare of society, also continue to be promoted and improved quality.
4) Work Based Planning Top Down - Bottom Up
Within the framework of the implementation of continuous quality improvement, planning is a strategic management tool. Because it Unila will use planning system which was developed by combining the written aspirations of the department / faculty (bottom up) with the policy direction (top down) from the center (the Director General of Higher Education). Thus the work plan embodied a holistic and realistic, which as a whole is directed to achieve maximum efficiency in achieving the goal of increasing the quality of graduates, research, and community service.
5) Work Environment Conducive
Unila has grown and developed into a large organization and advanced, and probably will continue to grow and flourish again. Growth and development of the desired Unila is profitable, orderly, and controlled. For this all academic activities Unila will always attempt to create a working climate conducive to the units in the optimal secar Unila can move in its mission, and can develop their creativity. But also continuously created the system so that all activities of the units in Unila can be effectively controlled.
In this regard all the elements in Lampung University organizations must uphold noble values embodied in the organization, namely:
a) Awareness of the importance of high quality;
b) Any person responsible for quality
c) Repairs must be performed continuously
d) a full understanding of the hard work ethic;
e) Working in the work of intelligent systems
f) Work efficiently and effectively
g) High Discipline
h) Do not look for scapegoats for the mistakes;
i) Climate harmonious work;
Vision of the University of Lampung:
In developing the University of Lampung, in addition to the basic principles guided by the ideals of humanity which is the highest spiritual as listed in the Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945, the University of Lampung is always oriented to the development of science, technology, and art (science and technology), as well as an increase in welfare people. In addition, the development of the University of Lampung is also determined based on an anticipation of the future called 2020 vision of the University of Lampung as follows:
"Being an autonomous university and the quality, excellence in education and research, which is high in the country accredited and known abroad", with the pattern of scientific development is "Development of Dryland Areas in the broad sense."
The mission of the University of Lampung
The mission of the University of Lampung is a manifestation of functions based on roles, and the college principal task of the intellectual life of the nation as a vehicle through the Tri Dharma activities of universities, namely education, research, and community service. With regard to the role and function of the main tasks of this and the vision that was developed, then the University of Lampung as a favor university undergraduate education and research as well as giving priority to quality and service, has the following mission:
a. Tridharma implement a quality college.
b. Establish an atmosphere and culture conducive academic and moral.
c. Adding and maintaining facilities in a sustainable manner.
d. Develop and improve sustainable management system toward efficiency and professionalism.
e. Exploring new sources of funding (non conventional).
The purpose of Lampung University
Philosophy, vision, and mission of the University of Lampung developed a general nature that need to be translated into the following objectives:
1. Education held his undergraduate, graduate, and diploma in various study programs that produce graduates with high quality, competent, and relevant to the world of work, which:
a) Produce graduates (HR) in different types and levels of courses of study, qualified, believe and do right, very competitive, independent and cultured.
b) Produce a quality science and technology findings, through basic and applied research, which supports the development and relevant to community needs, particularly in the development of dryland regions and industries.
c) the practice of science and technology in order to improve the welfare of the community and enrich the local and national culture.
d) float the atmosphere and culture conducive academic, dynamic, and democratic environment Unila.
e) Improving and developing infrastructure facilities and means of education, research, and dedication; and information systems and communications
f) Develop a system of raising funds through utilization of expertise and facilities belonging to Unila, which can ensure the sustainability of the implementation of the program and the welfare of the citizens Unila.
g) Promote and develop cooperation symmetrical and synergistic with government agencies / private sector at home and abroad that can support performance improvement Unila.
2. Carry out basic research for the development of science and art, as well as tarapan research for the development of relevant technologies to support national development in pengembanganya umumya and industry in particular.
3. Carry out community service activities in order to practice the science and technology science by initiating and participating in development activities in disadvantaged areas in particular pad, as well as providing the best service to the community in the provision of management consulting, information science, technology packages, and so on.
4. Develop and nurture the life of the academic community (scientific) and dynamic sound that is supported by a scientific culture that upholds truth, open, critical, responsible, creative / innovative, and responsive to changing national and global level.
5. Establish institutional cooperation and taking the symmetrical mutually beneficial relationships with governments, the world of work (industry), and higher education institutions, both at home and abroad.
6. Improve performance in all aspects of the mission of the University of Lampung in order to achieve an accredited university high and known internationally.
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees is a forum to bridge the community with Unila.
Membership of the Board of Trustees consists of:
a. Honorary members, which consist of Level I Muspida Lampung Province, Regents, Mayors Associate, and other leading officials.
b. Ordinary members consisting of community leaders who are paying attention to the education, development, and development Unila, as well as alumni Unila that are not served as a lecturer in Unila.
Lampung University Senate
The Senate is the supreme representative body of normative and at the University of Lampung.
Unila Senate membership consists of:
a. Rector
b. The Vice Rector
c. The Dean
d. The Professors, including Professor of extraordinary
e. The Lecturer faculty representatives (2 people each faculty).
Unila Senate chaired by the Rector who was accompanied by a Secretary, in carrying out its duties, the Senate Unila assisted by some of the commission established.
Leadership of the University of Lampung
Unila leadership consists of the Rector and Vice Rector.
Unila is the assistant rector of the Minister of National Education in the areas of duties and obligations as head Unila, namely:
a) Leading universities such as outlined by the minister and academic society in order to foster efficient and effective.
b) Determine policies for the implementation of education and teaching, research, and community service in Unila in accordance with the general policy of the government (Ministry of Education and Director General of Higher Education) and by decision of the Senate Unila
c) Establishing and implementing cooperation with agencies, private agencies, and communities to solve problems that arise in areas of responsibility related to the Rector.
In carrying out everyday tasks, Rector Unila assisted by four Vice Chancellor who is subordinate and accountable to the Rector.
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs (Vice Rector I / PR I)
Vice Rector I Rector assists in leading the implementation and develop education, research, and community service.
Vice Rector for Public Administration (Vice Rector II / PR II)
Vice Rector II assists the Rector in leading the implementation and develop the field of public administration and finance, and seek maintenance, repairs, and the development of facilities and infrastructure owned by Unila and also regulates pemanfaatanya.
Vice Rector for Student Affairs (Vice Rector III / III PR)
Vice Rector III assists the Rector in leading the implementation and develop the field of student affairs, including student guidance and welfare services, as well as relationships with alumni.
Vice Rector for Planning, Information systems and Cooperation (Vice Chancellor IV / PR IV)
Vice Chancellor IV assists the Rector in leading the implementation and development of the areas of planning, information systems, and cooperation between Unila with other parties, both domestically and abroad.
Implementation of the Administrative
In tingakat University, the administration of academic and general administration conducted by the bureaus, which is an element of leadership. Administrative bureau in Unila is Academic Administration Bureau, Student Affairs, Planning, and The information systems (BAAKPSI) and the Bureau of Public Administration and Finance (BAUK)
Bureau of Academic Administration, Student Affairs, Planning, and The information systems (BAAKPSI)
BAAKPSI is the servant leadership of Unila field of academic administration, student affairs, planning, and information systems, which are under and responsible to the Rector and everyday pembinaanya done by the Rector (who menyagkut academic administration, planning, and information systems) by the auxiliary Rector III (concerning the administration of student affairs), by the Rector assistant IV (concerning Perncanaan and information systems).
Bureau of Public Administration and Finance (BAUK)
BAUK is the servant leadership of Unila in the field of public administration and finance which is subordinate and accountable to the Rector and everyday Unila pembinaanya done by the Rector II
Implementation of the Academic
Implementing elements of academic at the University of Lampung composed of faculty and institutions
Academic faculty is implementing elements that perform some basic tasks and functions Unila under Rector. The principal tasks is to coordinate and faculty / academic education and professional conduct set of branches of science, technology, and arts.
In the academic year 2003/2004, Lampung University consists of 7 (seven) faculty, and one program that is:
(1) Faculty of Economics (FE)
(2) Faculty of Law (FH)
(3) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling)
(4) Faculty of Agriculture (FP)
(5) Faculty of Engineering (FT)
(6) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Social)
(7) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Natural Sciences)
(8) Faculty of Education Studies Doctor (PSPD)
Led by the Dean of Faculty and Program led by the Chairman of the Program Rektor.Dalam directly responsible to carry out day-to-day, Dean is assisted by 3 (three) Assistant Dean, namely:
(1) Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs (WW I)
(2) Assistant Dean for Public Administration (WW II)
(3) Assistant Dean for Student Affairs (PD III)
Research Institute
Research Institute (LP) is implementing an academic element to implement part of the basic tasks and functions Unila field of research under the Rector. Unila research institute headed by a Chairman who is responsible directly to the Rector. In carrying out the task, LP Chairman Unila assisted by a Secretary.
Research Center to coordinate Unila / Research / Sentra, namely:
(1) Center for Environmental Research (PPL)
(2) Research Center for Development of Dryland Areas (PPPWLK)
(3) Research Center for Cultural Lampung (PPBL)
(4) Center for Coastal and Marine Research (first aid)
(5) Sentra Promptek
(6) Center for Intellectual Property Rights
Task Unila Research Institute is coordinating, monitoring, and assessing the implementation of research activities, and participating foster, promote, and control the administration of necessary resources.
This institution is an element of implementing an academic in the field of research, namely the second of Tri Dharma dharma Universities, Research Institutions has the function of coordination, administration, documentation, and development in the field of research.
Coordination functions include: allocation, implementation, monitoring, research, and control of all research dilasksanakan on the faculty, department, laborarorium, and also by the research team at the Institute. To optimize the available resources and the orderly administration responsibly is the purpose of administrative functions. The goal function is to collect information and documentation disseminate research results to benefit the community especially the academic community, and reduce the possibility of duplication of research.
Institute for Community Service
Institute for Community Service (LPM) is the element of implementing academic Unila who carry out most basic tasks and functions Unila in the field of community service under the Rector. LPM Unila chaired by the Chairman who is responsible directly kepad Rector. In carrying out the duties, the Chairman LPM Unila assisted by a Secretary.
Institute for Community Services to coordinate Unila Activity Center Services are:
(1) Center for Regional Development Activities
(2) Center for Entrepreneurial Activities.
This institution is an element of implementing penelengaraan community service activities. Community service is the third dharma of the dharma tri Higher Education in an effort to harness science, technology, and arts and to increase public welfare. LPM has the function of administration, coordination, cooperation, and development of the field of community service programs that will get the order and dayaguna high.
Personnel / Academic
Educational staff at the University of Lampung composed of faculty and academic support personnel.
Lecturer is a person who by education and keahlianya appointed by the University of Lampung with the main task of teaching in Unila, so called lecturers Unila. Lecturer Unila consist of regular faculty, outstanding faculty and guest lecturers. Bias is a lecturer and lecturer who was appointed as a permanent lecturer in ditetempatkan Unila. External bias is a lecturer lecturers who teach in Unila but not tenured faculty Unila. Guest lecturer is someone who was invited and was appointed lecturer in Unila for a certain period.
The number of faculty in Academic Year 2001/2002 Unila as many 860 people spread across seven faculties. Lecturer Unila always enhanced his qualifications to achieve a higher level. Until the 2005/2006 Academic Year, the distribution of tenured faculty with Qualification Unila S1, S2, and S3.
Implementing Education: Faculty, Department, and the Laboratory / Workshop / Studio
Is an element of academic faculty executive that organizes academic activities and / or professionals in a group of disciplines, technologies, and / or particular art. Faculty is headed by a dean.
Each Faculty has the majors or the equivalent department, which is an element of implementing academic conducting academic and / or professionals in part or whole branch of science, technology, and / or particular art.
Administrative Office of the Central
Central Administration Office is the administrative center of the academic activities of Lampung University. This building was used as the office of Rector, Vice Rector I, II Rector, Vice Rector III, and IV Provost. In addition the building was used also for the Office of Research; kepad Community Services Agency; UPT Computer Center; and UPT Garden Experiment. Both the Bureau of BAAKPSI and BAUK also based here.
Administrative Office of Faculty and Programs
In the Academic Year 2003/2004 Lampung University has seven faculties and a physician education program. At each faculty there is an office building occupied by the Dean., Assistant Dean, Assistant Dean II, III Assistant Dean, Head of the Faculty of Administration, Employee-Employee other. At this office held academic and student affairs administration and general administration. In addition to the administrative office of the faculty, there is also a major office as a place to carry out the task of guiding Lecturer students and administrative activities at the department level.
Lecture Room, Laboratory / Studio, Workshop
At each faculty there are many different buildings with different functions, such as lecture halls, laboratories / studios, and in particular the faculty there as in the Faculty of Engineering Workshop. In some particular lecture hall equipped with educational facilities include overhead projector, white board white boards, and chairs arranged in a good college to assist the learning process that is progressing well. The practice of student places include laboratory / studio and a workshop equipped with adequate equipment in accordance with their respective fields of study.
UPT Library
Means of supporting teaching and learning activities is absolutely required by each university as well as libraries. Various titles of books in various fields of science, and with a sufficient number of exemplar, libraries serve students, faculty, and staff to get sesusai reading books with their respective disciplines. Library with a magnificent building and a relatively adequate equipment is expected to serve the users with the best. Titles of books in library collections Unila today is 64,918, with details of the IPA / pure 9512, IPS 25 080, 2219 Religion, General 3187, Philosophy 1068, 1390 Language, Practical Science / Technology 18 082, Arts, Entertainment, Sports 1375, Kesusteraan 1165, History, Geography, and Earth Sciences 1840. Journal sebanayak 1016 title with a number of 1911 copies, as many as 2264 magazine titles with a number of 3499 copies, CD-ROM collection of 31 titles by the number of 74 copies, and a collection of thesis / scientific papers Students sebanayak 16 848 16 848 titles by the number of copies.
UPT Computer Center
Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Computer Center works to help service the university's activities include the administration of academic and general administration. In the field of academic administration, UPT Computer center held his academic administrative activities include student academic registration, processing grades, and the various activities associated with the administration of students and lecturers. In the field of public administrsi, helping data processing personnel, finance, general administsrsi, and various other activities.
In the field of finance, UPT Computer Center include processing payroll data, and in other fields also administrsi staffing process.
UPT Hall of Languages
Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) hall language with a relatively adequate court trying to improve English language skills, especially for faculty, students, and the general public. In an effort to improve the public service in English language acquisition, UPT Balai Bahasa improve the quality of facilities and infrastructure, such as representative space and equipment adequate language laboratory.
UPT Garden Experiment
University of Lampung has a land area of 72.5 ha experimental orchard, which is used as a student and lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture conduct research. Experimental garden is located in the Village Tanjungan, South Lampung Regency. In addition, the local government of Lampung also donated the land area of about 100 ha in West Lampung.
Education Services Unit
Educational Service Unit is the technical implementation unit to develop the main functions of the media and education facilities to obtain the effectiveness of teaching and learning process through the development of learning systems. Educational service unit also serves as a training to improve teaching skills for lecturers and students, especially students of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. In this Education Services Unit of the educational media users are trained to use educational tools.
General Course (MKU) is coordinated by the UPT pepalayanan MKU groups that coordinate education and career coaching implement the lecturers MKU. Day-to-day I scouted by the provost, and is currently based together in a building with UPT Language Center.
UPT Sports Facilities
Sports Facilities UPT UPT is the coordinate of sports facilities including regulating the use and pemeliharaanya. With the Unit is expected to sport on campus, especially for students can run optimally.
UPT Employment Network Center
Technical Services Unit Employment Network Center tasked to assist the alumni / graduates Unila to get the job done quickly and accurately in accordance with the field. CHD Unit conducted training on job search tips. With the Unit is expected to bridge between job seekers (graduates) with the users of labor / industrial world.
Printing and Publishing Unit
Implementing units of Printing and Publishing Technical University of Lampung occupies the ground floor of a building, together with the UPT library. The unit is in charge of printing books and various other molds, primarily to serve the needs of the University of Lampung including the faculties. Also order the same books are written by lecturers at Lampung University
Multipurpose Building (GSG) is quite magnificent as the name suggests, is used in a variety of activities, including public lectures, graduation activities, sports, and other activities primarily by students of the University of Lampung.
In addition, this building is also authorized for use by other educational institutions and even the general public can also use it with certain requirements.
Building Student Activity Center (PKM)
Student Activity Center building used for the intra-university students in organizing both technology and art. In this building there Lampung University Office of Student Council, Boy Scouts, Students' Cooperative, and the regiment. A variety of arts activities and exhibitions, such as philately was held in this building.
Sports Turf
To nurture students in the field of sports, different sports have been held Unila faslitas. The sports facilities include: swimming pool, soccer field, tennis courts, volleyball, field hockey, judo has even hermitage stands majestically as well. Sports facilities that already exist is expected to be produced athletes who excel nationally and internationally.
Post Office
Lampung University has students from various regions, the existence of the post office because it helps students in touch with his family. In addition it also realized that the University of Lampung and consequently the greater the need of postal services. Therefore given priority to the post office building in the campus environment.
BNI Branch Office Unila
Bank services are needed by the Lampung University campus and the community. BNI therefore allowed to open branch offices on campus Unila. The bank needed to facilitate good financial traffic for Unila, faculty, and students.
Pensions Guest
Unila have the guest house is the inn for professors, or the people especially those associated with the University of Lampung. Guesthouse is mainly used for menamapung lecturers from other universities who conduct activities at the University of Lampung, including seminars, lokarya, as well as other activities. This guest house can also be used by others in need.
As a container for practice in the field of business for students, Students' Cooperative is located in Building Student Activities is very helpful for students to meet college needs, among other books, photocopying services, computer rental, and various other needs. In addition to student cooperatives, the cooperative KPN Bina Dharma Lampung University officials also opened a store to serve the needs of employees and students. In the store served the various needs of employees and their families. In addition, the student needs sperti photocopying services, telephone kiosks, and other needs.
Cafeteria and canteen
To assist the purposes of lunches for students and employees, Dharma Wanita Lampung University to open a cafeteria and canteen are located in Building Student Activities Center. Cafeteria and canteen was opened for the purpose, among others, help meet the nutrition at an affordable price so they do not have much left the job.
Masjid Al-Wasi'i
The building is magnificent and spacious mosque was founded on the campus of the University of Lampung is intended to improve the spiritual guidance to the community college that is lecturers, students, and surrounding communities.
The mosque is run by the faculty, students, and employees. Various religious activities are aimed at both academic society and the general public can be implemented.
Dharma Wanita Lampung University in one of their activities kindergarten establish Dharma Wanita Lampung University. Kindergartens, in addition to accommodating the children of professors, and employees of the University of Lampung can join the nation.
Parking lot
With the number of employees and students are quite a lot, the parking requirement is required by the University of Lampung. Secure parking with an atmosphere that is protected by trees are readily available in various units. Special motorcycle parking is provided separately to maintain security, order, and smoothness and lints campus.
Transportation to Campus University of Lampung
University of Lampung can be reached easily with a variety of public transportation, either bus, taxi or private vehicles. Adjoining the campus of the University of Lampung, there is a bus terminal Rajabasa parent, so using public transport in the city, Lampung University campus can be reached quickly.
Development of student affairs is one part of the sub-systems of higher education and not in spite of public policy education system.
Student development is an important national task because the student as a human resource is a vital and Strategic potentials. Kemahasiwaan development done in harmony with the coaching and development of Indonesia's young generation.
Based on the Education Minister Decree No. 155/O/1998 concerning General Guidelines on Higher Education Student Organizations, student development is a vehicle and means to shape students into a spirited man Pancasila, responsible, independent, and mapu fill the nation's independence. Development of student life is dilaksnakan through extracurricular activities.
Development of student affairs at the University of Lampung is the responsibility of the entire academic community, which is done in a systematic order that contains a series of comprehensive training programs, focused and integrated way and lasts secar continuously, which applies both to mahsiswa Bachelor, Diploma, or Postgraduate.
Student Organizations
At the university level
1. Student Executive Body (BEM) KBM 22. SMEs Bridge
2. Student Senate KBM 23. Table Tennis SMEs
3 SMEs regiment 24. SMEs Tennis
4. SMEs Scout 25. SMEs Football
5. SMEs KRS-PMI 26. SMEs Athletics
6. SMEs Mapala 27. SMEs Judo
7. SMEs Philately 28. SMEs Tae Kwondo
8. UKPM Teknokra 29. SMEs Karate
9. SMEs Kopma 30. SMEs Kempo
10. SME-BS 31. SMEs Tarung Drajad
11. SMEs ZOOM 32. SMEs Pencak Silat
12. SMEs Birohma 33. SMEs Fencing
13. Protestant Christian SMEs 34. SMEs Radio Campus
14. SMEs Hindu 35. SMEs linguistic
15. SMEs Buddha 36. SME Research
16. SMEs Basketball 37. SME Student Choir
17. Badminton SMEs
18. SMEs Volley Ball
19. SMEs Soft Ball
20. SMEs Chess
21. SME Centre
At the Faculty Level
A. Faculty of Economics
1. Student Executive Body (BEM) 7. UPT KSPM
2. BC Student Senate 8. UPT PILLAR
3 HMJ Management 9. UPT MAHEPEL
4. HMJ Accounting 10. UPT EEC
5. HMJ Development 11. HMP D3 COOPERATIVE
6. UPT Rois
B. Faculty of Law
1. Students Faculty Executive Board. (BEMF) 8. International Unit
2. Student Senate Faculty (SMF) 9. UPT MAHUSA
3 HIMA Criminal 10. UPT PORMAH
4. HIMA Civil Code 11. UPT FOSSI
5. HIMA State Administration 12. HMP PSBH
6. HIMA State Administration 13. UPT LEC
7 .. Witness the LMP Unit
C. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
1. Agency Ex. Mhs Fak. (BEMF) 10 .. HIMAP B. Areas of Lampung
2. UPT FPPI 11. HIMAP Physics
Unit 3 SCC 12. HIMAP Biology
4. UPT PMPA ORAT 13. HIMAP Chemistry
5. HIMA PCH (Civics) 14. HIMAP Mathematics
6. HIMAP Economics 15. HIMAP Guidance and Counselling
7 .. HIMAP History 16. HIMAP PE
8. HIMAP Indonesian Language and Literature 17. HIMAP PGSD
9. HIMAP English 18. French HIMAP
D. Faculty of Agriculture
1. Agency Ex. Mhs Fak. (BEMF) 10 .. GAMATALA
2. Student Senate Faculty (SMF) 11. HMJ THP
4. LPM UPTM Agrispektro 13. HIMA D3 Pnylhn Agriculture
5. UPTM Clots 14. HIMA Plant Protection
6. UPTM LS EYES 15. HIMA Ranch
7 .. HIMADITA 16. HIMA Sylva
E. Faculty of Engineering
1. Students Faculty Executive Board. (BEMF) 7. HMJ Mechanical Engineering
2. Student Senate Faculty (SMF) 8. HMJ Chemical Engineering
Graphic Design Unit 3 Club 9. HMJ S1 Civil Engineering
4. UPT Forum Gathering 10. HMJ D3 Civil Engineering
5. Cremona Unit 11. HMJ Survey Mapping
6. HMJ Electrical Engineering 12. HMJ Landscape Architecture
F. Faculty of Law
1. Agency Ex. Mhs. Fac. (BEMF) 8. HMJ Sociology
2. Student Senate Faculty (SMF) 9. HMPSI Communications
Unit 3 Wise 10. HMPSI Admnistrasi Commerce
4. Unit Horizon 11. HMPSI State Administration
5. UPT Republica 12. HMP Diploma in Public Relations
6. UPT FSPI 13. HMPD Pusdokinfo
7 .. HMJ IP
G. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
1. Agency Ex. Mhs. Fac. (BEMF) 5. HM Biology
2. Student Senate Faculty (SMF) 6. HM Physics
3 UPT Spiritual Islam 7. HM Chemical
4. Natural Unit 8. HM Mathematics
H. Medical Education Study Program
1. Institute of Medicine Kemahasiswa
Student Development
Fulfilling the primary students, which includes the need to develop reasoning, interests, (talents and passions), information, and welfare, then the four kinds of services provided (reasoning, interests, talents, and welfare), which is accompanied by coaching and development.
Field of Reasoning
Coaching and development of student affairs in the field of reasoning ektrakulikuler activities intended to improve the quality of students, so as a human being has the academic high reasoning power, responsive to a variety of symptoms and events that emerged as the reality around him, could argue rationally and objectively, and is receptive to the opinions of people other. Also as a potential scholar, master of science, technology and art with a multi-dimensional insights.
This type of coaching and development of student reasoning field includes the following activities:
a) Competition Student Achievement
b) Student Writing Competition (LKTM)
c) Student Creativity Program (PKM)
d) Student Management Skills Training (LKMM)
e) Seminars, Discussion, Symposium, Stadium Generale, and so on.
Field of Interest, Talent, and the predilection
Coaching and development of student affairs field of interests, talents, and passions carried out by providing extra-curricular services that include sports, arts, and special interest or hobby, whether they are routine and incidental. Routine activities carried out periodically on a regular schedule, whereas that is not incidental performed scheduled and tailored to the circumstances.
(1) Sports
Sports coaching students at the university level carried out by SMEs in sports. In Unila there are 16 SMEs, which include: football, volley ball, basket ball, soft ball, tennis court, table tennis, judo, karate and martial arts, athletics, fencing, bridge, badminton, chess, and swimming, every two Sports Week was held in the National Mahsiswa (POMNAS).
(2) Arts
Interests and talents of art students developed through Student Activity Unit (UKM) in art or SME-BS.UKM-BS and Student Choir (PSM). Unila have several activities: traditional dance, creative dance, theater, modern dance, Kine club, poetry, music kotemporer, and painting, fostering community participation choirs, folk song, and sound art. Held every two years National Student Art Week (Peksiminas).
(3) Other Penchant
In addition to sports & the arts, talents and passions mahsiswa also directed and accommodated in a suitable container SMEs, such as:
a) SMEs Regiment Unit Student Raden Intan Unila
b) SMEs Scouts G 525 - G 526
c) SMEs KSR-PMI (Indonesian Red Cross Volunteer Corps)
d) UKPM (Student Publishing Unit activities) Teknokra
e) SME Nature Lovers (Mapala)
f) SMEs philately (stamp enthusiasts and postage)
g) SME Rakanila (Radio Student Campus)
h) SME Research
Student Services and Welfare Field
In order to improve the welfare of students, Unila provide a wide range of service activities, the implementation is coordinated with the units of the organization. Student welfare services include:
(1) Mental and Spiritual Guidance
As we care Lampung University Leadership in the mental and spiritual formation of students is by providing greater opportunities to students to carry out religious activities, by first made a proposal for action to the PR III, and religious discussions.
Religious facilities and infrastructure are always on the increase according to the abilities and needs that exist, such as Campus Mosque of Al 'Wasi'i.
This mosque caretaker nurture students through spiritual guidance of students (Birohma).
For students faiths other than Islam, religious activities such as Christmas, Easter, Nyepi Day and Vesak Day celebrations held by the committee formed by SMEs is concerned, such as SMEs Christian, Hindu SMEs, and SMEs Buddha.
(2) Cooperative Students (Kopma)
One of the extracurricular activities of students in welfare to support the professionalization of the Student Cooperative (Kopma). Kopma Unila is a form of student participation in the development and begun and cooperatives. Kopma incorporated on February 27, 1982 and ratified as a legal entity by the municipality of Bandar Lampung Kandep Cooperative Number 506/13H/7/83 dated May 25, 1983.
Besides functioning in the service of its members, Kopma also become a member to facilitate the channeling of creativity in a variety of productive activities and events
pengembangkan profession. Kopma Unila membership consists of ordinary members of all students enrolled Unila, outstanding members of Kopma members who no longer existed as a student but still participate in Kopma, and honorary members are determined by the board Kopma with SK. Business services include Kopma Unila exchange student who provides stationery, daily necessities, bookstore units, unit copy, bindery services units, rental units (rental) computers, and the unit of savings and loans.
(3) Scholarship
Each year scholarships Unila channel from 44 sponsors / donors to students who meet the requirements as specified by the giver. In general, this scholarship aims to assist both the academic achievement of scholarship, but the economy's parents / guardians of students is a relatively weak until the year 2003/2004 there were 2804 ± scholarship recipients.
Procedure: Students applying for scholarships to the Chancellor through the Dean of each faculty with the attached conditions are required. Vice Rector III selecting administratively, then the final results submitted to the scholarship givers who were followed until the disbursement of funds.
(4) Accident Insurance
In an effort to ease the burden on students, Unila cooperation with PT Jasa Raharja provide accident insurance services to students. Unila all students are required to pay a premium at the time of payment of applicable fees within one academic year.
In the event of an accident on the student, the parent / guardian can file the claim to the Rector. Vice Rector III will submit the claim to PT Jasa Raharja by attaching a certificate of accident and claim form supplied by PT Jasa Raharja. Kecelekaan insurance is valid for 24 hours.
(5) Health Clinic
Student welfare services in health maintenance jasmanai diwujutkan by Unila in the form of provision of student health clinic. This clinic was located in the building Unila Student Activity Center, which opened four days a week. In addition to serving the faculty, staff, and families. Polyclinic student health is led by doctors and nurses from the health department city of Bandar Lampung. And supported by a number of physicians of physician education programs Unila and assisted by administrative staff of the student affairs staff. Operational costs charged to the fund polyclinics SPP / DPP Unila.
(6) Student Achievement (Mawapres)
Based on instructions from the Directorate General of Higher Education, held every year in the selection of outstanding students Unila (Mawapres). Mawapres election is one of efforts to improve and complement the learning process, so that a conducive atmosphere expected to arise and be aware of the task of filling the mission of Tri Dharma development of Higher Education. In addition, it also aims to stimulate a healthy competition among students to achieve the best performance.
Each faculty in the compulsory sends its best students to the university competed in tingakat. Berprestsi student selection criteria include: (1) Academic Achievement, (2) Scientific Writing, (3) Presentation of Papers, (4) English, the best performing students who are selected will represent mahsiswa Lampung University in order to celebrate the National Education and culminating in anniversary of the independence of Indonesia on 17 August in Jakarta.
Agency familial
Pembina Foundation Lampung universities
Unila builder Foundation inaugurated its founding on February 26, 1997, the primary aim of fostering Unila and separately develop the faculties of science, technology, and culture to support national and regional development, and improve family welfare Unila in the broadest sense.
To achieve these objectives, the Foundation Trustees Unila collect funds from various sources are legitimate and are not binding, the government contribution, the philanthropist who is not binding, will grants from individuals or other entities, the profit results of operations, and other-other.
Business activities and development carried out, among others: (a) Providing education Nursery Schools (in collaboration with the Dharma Wanita) and public high schools, (b) provide loan assistance for faculty and staff, tuition assistance for teachers who take part in education graduate, and provide housing for faculty and staff in collaboration with the BTN, and (c) assist Unila provide a vehicle for faculty leadership.
In addition to the Governing Body, the Foundation Trustees Unila also equipped with a Supervisory Board which oversees all Board actions and administrative foundation.
Lampung University Cooperative
Unila cooperative is an organization of productive economic activity that is mutual cooperation for sluruh faculty and staff. Cooperative Unila at the central level and in the faculties. Although Unila cooperative membership is voluntary, but almost the entire faculty and staff Unila become cooperative members.
Cooperative management between the democratically elected members. Meeting of Members (RAT) is held every year.
Capital comes entirely from member cooperatives. Cooperative efforts that are currently implemented are lending (credit) for members of low interest and shops.
Officer Corps of the Republic of Indonesia (KORPRI)
Officer Corps of the Republic of Indonesia (Korpri) is a non official capacity only be a forum to gather and develop all employees of Republic of Indonesia. In uumum Korpri establishment aims to enhance the struggle, devotion, and loyalty to the ideals of the struggle of Nations and the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and 1945 Constitution.
In connection with these objectives, the program emphasizes Korpri Unila their activities in the consolidated organization and cadre members; pembianaan members to be more efficient and effective, fostering a sense of unity and character of unity (familial); coaching attitude better serve the community, sensitive and responsive to the aspirations the community.
Dharma Wanita Unit Unila
Dharma Wanita is an organization of wives of the Republic of Indonesia officials and employees of State-Owned Enterprises. Dharma Wanita Unila is one unit of Dharma Wanita in Lampung province. Sealanjutnya, in every faculty and Unila headquarters, formed sub-units Wnita Dharma.
The establishment of the organization Dharma Wanita is intended to be a container mentoring and coaching its members in order to: (1) foster and develop a sense of unity and oneness, a sense of common fate and sepenangguangan, and sperjuangan, (2) improve the infrastructure of its members for successful national development, and (3) held education for its members to increase awareness and responsibility of society, the nation and state.
Dharma Wanita Unit Unila activities include the areas of: (a) The organization that governs the administration of members, meetings, and making the work program; (b) the conduct of mental wellbeing, religious and social activities, (c) carry out educational tingakat courses, lectures and manages kindergarten campuses Unila environment, (d) emlaksanakan economic activities that generate funds, such as catering, guest house Unila and so on.
Families Alumni Association (IKA) Unila
Families Alumni Association (IKA) is a single forum to bring together graduates of the University of Lampung who amicably do dharma devotion to the nation and the state, fostering a sense of kinship between alumni and the academic community.
In addition to strengthen the family, the organization IKA Unila intended as:
a) Forum to exchange ideas, opinions, and experiences on an issue of higher education in particular, and the results contributed to the development Unila.
b) Containers alumni to help distribute and put alumni Unila in Field Work. To achieve these objectives, among others Unila IKA publishes newsletters as a means of communication between alumni.
IKA Unila stewardship consists of the Executive alma mater in Bandar Lampung and the Regional Board scattered throughout Indonesia. Regional Board approved a regional meetings attended by the Executive
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