PTPG Tondano underwent several changes: at first to be FKIP Hasanuddin University of Makassar, then turned into FKIP Unhas Tondano in Manado, FKIP Unsulutteng, IKIP Yogyakarta Branch Manado, Manado and the latter being a stand-alone IKIP based PTIP Decree No. 38 dated March 8 1965 in conjunction with Presidential Decree Number 275 Year 1965 dated 14 September 1965. On 13 September 2000, converted into IKIP Manado Manado State University based on the Decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 127 of 2000 and inaugurated by the Minister of National Education Republic of Indonesia Mr. Yahya Muhaimin on October 14, 2000. Based on Presidential Decree No. 127 of 2000, State University of Manado (UNIMA), which is now chaired by the Rector Prof.. Dr. Philoteus EA. Tuerah, M. Si, DEA, has a dual function, ie in addition to creating experts and professionals in the field of education, creating experts and professionals in the field of non-educational.
Address: Campus State University of Manado, Tondano 95 618, North Sulawesi.
Telephone: (0431) 321845, 321 846, 321 847.
Fax.: (0431) 321 866.
E-mail: unima1955@yahoo.co.id
UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MANADO known as UNIMA, is located and has its registered office and bussiness address at Kampus UNIMA di Tondano 95618, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Represented by its Rector, Professor Philotheus TUERAH
PAUL CEZANNE UNIVERSITY, AIX MARSEILLE III, which is a public university, depending on the French Ministry of Education (hereinafter reffered to as UPCAM) having its address 3, avenue Robert Schuman, 13628 Aix En Provence cedex,
Represented by its President, Professor Marc PENA,
In reference to the agreement proposed to the board of the University, 2010.
UNIMA and UPCAM are willing to cooperate in order to offer the master program in Public Management with speciality "Economic Intelligence and Regional Competitiveness" at UNIMA's campus in Tondano.
UPCAM will provide some services: Participation in the selection procedure of candidates; Teaching the courses of the specialty in Economic Intelligence and Regional Competitiveness, which consist in 100 hours face to face courses ob the principal Campuses UNIMA;
Tutoring individually, on and off site each student;
Providing a list of necessary means for adequate teaching;
Providing all documents necessary for a good teaching, on paper or digital format;
Providing academic support for operating the said Program;
Ratify the abilities of Indonesia lecturers involved in this program; Lecturers from UPCAM will also conduct training/conferences/seminars for the UNIMA lecturers and students training/conferences/seminars will be scheduled in accordance with both parties.
Curriculum of Master in Competitive Intelligence
Core Course (UNIMA to be finalized later):
1. Fundamental of ICT
2. Enterpreneurship
3. Knowledge Managenent
4. Research Methodology
5. Competitive Strategy
6. International Macroeconomy
Specialized Course (UPCAM):
1. Concept of CI
2. Intellectual Property, Brain Mapping & Inonovation - Intellectual Property
3. Automatic Information Analyses & Dissemination
4. Approaches in Creating Competitive Intelligence Unit in Organizations
Research Project I & II (UNIMA & UPCAM)
Total Credit hours for program: 40 credit hours/100hours of face to face course in principal campus of UNIMA.
Each core and specialized courses is 3 credit hours or 120 learning hours.
Mode of Pedagogy by UNIMA and UPCAM: self-manageg learning, on-line learning, face to face seminar (15 hours for UNIMA subjects & 20 hours for UPCAM)
or Responsible, Prof. Dr. M. I. J. Umboh, DEA
as defined.
as defined.
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