Mandate, Vision and Mission
Principal Scientific pattern adopted UNIPA is "Conservation of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources" with the motto "Science For Humanity".
The pattern of basic scientific and reflects the motto UNIPA UNIPA commitment to education programs based on agriculture and natural resources not only pay attention to quality, productivity, stability and evenness but also sustainability.
These commitments will animate the whole stages of development UNIPA forward. UNIPA believe that the main problem facing humanity is poverty, hunger and underdevelopment which is a causal relationship Knotted on ignorance. UNIPA task ahead is to open the node and improve the quality of a causal link to the adequacy of life in the shape of welfare stem from the actions of knowledgeable business. This mandate is carried by UNIPA for a period of development of the next 10 years. This mandate will be outlined in the implementation of a quality higher education in science competencies relevant to the demands of society and the environment and address the challenges of globalization. This brings the logical consequence for UNIPA to base and align the entire management policy and academic institutions to national development policy in general and the national education policy in particular as well as specific regional development policies in Papua.
Some legislation is the reference translation into policy development mandate UNIPA past 10 years into the future are:
Act of 1945; 1.
Act - Act No.: 20 Year 2003 regarding National Education System; 2.
RI Law No. 32 of 2004, about pemeritahan Region 3.
RI Law No. 33 of 2004, on Financial Balance between 4. National and Local;
RI Law No. 21 of 2001, regarding Special Autonomy for the Province 5. Papua;
Act No. 14 of 2005, About Teachers and Lecturers, 6.
Government Regulation Number 60 Year 1999 on Higher Education; 7.
Government Regulation No. 61 of 1999, deciding that a University 8. As a Legal Entity.
Ministry of National Education Strategic Plan Year 2005-2009.9.
Framework for Long-Term Higher Education Development IV (10. High Education Long Term Strategy, HELTS 2003-2010).
The mandate will be the basis in determining the legitimacy of the Vision and Mission UNIPA carried during the period of development 10 years into the future.
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