Its founders are: M.S. Djahir (Regent North Maluku), Baharudin Lopa (Head of North Maluku District Attorney), Adnan Amal (District Court Judge Ternate), Mursaha (North Maluku Police Chief Resort), Jasin Mohammed (lecturer IKIP Manado), AK Safar (Head of State High School Ternate), A. S. A. Latif (SGA Chief of State of Ternate), K. Hasan (IKIP students Manado), Ibrahim Abbas (IKIP students Manado), Said Ammary (Copra Fund Head of Maluku and West Irian [DAKOMIB]), Jasin Pockmark (KPS Ternate), Karel Tan (Head of Medical Officer of North Maluku), and Muhammad Nasir (Civil Division General Office of the District of North Moluccas).
UNKHAIR leaders after it was founded is in the form of the Presidium of the identification of the Regent of North Maluku, MS Djahir. Rector A. The second is S.A. Latif, BA (1977-1981), the third Rector dr. Saleh Sahib (1981-1984), the fourth Rector of Drs. H.M. Abdulrahman Yusuf (1984-1998), and Rector of the five were Drs. Rivai Umar, M.Sc. (1998-2004) and 2005-2009.
Under the leadership of the Rector of the period 1984-1998, Drs. H.M. Yusuf Abdulrahman and then proceed with the Rector of the period 1998-2003 Drs. Rivai Umar, M.Sc., UNKHAIR fought to converted into State College (PTN) in line with the formation of North Maluku province, and based on Presidential Decree Number 18 Year 2004 dated March 17, 2004, UNKHAIR changed status to PTN.
Based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education No. 126/O/2004 on Organization and Administration of the University of Khairun, UNKHAIR fostering 2 Bureau [Bureau of Public Administration and Finance and Administration Bureau of Academic, Student Affairs, and Information Systems], 1 Institute [Institute for Research and Corporate Society], 4 UPT [UPT Library, Computer Unit, UPT PPL, UPT Course Personality Development], and 7 faculty, each Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Science, Faculty of Letters and Culture, and Faculty of Engineering. In the seven faculty, there are 25 Study Program, the Legal Studies Program, Economic Development, Management, Mathematics Education, Physical Education, Biology Education, English Education, Education Indonesian Language and Literature, and Moral Pancasila and Citizenship Education, Diploma Program II Primary School Teacher Education, Agronomy, Soil Science, Agricultural Technology, Animal Production, Management of Aquatic Resources, Marine Sciences, Budi Aquatic Resources, Fisheries Resource Management, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Architecture, Literature Indonesia, English Literature , and the History of Science.
Since 1984, has demonstrated its ability UNKHAIR developed, proven in several respects. First, UNKHAIR able to set up its own campus, adding additional classrooms, providing a means of learning such as basic laboratory and development, computer labs, and set up study centers with a variety of research activities. Second, since 1988 until 2006, UNKHAIR continually send lecturers to the study of S2 and S3. Until 2007, from 412 people who owned lecturer, holds a Bachelor of 286 people (70.4%), 112 people holds a Master's Degree (27.6%), 8 person holds a Doctorate (1.9%), and 1 person Professors. In the amount of 412 professors, 99 people were studies S2, and S3 are 9 people, both within and outside the country. Meanwhile, educational personnel (technicians, librarians, and laboratory) amounted to 127 people. Third, in the last three years, an increasing number of college students significantly, 20.6%. Fourth, most of the lecturers UNKHAIR young age, because it had ample opportunity to be able to develop themselves, especially in improving teaching and research capabilities. In addition, the support of leaders at both the University and the Faculty of sufficient role for institutional development, learning, and faculty development resources.
Until the early years, in 2007, 17 of the 25 study program has been accredited, third-ranked ranked B and 14 C. Meanwhile, eight other study program is in the process of accreditation. In 2007 this too, based on the Decision Selection Center Association of New Admissions (SNCA), University of Khairun has been designated as the Local Organizing Committee in the Regional III SNCA Ternate.
Vision, Mission, and Goals
Excels in the development of science, technology, and arts, and plurality-based islands.
1. Organizing higher education in order to educate and empower the life of the nation and to maintain national integrity.
2. Provide education to produce graduates who are intelligent, moral, ethical, professional, competitive, and have the ability to adapt.
3. Conducting research for the development of science, technology and art that is relevant to the development of the islands and the plurality of resources to meet the demands of regional and national development.
4. Disseminate research results through publications, review the act, and the application of innovative technology on society, especially within the framework of developing the islands and the plurality of resources in a sustainable manner.
5. Organizing activities of the university in a professional manner by upholding morality and legislation in force.
1. Improving the quality of the education process to produce graduates who are immoral, have academic competencies, professional, entrepreneurial ability, and adaptive.
2. Improve the ability of academic and or professional educators and education personnel.
3. Improve internal management performance.
4. Increase their capacity and learning opportunities.
5. Improving the quality of research and community service relevant to the development of coastal and island resources in a sustainable manner.
1.3 Motto
With reference to his vision, set UNKHAIR motto:
Together with the Science Advancement
Institute for Research and Community Service
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Rachmad Baro, SH, M.H.
Secretary: Ir. Lily Isaac, M.Sc.
Address: Campus Akehuda Jl. Babullah Ternate airport
Phone: 0921-23368
LPPM has the task to coordinate, monitor, and assess the implementation of research activities and community service held at research centers and faculties as well as participate shall establish and manage the resources required in the implementation of research activities and preservation to the community. In 2005, research activities and community service as many as 20 titles out of 10 lecturers from seven faculties. In order UNKHAIR research results can be viewed by the public, applying LPPM Research Information System Online.
Expected UNKHAIR will be more commonly used by communities in solving various problems in various fields.
Community service activities undertaken as an effort to coaching and development activities of the practice of science, technology, and arts in meeting the needs of the community directly. In 2005 service activities undertaken by young lecturers involved 10 lecturers with the title comes from the activities of each faculty who choose to (free), while the source of government funding through the University. In order for community service can be recorded and well socialized, it is necessary to create a system of Community Service Information System Online or in accordance with the conditions of North Maluku. LPPM consists of the five centers are:
1. Research Center for Women
2. Center for Environmental Research
3. Research Center for maritime
4. Research Center for Regional Development
5. Center for Community Service
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