The work of this committee is the establishment on 1 April 1963, State University of Jambi which was inaugurated by Minister of PTIP Decree Number 25 Year 1963 dated March 23, 1963. Establishment of the Preparatory Committee for the State University of Jambi and then open two new faculty and the Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Animal Husbandry, so that when inaugurated April 1, 1963, State University of Jambi has four Faculty of Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Animal Husbandry. From then on, April 1, serve as the anniversary date of this University.
In 1966, outgoing President of the Republic of Indonesia Decree No. 148 which establishes the founding of this University by the name of the University of Jambi. But for some and another Presidential decree was not until at Jambi, then for many years until the release of Presidential Decree No. 41 of 1982 the University was named the State University of Jambi. PTIP Ministerial Decree No. 25 of 1963 in addition to setting the founding of the State University of Jambi, set up a Presidium in charge of leading the University of Colonel MJ Singedekane as Governor of Jambi who had been chairman of the Preparatory Committee. Future leadership of the University with the presidium of the system is running from its inception in 1963 until 1977. This system ended with the appointment of Drs. Pack Mohamad Saleh as Acting Rector by the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia
History records the names of the Chairman of the Presidium who has led the university before the change.
1. Colonel M.J. Singedekane, 1963-1966
2. H. A. Manap, 1966-1968
3. R.M. Nur Atmadibrata, 1968-1974
4. Djamaluddin Tambunan, SH 1974-1977
Rector of the University JAMBI WORD SPEECH
Rector and all Civitas Jambi University academic hereby welcome at Jambi University Website. This website is one concrete form of the university's efforts to align the Jambi University with other universities in Indonesia who have first entered the world of global information. In addition it is expected that this website can be a provider of information to all parties throughout the world who need all the information about the University of Jambi.
We recognize that as an academic institution that functions as a printer-quality human resources and global perspective, Jambi University are required to be able to provide a maximum of Opera-for those who need and can access the information up to date as much and as quickly as possible. For the purpose of our choice stretcher drop to the utilization of information and communication technology (ICT), because we think that in today's information age the utilization of information and communication technologies including the Internet is one of the most effective alternatives for the dissemination of information and obtain information up to date .
Finally, we hope that this website can provide benefits for the needy, and if it is felt that this website has not been able to satisfy the needs of brothers and sisters will be information about the University of Jambi, we apologize, and we will continue to complete this website, so that in turn will be satisfying the needs of brothers and sisters will be information about the University of Jambi. So that I can convey. To the brothers and sisters who have visited this website, we thank you. Wassalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.
H. Kemas Arsyad Somad, SH. MH.
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