These changes can be classified into five periods, namely periods PTPG Batusangkar, FKIP period Andalas University Bukittinggi in Batusangkar, FKIP period Andalas University in Padang, Jakarta Branch IKIP period Padang, Padang IKIP period and the period of UNP.
State University of Padang (UNP) is the result of conversion IKIP Padang to the university, which was originally named College Teacher Education (PTPG). Since established on 1 September 1954, the UNP has undergone many changes. In the history of its development, the changes that occur include not only the name and place of his position, but also the status and educational programs are developed, in accordance with the policy to meet the demands of the development of education in the country. These changes can be classified into five periods, namely periods PTPG Batusangkar, FKIP period Andalas University Bukittinggi in Batusangkar, FKIP period Andalas University in Padang, Jakarta Branch IKIP period Padang, Padang IKIP period and the period of UNP.
1. Batusangkar PTPG period (1954-1956)
PTPG Batusangkar start up with six departments, namely Department of Indonesian Language, History Department, English Department, Department of Economics, Department of Science must, and Department of Biology. However, many first generation college students PTPG moved to Bandung and Malang PTPG because tuition has not run according to proper. As a result, very few students who survived. Because of this, which originally numbered six majors reduced to four majors are still students, the Department of Indonesian Language, Department of History, Department of Economics. and Department of Mathematics. However, in 1955 again opened a new department namely Department of Law which is then recorded as the first to produce an undergraduate majoring in education in 1964.
2. Period FKIP Unand Bukittinggi in Batusangkar (1956-1958)
In 1956 PTPG throughout Indonesia are integrated into the local university. Although integration is a change of status, for PTPG Batusangkar are integrated into the University of Andalas Bukittinggi, it almost does not affect the policy of previous programs. Regional upheaval that occurred at that time caused a bit of a jam in the implementation of the program tuition for one year, ie during 1957 to early 1958.
3. Period FKIP Unand Padang (1958-1964)
After a stalemate until early 1958, FKIP Unand reactivated on 10 June 1958 and on 1 September in the same year his position was transferred from Batusangkar to Padang. It was only after 1958 FKIP Unand grow more steadily. In 1961, all courses throughout the West Sumatra B1 integrated into the Guidance and Counseling, namely B1 courses in English and History courses in London B1 and B1 courses Indonesian language, must Sciences, Commerce, and Physical Education at the Padang. Developments occurred with the opening so that several new majors, the Department of Education Advisor, Department of Life Sciences, Department of Social Education, and Department of Fine Arts. Almost all new majors to develop the Bachelor program. In this period new civics department / Department of Law and Economics / Cooperative which has pioneered the development of undergraduate programs.
4. Period IKIP Padang Jakarta Branch (1964-1965)
In 1964, Guidance and Counseling from the University regardless Unand Andalas Padang and Jakarta Branch became IKIP Padang. By organizing existing majors, came the four faculties, namely Faculty of Education (FIP), Faculty of Teacher Training exact sciences (FKIE), Faculty of Social Sciences Teacher Training (FKPS), and the Teaching of Literature Faculty of Arts (FKSS). In this period, the Department of Physical Education Guidance and Counseling in the beginning was the Physical Education Padang B1 status changed to High School Sports (STO) Jakarta branch of Padang, under the Ministry of Sports.
This period is the period of transition before IKIP Padang stand alone. At the end of 1964 established a new faculty, the Faculty of Engineering Teaching (FKT), the private status of institutions supervised by the Foundation for Development and Welfare IKIP Padang. Thus, IKIP Padang to Jakarta Branch have five faculties that qualify for status as a stand-alone IKIP.
5. Period IKIP Padang, a stand-alone institution (1965-1999)
Effective August 7, 1965, by Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) No. 351/1965, IKIP Padang IKIP status as a stand-alone. The Institute is comprised of five faculty who has 14 majors, namely (a) FIP with the Department of Education and Social Education Department, (b) FKPS with the Department of History / Anthropology, Department of Economics / Cooperative, and Department of civics / law, (c) FKIE Surely with the Department of Science, Department of Life Sciences, Department of Natural Sciences, and Department of Chemistry (d) FKSS with the Department of Language and Literature Indonesia, Department of English Language and Literature, and Arts Department, and (e) FKT with the Department of Engineering, Department of Civil , and the Department of Architecture.
In May 1966, all activities IKIP Padang moved to Freshwater. Since then the institute gradually began to build the campus, and develop programs that are more extensive that in 1969 there were 21 majors in five colleges.
Since the first year of Five-Year Development I, IKIP Padang growing more rapidly. In 1970, IKIP Padang has Laboratory School which consists of high school and STM Laboratory. Two years later, January 1, 1972 School Laboratory is equipped with kindergarten, elementary school and junior high. In the same year, IKIP Padang was given responsibility for implementing the School Development Pilot Project.
Academic year 1975 began reforms in the field of development programs initiated by the use of the semester credit system (credits), which in 1979 implemented in all universities throughout Indonesia in accordance with the decision of the Minister of Education and Culture.
The following year, was opened in 1976 and 1977 without a degree program in response to the growing demand secondary school teachers. Program without a degree or certificate program is known as the First School of Teacher Education (PGSLP), with the departments of Natural Sciences (IPA), Mathematics, Bahasa Indonesian, and English. This certificate program in 1977 expanded by opening a new field of study, the Guidance and Counseling, Service Skills, Skills and Crafts. Meanwhile, in the same year, also opened another certificate program called Upper Secondary School Teacher Education (PGSLA) by field of study Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Indonesian and English. The second type of certificate program lasted until 1978.
With the integration of High School Sports (STO) in 1977, IKIP Padang add a new faculty, the Faculty of Sport Science Teaching (FKIK) with majors Sports coaches, To promote and Recreation, and Sport and Health. Thus, IKIP Padang has had six faculties.
In 1979 Padang IKIP open the program S0, S1 and Teaching Certificate I, II, III and IV. The program consists of Program S0 D1, DII and DIII are special producing junior and senior high school teachers.
By decision dated March 14, 1983 Education Minister, set out the names of faculty in the national Teachers' Training College, the Faculty of Education (FIP), Faculty of Education and Language Arts (FPBS), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FPMIPA), Faculty of Education Sciences Social (FPIPS), Faculty of Health Education Sports (FPOK), and the Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education (FPTK).
In 1990, according to Education Minister of the Republic of Indonesia policy that the implementation of programs under one roof LPTK the School of Teacher Education (SPG) and the School Teachers Sports (SGO) in West Sumatra (Bukittinggi and Padang) be integrated into IKIP Padang Elementary School Teacher Education Programs ( PGSD) Master Classes and Programs PGSD Physical Education (penjas). This is done in order to improve the quality of primary school teachers. Similarly, in 1994, School Special Education Teachers (SGPLB) Bandar Create IKIP Padang Padang is also integrated into the Department of Special Education (PLB) in the FIP IKIP Padang.
Graduate Program (PPs) UNP has been initiated since 1981 under the name Credit Collection Activities (KPK) under the Faculty of Graduate target IKIP Jakarta with Educational Administration courses. KPK status was upgraded to an independent study program with the Director General of Higher Education No. SK. 517/Dikti/Kep/1992 dated December 31, 1992. In the academic year 1994/1995 Educational Administration Studies Program are grouped into several concentrations, namely Educational Management, Guidance and Counseling, Education Social Science, and Language Education. In 1996/1997 was opened again two concentrations, namely Educational Technology and Environmental Management. In the year 1997/1998 has been the status of several concentrations of a study program.
6. Period of the State University of Padang (UNP) (1999 - present)
Changes in Teachers' Training College became the State University of Padang Padang (UNP) is determined by Presidential Decree No. 93 of 1999 On August 24, 1999. Previously, based on a decision of the Directorate General of Higher Education Department of Education Number 1499/D/1996 dated June 20, 1996, Director General of Higher Education approved the provision of a wider duty to IKIP Padang to organize courses nonkependidikan, in addition to still hold and develop the education of teachers. Since the academic year 1997/1998, IKIP Padang have begun holding various courses of study as an extension nonkependidikan mandate given to the government, by decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. MOEC. 1884/D/I/1997 dated August 1, 1997, by opening the program of study: 1) Language and Literature Indonesia, 2) English Language and Literature, 3) Mathematics, 4) Biology, 5) Physics, and 6) Chemistry for the program level S1. While the program of study 1) Electrical Engineering, 2) Civil Engineering, 3) Mechanical Engineering, 4) Automotive Engineering, 5) Catering, and 6) Procedures to Study Program opened Clothing D3, and D3 Automotive Engineering Study. Thus, the UNP is not only prepare students to become educational staff but also to prepare academic staff and certain professionals nonkependidikan,
In the academic year 1999/2000 UNP received approval to open a new nonkependidikan courses, namely 1) Automotive Engineering D3, 2) Management S1, and 3) S1 Sport Science. Then, in the Academic year 2001, the UNP to open another four nonkependidikan study programs namely: Mining Engineering (D3), Information Science, Library and Archives (D3), Accounting and Economic Development (S1) and the field of education, namely: Education Sociology and Anthropology (S1 ). Thus, until the academic year 2001/2002 UNP has opened 19 courses Nonkependidikan and will follow to other courses.
By changing IKIP Padang to UNP, then change the names of the faculty became the Faculty of Education (FIP), Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS), Faculty of Literature and Language Arts (FBSS), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Natural Sciences), Faculty of Engineering (FT), Faculty of Sport Sciences (FIK) and in 2005 through the approval 2816/D/T/2004 DIKTI No. dated July 22, 2004 and Decree No. Rector 05/J.41/KP/2005 dated 2 January 2005 increased by one faculty more the Faculty of Economics (FE).
For Graduate Program (S2) in 2001, issued permits opening of Guidance and Counseling Program. Thus, currently has 6 PPs UNP Studies Program, namely Education Administration, Education Social Studies, Language Education, Technology Education, Environmental Science, Counseling and Guidance. In addition, PPs UNP also had 10 concentration, namely (1) Management Education, (2) Management of Environmental Education, (3) Management of Sports Education, (4) Education Indonesian Language, (5) English Education, (6) Education Economics / Geography, (7) Education History / Civics, (8) Education Sociology / Anthropology, (9) Education and Technology (10) Vocational Education. For the 2003/2004 school year implement PPs Doctoral Program (S3) with courses Sciences Directorate General of Higher Education by Decree No. 940/D/T/2003, dated May 7, 2003.
Graduate Program in addition to the above, in 2000 UNP opening S2 Program Master of Management (MM) which was originally organized in collaboration with the University of Jember. However, since the release of Directorate General of Higher Education No. SK. 2596/D/T/2000 dated August 6, 2001, UNP has the authority to hold a Masters of Management Program independently. In 2003, MM accredited program at BAN BAN PT PT by Decree No. 068/BAN-PT/Ak-II/S2/VII/2003. UNP MM program currently has three concentrations, namely Public Management, Marketing Management, and Human Resource Management.
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