In the third Inauguration of academic year of 2008/2009, graduates finished their study in 7.10 semesters for D-3 program, 9.60 semesters for undergraduate program, 5.87 semesters for master program, and 7.86 semesters for doctorate programs.
Advisory Board
• Governor of West Java Province (ex Officio)
• Chairman of House of Representative of West Java Province (ex Officio)
• Mayor of Bandung (ex Officio)
• Head of Unpad Alumni Association (ex Officio)
• Dr. (HC) Ir. Burhanuddin Abdullah, M.A.
• Ir. Iwan Abdul Rachman
• Prof. Dr. H. Jusuf Anwar, S.H., M.A.
• Prof. Dr. Wiranto Arismunandar
• Dra. Popong Otje Djundjunan
• KH. Dr. H. Miftah Faridl
• Ir. H. Yudi Guntara Noor
• Moh. S. Hidayat
• Dr. Ir. Kusmayanto Kadiman
• Prof. Dr. Ir. Ginanjar Kartasasmita
• Noke Kiroyan, B.A., S.Sos., Grad., Dipl.
• Prof. Dr. Muladi, S.H.
• Dr. Sapta Nirwanda
• Drs. Jahja Santoso, Apt.
• Dr. H. Subrata, Drs., M.H.
• H. Paskah Suzetta, M.H.
• Letjen. (Purn) Solihin G.P.
• H. Syafik Umar
• Ir. Racmat Witoelar
The Senate
Chairman : Rector of Unpad (Prof. Dr. Ir. Ganjar Kurnia, DEA)
Secretary: Prof. Dr. Johan S. Mansyur, dr., Sp.PD-KE.,Sp.KN
Members : 219 persons
Brief History
Unpad was established based on the initiative of prominent society members of West Java who eager to have an higher institution at which young generation of West Java can be prepared for serving as future leaders.
After a thoroughful processes, on the 11th of September 1957, Unpad was established through the Government Regulation No. 37 of 1957 and officially opened by the President Soekarno on the 24th of September 1957.
At the time of its establishment, Unpad had only four faculties, but now it has developed to be one of the leading higher educational institutions in Indonesia with 16 faculties and a Postgraduate Program. The programs offered are Doctoral Programs consists of 9 study programs, Master Programs consists of 19 study programs, 2 Specialist Programs, 5 Professional Programs, and Undergraduate Programs consists of 44 study programs, 32 study programs of Diploma (D III) and one Diploma IV study program. In addition, Unpad also has the Research and Community Service Institute to facilitate research and community service activities.
The Vision, Mission and Goals
The Vision of Unpad:
“To be an excellent university in providing world class education”.
The Missions of Unpad:
1. To carry out education (teaching, research, and development of sciences and community services) that able to fulfil stakeholders needs.
2. To carry out higher education that internationally competitive and relevant to the needs of stakeholders in order to advance intellectual development and community prosperity.
3. To carry out professional and accountable management of education to elevate the institution image.
4. To produce academic individual who concern to the greatness of local and national cultural values in the diversity of world cultures.
The Goals of Unpad:
1. To reach enhancement of equal and broad community access in gaining higher education.
2. To reach excellence of institution and study programs in developing sciences and cultures.
3. To build conducive academic atmosphere in conducting teaching, research, and community services.
4. To develop and integrate utilization of information technology in enhancing quality of services that suitable to the public needs.
5. To develop cooperation with other education institutions.
6. To develop accountable and legitimate institutional management.
7. To arrange integrated finance management system and to achieve autonomous financial resources in reaching out stability of education management.
8. To develop excellent institutional image based on glorious tradition and work excellence.
9. To create Unpad as a cultural center of the typical of Sundanese culture in gaining international competitiveness.
In addition, Unpad has a Basic Scientific Pattern entitled Nurturing Law and Environment in National Development that guides civitas academica in reaching out the Vision and Mission.
Management Of University
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ganjar Kurnia, DEA.
Email : rektor@unpad.ac.id
Website: http://ganjarkurnia.unpad.ac.id
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs:
Prof. Dr. Husein Hernadi Bakti
Email : pr1@unpad.ac.id
Vice Rector for General Administration and Finance:
Prof. Dr. Rina Indiastuti
Email : pr2@unpad.ac.id
Vice Rector for Student Affairs
dr. Trias Nugrahadi, Sp. KN
Email : pr3@unpad.ac.id
Vice Rector for Cooperation:
Prof. Dr. Tb. Zulrizka Iskandar, S.Psi., M.Sc.
Email : pr4@unpad.ac.id
Vice Rector for Planning, Information System and Supervision:
Prof. Ir. Tarkus Suganda, M.Sc., Ph.D
Email : pr5@unpad.ac.id
Head of Bureau of Academic Administration:
Isis Iswansyah, SH, MH. CN
Head of Bureau of General Administration:
Drs. Lili Permadi., M.Si.
Head of Bureau of Financial Administration:
Dra. Hj. Tjahjawati, M.H.
Head of Bureau of Student Administration:
Herdis Chandra Poernama, S.E., M.M.
Head of Bureau Administration of Planning and Information System:
Drs. Sudarma, M.M.
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