SNMPTN Program 2011 - Invitation Line, was opened to all high school graduates / diploma equivalent to the year 2011, which has the best performance in class, at their home high school. The program is implemented nationally through high school from potential participants, using the value of high school report card or equivalent, semester 1 sd semesters 5.

SNMPTN 2011 - Invitation Line implemented with the aim of:

* Getting new students who have high academic achievement in high school.
* Provide opportunities to all children of the nation are high academic achievers to obtain higher education.
* Provide the opportunity and confidence to school to become a part of implementing the initial selection at the school level.

Starting in 2011, the Partnership program Nusantara ITB (KN-ITB) is integrated into the program SNMPTN 2011, both Gaza and the Gaza Exam Write Invitation. For now, lembagai ITB Partner agencies who have submitted a Letter of Intent program KN-ITB 2011, can follow the program SNMPTN 2011 - Invitation Line Partnership Archipelago, in accordance with the applicable provisions on the implementation SNMPTN 2011 - Track Invite.

Any Buyer Scholarship program (Scholarship OSN, anesthetic, aim MISSION, Education Costs Scholarships, Scholarships Weak Economy, etc..), Are welcome to attend SNMPTN 2011 - Track Invitations and registration to the Central Committee SNMTPN 2011 through their respective high school from prospective students . Prospective students are not allowed to enroll directly into higher education goals.

In the implementation SNMPTN 2011 - Track Invite at ITB, prospective students can choose the faculty / schools that are grouped based on the background of prospective students learn the material as follows:

A. Prospective students from high school science may select faculty / school the following:

1. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Natural Sciences)

2. School of Biological Science and Technology (SITH)

3. School of Pharmacy (SF)

4. Faculty of Earth Science and Technology (FITB)

5. Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering (FTTM)

6. School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI)

7. Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FTSL)

8. Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI)

9. Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FTMD)

10. School of Architecture, Planning, and Development Policy (SAPPK)

B. Prospective students from high school or high school science IPS can choose:

11. School of Business and Management (SBM)

C. Prospective students from high school science, social studies high school, or vocational school may choose:

12. Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD)

A total of 1979 participants received the invitation pathway SNMPTN Bandung Institute of Technology. They managed to escape after competing with 13 000 applicants who signed up to the ITB through the invitation.

Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs Charmadi Machbub said, the amount received this year is 60 percent of freshmen who received ITB in 2011. The remaining 40 percent of students will be accepted through a written exam SNMPTN on 31 May.

"60 percent of the total quota and 60 percent of each faculty, except the Faculty of Art and Design who only received 20 percent of the pathway invitation," he said.


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