UNSRAT considers vital national and international cooperation networks. One product of international cooperation there is the presence of a course of study with an international language as the language of instruction (International Business Administration). Student and faculty exchanges between UNSRAT with various other countries have also made possible by international cooperation. Meanwhile, in order to prepare UNSRAT become a research-based university we also opened a research network with universities and research institutes at home and abroad.
Presumably this Web Site can be a medium of information and effective communication in supporting the development of UNSRAT toward the "Excellent University".
A Brief History
After Indonesia achieved independence, the ideals of improving the quality of education and the tendency of people to reach the growing college. Decade of the fifties, higher education institutions of the region began to manifest themselves, address the needs of local people.
The ideals established colleges or universities in Manado that when it is central government and regional activities of North and Central Sulawesi, it can be said has been initiated by the University Pinaesaan founded on October 1, 1954 in Tondano, only has one faculty, the Faculty of Law . Together with the University Permesta established on September 23, 1957 in Manado, the University Pinaesaan actually a developing embryo from the University of Sam Ratulangi in the future.
It has two universities with private status is not yet satisfy the taste of the citizens (Sumekolah) this. Therefore, at the initiative of the people of North and Central Sulawesi (the leaders of the military, civilian, and scholars), creating unity and determination to realize the establishment of a state college in the second area, which is expected to become the pride of the community generally as well as the people of North Sulawesi and Central in particular.
As a follow-up, stand up university Manado (PTM) on August 1, 1958, with four faculties namely:
1. Faculty of Law,
2. Faculty of Economics,
3. Faculty of Letters, and
4. Faculty Tatapraja.
The four founding faculty is the foundation PTM (which later became the University of progression Sam Ratulangi).
In the same year, in October, PTM changed its name to University of North-Central Sulawesi, which is abbreviated UNSUT. Until that stage, the status of private colleges is still full. Early sixties, efforts towards the status of the country, began to appear signs. Precisely in 1960, UNSUT short name was changed again into UNISUT (University of North Sulawesi and Central).
History and change, which is based on Ministerial Decree No. 22/1961 PTIP, dated July 4, 1961, an official in the status UNISUT State University, with five faculties, namely:
1. Faculty of Law,
2. Faculty of Economics,
3. Faculty of Medicine,
4. Faculty of Agriculture, and
5. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling).
In the period 1961-1965, UNISUT acronym was changed again into UNSULUTTENG which is also the acronym of the University of North and Central Sulawesi.
Based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 277 dated 14 September 1965, established a state university endorsement in Manado, as well as with the name of the University of North Sulawesi and Central became the University of Sam Ratulangi, abbreviated UNSRAT. Consists of seven faculties namely:
1. Faculty of Medicine,
2. Faculty of Agriculture,
3. Faculty of Animal Husbandry,
4. Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge,
5. Faculty of Economics,
6. Faculty of Social Politics, and
7. Faculty of Engineering.
Then, Faculty of Letters, which was inaugurated into the private status Sam Ratulangi University. A year later, 1966, University of Sam Ratulangi, back ketambahan one another faculty, the Faculty of Fisheries until 1969, based in Tahuna. Then moved to Manado and joined the University of Sam Ratulangi (later in 1996 became the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences in brief FPIK). UNSRAT into 9 faculties. A considerable amount compared to other colleges at the time. Its development was not stopped. In 1982, Manado branch FKIP Gorontalo, Gorontalo became FKIP UNSRAT in (which then stood alone which is now known to the State University of Gorontalo with recent graduates as many as 3037 people in 1992). In one after another Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Natural Sciences in 1998. While the Graduate Program was established in 1985. In 2009 by letter agreement dated DIKTI No.212/D/2009 February 17, 2009 Faculty of Public Health was officially established at the University of Sam Ratulangi and is a faculty terbungsu today.
Be now the University of Sam Ratulangi as Eleven public universities with a Faculty and Graduate Program are:
1. Faculty of Medicine
2. Faculty of Engineering
3. Faculty of Agriculture
4. Faculty of Animal Husbandry
5. Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences
6. Faculty of Economics
7. Faculty of Law
8. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
9. Faculty of Letters
10. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
11. Fakulas Public Health, and
12. Graduate Program
Since receipt of the status of the State University in 1961, the highest official University has changed as much as 10 successor as the following:
Sam Ratulangi Executive Board, 1961 - present.
N a m a designation Period
1 J. A. Losung, SH President 1964 - 1965
2 R. A. B. Massie, SH President 1961 - 1964
3 dr. F. H. Palilingan Rector 1965 - 1969
4 Prof. Mr. G. M. A Inkiriwang Rector 1969 - 1974
5 Prof. Dr. H. Kandou Rector 1974 - 1977
6 Prof. W. J. Waworoentoe, MSc Rector 1977 - 1986
7 Prof. Drs. R. S. Tangkudung Rector 1986 - 1995
Prof. 8. Dr. Ir. J. Paruntu, MS Rector 1995 - 2004
9 Prof. Dr. Ir. L. W. Sondakh, MEc Rector 2004 - 2008
10 Prof. Dr. D. A. Rumokoy, SH, MH Rector 2008 - present
Name of national hero Dr. G.S.S.J. Ratulangi chosen as the name of the institution community college in North Sulawesi Province. Dr. Jacob Samuel Saul Gerungan Ratulangi are heroes, mighty son of Indonesia with daily calls, Sam. He is also a freedom fighter from Minahasa, North Sulawesi Province. He was born November 5, 1890 in Tondano, Minahasa regency capital. Sam died on June 30, 1949 in Jakarta. In 1965 it also.
With diabadikannya his name on the university in the province of North Sulawesi as Sam Ratulangi University, expected the ideals and struggle for his philosophy of life is strung in Si Tou Tou Timou Tumou, which means that humans are born to humanize others, will remain seared and burning in the chest and every human heart Sam Ratulangi University's academic, in demanding science and mengabdikannya for community development, nation and state.
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