Tanjungpura University (Untan) was established on May 20, 1959 as a private university with the name of the University of National Resources Foundation of Higher Education by National Power. Faculty at the time was first established scholars and young scholars in the area of ​​West Kalimantan. University of National Resources dinegerikan later became the State University of Pontianak (UNEP) based on PTIP Ministerial Decree Number 53 of 1963, dated May 16, 1963.

In accordance with the political developments and the state in 1965, UNEP was renamed the University Dwikora on September 14, 1965. Furthermore, with the Presidential decree No. 171 of 1961 as of August 15, 1967, set back from the University Dwikora name change to University Tanjungpura (UNTAN) which eventually lasted until now. Until now, UNTAN has 8 faculties with education level up to Strata Two (S2).

Chronological History of the University of Tanjungpura

March 10, 1959
Inauguration Jajasan Higher Education by the National Notary Daja No. 13, Office of the Notary (WAS) Achmad Mourtadha Pontianak.

May 20, 1959
Private university founded by the National Power University political figures and community leaders of West Kalimantan (Kalbar) to 2 (two) faculties: Faculty of Law and Administration Faculty of Commerce.

May 27, 1961
Change of Name and Articles of Association of National Daja Jajasan Higher Education, confirmed by the Notary Act.

May 16, 1963
University of National Resources dinegerikan become the State University of Pontianak (UNEP) based on PTIP Decree No. 53 of 1963 dated May 16, 1963. Penegerian date set May 20, 1963. This change is also marked with the opening of two faculties namely Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Engineering as well as changes to the Faculty of Commerce Faculty of Economic Governance. Noted as the pioneer of the Faculty of Agriculture was Ir. Soedarso Rawidjo, Head of Department of Agriculture Proprietary. Kalbar and pioneer of the Faculty of Engineering is Ir. Ktut Cons, Head of West Kalimantan PLN at the time.

14 September 1965
The name change became the University Dwikora based UNEP Presidential Decree No. 278 Year 1965 dated 14 September 1965, as well as the opening of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) which was pioneered by Drs. Soepardal, Head of Social Politics at the Governor's Office Prop KDH. Kalbar. Chairman of the Presidium held by Colonel Doctor Soegeng, Pakesdam Tanjungpura XII.

August 15, 1967
The name change became the University Tanjungpura Dwikora University (UNTAN), based on Presidential Decree No. 171 of 1967. As the Rector was appointed Lieutenant Colonel Mohammad Isja CKH Mu, SH based on the Letter to the President's decision No. 39/14/1969.

January 1969
Implementation of the integration of the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Teachers' Training College) in Pontianak to Jakarta Branch UNTAN consists of two faculties, the Faculty Teaching and the Faculty of Education, based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 161, dated December 16, 1967

Integrating Teaching and Faculty of Science Faculty of Education became the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Decree Number 64 of 1982

December 3, 1985
Established by decree UNTAN Polytechnic. Director General of Higher Education Department of Education and Culture No. 80/DIKTI/KEP/1985 dated December 3, 1985 was marked by the development of the Polytechnic Building UNTAN in an area of ​​6 ha. Establishment of Polytechnic UNTAN was preceded by the formation of Local Project Implementation Unit (LPIU) UNTAN Polytechnic in 1983 with the main task of planning a complex

28 April 1997
Changes Polytechnic UNTAN into Pontianak State Polytechnic (POLNEP) based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 079/O/1997

June 26, 1997
Opening of Three Diploma Program (D-3) based on the Social Sciences No. SK.Rektor UNTAN. 877/J22/PP/1997 dated June 26, 1997 to 3rd Study Program (PS): Office Administration, Secretariat, Social Worker. Opening Program D-3 is then determined based on the SK Director General of Higher Education No.208/DIKTI/Kep/1998.

Opening of Three Diploma Program (D-3) Cultivation of Plantation Crops at the Faculty of Agriculture UNTAN.

June 24, 1998
Operating license for Master of Management (MM) UNTAN by SK. Director General of Higher Education Number 204/DIKTI/KEP/1998, with a concentration in Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management.

26 April 1999
SK Director General of Higher Education: Number 166/DIKTI/KEP/1999 about PS. Forest Products Technology; No. PS 167/DIKTI/KEP/1999 about Social Economy of Agriculture; Number 173/DIKTI/KEP/1999 on Cultivation of Plantation Crops

May 24, 1999
Director General of Higher Education Decree No. PS 251/DIKTI/KEP/1999 about Soil Science;

27 April 2000
Director General of Higher Education Decree Number 121 / Opening Program DIKTI/2000 about Strata Two (S2) Department of Social Sciences for 2 (two) Study Program (PS): Public Administration and Sociology,

December 22, 2000
Establishment of the Faculty of Forestry The University Tanjungpura, SK Minister of National Education Republic of Indonesia, John A. Muhaimin, Number 238/O/2000 dated December 22, 2000.

June 19, 2001
Decree of the Minister of National Education Republic of Indonesia Number 095/O/2001 on Amendments to Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0171/O/1995 on Organization and Administration of the University of Tanjungpura. The essence of this decision is a change in the Bureau of 2 to 3 bureau is the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs Administration (BAAK), Bureau of Public Administration and Finance (BAUK) and the Administrative Bureau of Planning and Information System (BAPSI)

July 4, 2001
Permit Implementation Studies Legal Studies Program (S2) on UNTAN by Director General of Higher Education Letter No. 2289 / D / T / 2001

9 November 2001
Operation Permit Programs Study Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics Study Program Strata-1 (S1) by the Director General of Higher Education letter No. 3494 / D / T / 2001

January 17, 2002
The establishment of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Preparation) by Decree No. 53/J22/OT/2002 Rector

January 21, 2002
Appointment of Acting Manager Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (Preparation) Rector Decree No. UNTAN based 54/J22/KP/2002

January 30, 2003
Licensed Programs Organization Studies Biology Education, Chemistry Education and Physics Education for Undergraduate level (S1) by the Director General of Higher Education letter No. 178/D/T/2003

March 1, 2003
Prof. inauguration. Hj. Asniar Ismail, SE, MM as the Rector of the University Tanjungpura period 2003-2007 by the minister of Indonesia A. Malik Fajar at the Auditorium UNTAN, based on Presidential Decree Number 39 / M of 2003 dated February 6, 2003

May 10, 2005
Permit Operation of Medical Education Study Program (PSPD) based on the Decree No. Director General of Higher Education. 3166/D/T/2005 Polytechnic and attract prospective instructors / teaching staff to be educated at the Polytechnic Education Center in Bandung.

Vision, Mission and Objectives

Vision UNTAN
In 2020 the university became an institution Tanjungpura preservation and scientific information center west Kalimantan and to produce a moral outcome Pancasila and able to compete both at the regional, national, regional and international

Mission UNTAN
Provide education, research, and service to the community as a quality so, and memajukanilmu knowledge, technology and art and be able to provide direction for development in accordance with their respective disciplines.

The purpose UNTAN
Tanjungpura universities as educational institutions, scientific institutions and community agencies have the following objectives:

1. Prepare students to be members of the public who have the ability and academic or professional who can apply, develop and or creating a science, and technology or art.
2. Develop and disseminate science and technology or art and seeking its use to improve people's lives and enrich the national culture

Organizational Structure

Based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education No. 095/O/2001 dated June 19, 2001, University Tanjungpura Organizational Structure consists of:

1. University Senate;

2. Board of Trustees;

3. Elements of the Executive Board:

1. R E C T O R
2. I Vice Rector (Academic Affairs)
3. Vice Rector II (Administration & Finance)
4. III Vice Rector (Student Affairs)
5. Vice Chancellor IV (Cooperation & Planning)

4. Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs administration (BAAK), with 2 Front and 6 Sub Section:

1. Education Section and Cooperation:
Sub Division of Education and Evaluation
Sub Division of Registration and Statistics
Subpart Education Facility
Sub Division of Cooperation
2. Sub Division of Student Affairs Interests Section, Reasoning and Student Information
3. Sub Division of Student Welfare Service

5. Bureau of Public Administration and Finance (BAUK), with 3 parts and 9 Sub Section:

1. General Section, Law, Procedure & Equipment:
Sub Division of Administration
Sub Division of Household
Sub-Division of Law and Governance
Sub Division of Equipment
2. Division of Human Resources; Sub-Division of Academic Personnel
Sub Division of Administrative Power
3. Finance Department:
The Budget Sub Routine and Development
Subpart Community Fund
Monitoring and Evaluation Sub-Sections

6. Administrative Bureau of Planning and Information System (BAPSI), with 2 Front and 4 Sub Section:

1. Planning Division:
Sub Division of Academic Planning
Sub Division of Physical Planning
2. Information Systems Section:
Sub-Section Data
Sub Division of Information Services

7. Faculty, Department and Program Studies (PS)

8. Institute and Center for the Study / Research / Study / Agency / Clinic:

1. Research Institute (Lemlit):
Center for Environmental Studies (PSLH)
Population Studies Center (CSW)
Center for Development Studies and Territorial
Center for Agro-industry and Agribusiness
Center for the Study of Fresh and Coastal Waters
Center for Women's Studies
Center for the Study of Social Problems
Center for Economic and Management Research
Center for Human Rights Studies (PK-HAM)
Malay Cultural Society Studies Center Kalbar
Cultural Studies Center, West Borneo Dayak community
Centre for Traditional Foods
Centre for Education
2. Community Services Institute (LPKM)
3. Agency / Service / Assessment / Clinical Level University / Faculty:
Guidance and Counselling Agency
Center for Instructional Improvement and Development Activities (P3AI)
Consultation Legal Aid Bureau (Faculty of Law)
Center for Employment Services (PFS)
Business Consultancy Clinics (KKB)
Peatland Assessment Center (Faculty of Agriculture)
Management Centre (Faculty of Economics)
People's Economic Development Board (BPER) (Fak. Economy)
Agency for the Assessment of Water Resource Management & Development (Faculty of Engineering)
Agency for the Assessment of Construction Services (Faculty of Engineering)
Agency for Technology Assessment (Faculty of Engineering)
Center for Socio-Economic Development Studies Forestry Studies Society and Environment (Fak. Forestry)

9. Technical Implementation Unit (UPT):

1. UPT Library
2. UPT Computer Center (Puskom):
UNTAN Internet Management Agency (UNTAN-Net)
3. General Course Unit (MKU)
4. UPT Language Laboratory

Education System

Education System in UNTAN consists of two stages or strata, namely:
Bachelor or Strata-1 (S1) designed finish in 4 years with a Bachelor of Engineering (ST), Bachelor of Agriculture (SP), Bachelor of Forestry (S. Hut.), Bachelor of Science (S.Si.), Bachelor of Economics (SE ), Bachelor of Law (SH), Bachelor of Education (S.Pd.), Bachelor of Social (S. Sos) and Doctor (Dr.). Masters or Strata-2 (S2) which is designed completed in 2 years with his Master of Engineering, Master in Management, Master of Science and Master of Law.

Undergraduate education in UNTAN have loads of at least 144 credits and up to 160 credits. More than 10,000 students attend this program which is divided in 9 (nine) Faculty: Law, Economics, Agriculture, Engineering, Teacher Training and Education, Social and Political Sciences, Forestry, Mathematics and Medicine. Undergraduate program (S1) at the University of Tanjungpura designed with competency-based curriculum. Design teaching programs aimed at achieving a balance between the depth of knowledge acquired through specialization and breadth of knowledge acquired by exploration. Click on the Faculty for more details ...

Education Masters Degree Program is a linear continuation, or an interaction of several disciplines that are formed in accordance with the development of science or demands. Education Degree Masters Program after program has a load of at least 36 (thirty six) credits and a maximum of 50 (fifty) credits.

Research and Services

University Tanjungpura development strategy in 2003-2007 in the field of study and devotion is directed as follows:

Field of Research

1. Improving the quality and quantity of research
2. Strive to conduct local research-based competencies for all fields of science in a competitive
3. Pursue publication of research results and the quality papers in scientific journals or magazines
4. Pursue cooperation between senior and junior researchers to continuously raise the topic
5. Creating a bibliography of research results on an ongoing basis
6. Expand the Internet network so that faculty, students and the users can access the research information offered

Field Service

1. Improve the quantity and quality of proposals for the competition program: The role of science and technology and vucer, SMEs vucer multi years, Sibermas, Industrial Service Unit.
2. Cooperation with local government / agency concerned and private science and technology in the application and dissemination of appropriate, efficient and locally specific.
3. Improve services and socialization activities in an efficient and effective PKM.
4. Implement a program of planned Tanjungpura University PKM and sustainable synergies Community Services Agency and the relevant faculties.


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