New admissions Padjadjaran University, Academic Year 2011/2012 consisted of level DIII, DIV, S1, S1 origin D3, S2, and S3 Profession. As the implementation of Decree No. Minister of National Education. 34 In 2010, about a New Level of Graduate Admissions, Unpad impose two reception systems. First, through the selection of the entire State University under the name National Selection State University (SNMPTN) and a second, independent selection by the name Unpad Padjadjaran University Entrance Selection (SMUP). As for the acceptance of other educational levels only done independently through Padjadjaran University Entrance Selection (SMUP).
Especially for prospective applicants SMUP S1, Unpad use a different system to that applied in 2010. The difference mainly lies in that; SMUP 2011 using the results of written examination SNMPTN 2011 as a selection tool. Thus;
1. Prospective applicants SMUP 2011 S1 must be registered as a participant SNMPTN 2011 Written Exam pathway.
2. Applicant SMUP 2011 S1 does not have to implement a written exam.
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