Has been running three weeks registration National Selection State University (SNMPTN) pathway invitation progresses, it turns out the number of high school menndaftar still minimal. Until now, only about 21% of the total SMA / MA / SMK in East Java as many as 2597 fruits that have been registered. Because of that, the local committee (Panlok) SNMPTN Surabaya city hopes the school and immediately enroll students remember the deadline to 12 March.
"The head of school must be active to find their own information via the website SNMPTN. Because Panlok will not receive any correspondence with the principal again, "said Prof. Dr. Imam Mustofa Kes, Coordinator of Public Relations Committee of the Local SNMPTN Surabaya on Thursday (24 / 2).
Imam said, the invitation does not mean PTN pathways provide a written form of invitation to the school again. PTN before, they had to give in to a number of school socialization. Currently an important role in the hands of principals to prepare students who will be registered through the invitation.
"Currently about 21 percent of the schools in the area of East Java have already registered. We expect the principal register soon if you want to follow the path the invitation, "he said.
As is known pathways registration invitation was opened February 1 and lasted until March 12 next. The announcement will be made on May 12. For selection through examinations, pendafaftaran done on May 2 until May 24. Written examination conducted on May 31 through June 1. As for courses that require prakrik exams, performed on 3 to 4 June.
Panlok Surabaya itself covers five state universities, namely University Press (Unair), Institute of Technology 10 November (ITS), State University of Surabaya (Unesa), IAIN Sunan Ampel, as well as the University Trunojoyo (Unijoyo) Bangkalan.
Setting a quota of students who can follow a path determined by the status law school accreditation. A school with accreditation that has accelerated classes are allowed to register 100 percent of their students. A status for accreditation with the International Standard School Stubs (RSBI) are allowed to register 75 percent of their students. As for the school with a regular accreditation, allowed to enroll 50 percent of their students. For schools with accreditation B, allowed to enroll 25 percent of their students.
While the Assistant Rector of State University of Surabaya (Unesa) Kisyani Laksono states, PTN has been to disseminate to the school. If there are still schools that do not know the path selection is expected invitation principal immediately find the information. "On Monday we had a new look with approximately 4,800 students who have signed up to join an independent path selection," he said.
According to him, the state universities will no longer give notice in writing to the school. Invitation, information through the registration process can be accessed through the website SNMPTN. In fact, he said, before the track opened Unesa invitations and some state universities have to socialize to several areas in East Java.
"We time it gets in Tuban, Bojonegoro, Ngawi and Lamongan. At that time we have collected all of his principal to be socializing, so we've actually done socializing, "he said.
"The head of school must be active to find their own information via the website SNMPTN. Because Panlok will not receive any correspondence with the principal again, "said Prof. Dr. Imam Mustofa Kes, Coordinator of Public Relations Committee of the Local SNMPTN Surabaya on Thursday (24 / 2).
Imam said, the invitation does not mean PTN pathways provide a written form of invitation to the school again. PTN before, they had to give in to a number of school socialization. Currently an important role in the hands of principals to prepare students who will be registered through the invitation.
"Currently about 21 percent of the schools in the area of East Java have already registered. We expect the principal register soon if you want to follow the path the invitation, "he said.
As is known pathways registration invitation was opened February 1 and lasted until March 12 next. The announcement will be made on May 12. For selection through examinations, pendafaftaran done on May 2 until May 24. Written examination conducted on May 31 through June 1. As for courses that require prakrik exams, performed on 3 to 4 June.
Panlok Surabaya itself covers five state universities, namely University Press (Unair), Institute of Technology 10 November (ITS), State University of Surabaya (Unesa), IAIN Sunan Ampel, as well as the University Trunojoyo (Unijoyo) Bangkalan.
Setting a quota of students who can follow a path determined by the status law school accreditation. A school with accreditation that has accelerated classes are allowed to register 100 percent of their students. A status for accreditation with the International Standard School Stubs (RSBI) are allowed to register 75 percent of their students. As for the school with a regular accreditation, allowed to enroll 50 percent of their students. For schools with accreditation B, allowed to enroll 25 percent of their students.
While the Assistant Rector of State University of Surabaya (Unesa) Kisyani Laksono states, PTN has been to disseminate to the school. If there are still schools that do not know the path selection is expected invitation principal immediately find the information. "On Monday we had a new look with approximately 4,800 students who have signed up to join an independent path selection," he said.
According to him, the state universities will no longer give notice in writing to the school. Invitation, information through the registration process can be accessed through the website SNMPTN. In fact, he said, before the track opened Unesa invitations and some state universities have to socialize to several areas in East Java.
"We time it gets in Tuban, Bojonegoro, Ngawi and Lamongan. At that time we have collected all of his principal to be socializing, so we've actually done socializing, "he said.
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