As facts and evidences show, IAIN Sunan Ampel has a strategic political and religious position in East Java. The province is a home for hundreds and even thousands of quality educational institutions at elementary or secondary levels in addition to no less than 3.582 Islamic traditional boarding schools (pesantren) and 9.895 madrasahs. Located in such a strategic province, IAIN Sunan Ampel has the advantage of being regarded as the centre of excellence in the study of Islam and its sciences.
The establishment of IAIN Sunan Ampel was initiated by a group of ulama in the late 1950s. These ulama met in the town of Jombang to discuss the proposal where Professor Soenarjo, the then Rector of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Jogjakarta, serves as the chair and the speaker of the meeting. The meeting produced three main ideas, (1) to form a committee for the establishment of an Islamic higher education in East Java, (2) to open the Faculty of Islamic Law (Shariah) in Surabaya, and (3) to open the Faculty of Islamic Education (Tarbiyah) in Malang.
Subsequently in October 9th 1961, a body called Syari’ah and Tarbiyah Endowment Board was formed to formulate a detailed action plan, and whose job it is to prepare:
1. The establishment of IAIN Sunan Ampel with Faculty of Islamic Law (Shariah) and Faculty of Islamic Education (Tarbiyah) in Malang.
2. The purchase of 8 acres of land on A Yani street in Surabaya as the location of IAIN Sunan Ampel
3. The housing for the lecturers and professors of the Institute
On 28 October 1961, the Minister of Religious Affairs issued a decision with a decree no 17/ 1961 to open the Faculty of Islamic Law in Surabaya and the Faculty of Tarbiyah in Malang. Later, on October 1st 1964, the Faculty of Philosophy and Comparative religions (Usuluddin) was established in Kediri under the decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs no. 66/1964.
With the opening the three faculties the Minister of Religious Affairs was now convinced that time has come for the establishment IAIN Sunan Ampel, hence a ministerial decree no 20/1965. Soon after its establishment, IAIN Sunan Ampel witnessed a rapid development thanks to the role of its leadership and the commitment of its lecturers. During 1966-1970, IAIN Sunan Ampel has established 18 branch-faculties in provinces as far as East Kalimantan and West Nusa Tenggara.
However, for some reasons those remote faculties were no longer eligible for accreditation. As a result, they were merged with the similar faculties of the closest IAIN. Hence, the Faculty of Tarbiyah in Samarinda for instance was merged with the similar faculty of IAIN Antasari in that town, whereas the Faculty of Tarbiyah in Bojonegoro was merged –and afterward moved- to IAIN Sunan Ampel in Surabaya. As all East Java-based faculties were merged to IAIN Sunan Ampel of Surabaya, 12 faculties were still listed as faculties of IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya and one faculty based in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara. Starting 1997, IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya only hosts 5 Surabaya-based faculties; Faculty of Literature and Islamic History (Adab), faculty Communication and Sosial Sciences, Faculty of Islamic Education, and Faculty of Theology and Comparative religions.
IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya plays an important role in strengthening and developing Indonesian human resources. As a higher education institution, IAIN Sunan Ampel has the capacity to develop human resources produced by pesantrens or madrasahs (Islamic schools) because most pesantrens and madrasahs are located in East Java.
In term of IAIN Sunan Ampel’s geographic location, since it is located in provincial capital of East Java, it has a pivotal role in the process of developing Indonesian community in this particular province. Here IAIN Sunan Ampel plays role as the center of excellence for Islamic studies so that other Islamic higher education institutions in this particular province look at it as the model.
The strength of IAIN Sunan Ampel is also reflected in its lecturers and professors, library, and learning management. These make IAIN Sunan Ampel not only the model but also the authority –as it were- in the higher Islamic education in the eastern part of Indonesia. Thus student from all parts of eastern Indonesia for undergraduate and graduate levels kept on coming to IAIN Sunan Ampel just as many scholars, educators, bureaucrats and MPs continuously converge to this institute.
The Virtues of IAIN Sunan Ampel
1. Quality Assurance for the Graduates
IAIN Sunan Ampel makes sure that its graduates hold high academic quality which is not only based on technical competence, but also on language skill (Arabic and English). Special language unit is set up to achieve standardized language skills for students.
2. Teaching Staffs
As part of providing adequate academic services for students, IAIN Sunan Ampel prepares professional teaching staffs with Master and Doctorate degrees. Many of staffs are graduates of prestigious Indonesian universities, such as Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Gadjah Mada, UIN Jakarta, UIN Jogjakarta, Universitas Airlangga, and IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Graduates of prestigious overseas universities both East and West are also numerous, such as Umm al-Qura University, University of Baghdad, Al-Azhar University, University of Khurtoum, Cape town University, McGill University, University of California Los Angeles, Australian National University, Flinders University, University of Leiden, Leeds University, and Free Universität Berlin Jerman. At the moment IAIN has 27 professors, 58 doctors, and 256 masters.
3. ICT-based academic administration
To realize its vision as a competitive and excellent center for the Islamic, social and humanities sciences, IAIN Sunan Ampel will soon employ what it calls the ICT-based administration, which will include the staff and more importantly academic administration. One of this ICT-based administration is the SMS online academic service through which a student may access his/her academic progress, academic calendar, and all other academic activities. With this service too, the applicant to the institute may find out if he/she has been accepted or not at the institute.
Other ICT-based academic administration is what we call e-learning, where a lecture may be hold not only in classes but online.
In addition to this academic administration, the Institute will also use the information technology to recruit new staffs, to mutate its staffs, and to promote its lecturers. This information technology will be used by all sections, such as financial and home affairs.
4. Laboratories
Several laboratories are provided by IAIN Sunan Ampel to support teaching and learning processes. Laboratories spread across faculties, such as history laboratory in faculty of literature and Islamic history, broadcasting laboratory in Faculty of Communication and social sciences, laboratory shari’a banking in Faculty of Islamic Law, micro teaching laboratory in Faculty of Islamic Education, and hadith laboratory in Faculty of Theology and Comparative Religions. Besides, language laboratories and computer outlets spread across faculties.
5. Academic Journals and Students Newsletters
As part of dissemination information about the latest development on researches and studies, several academic journals in Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic and English are published. Lecturers and researchers of IAIN Sunan Ampel as well as of other institutions contribute in these journals. In addition, students can express their views and opinions in their publications reporting their activities in newsletters and magazines. Students of IAIN Sunan Ampel may channel their views and activities also through other journals published by themselves.
6. Online Catalogue Library
Library is the heart of a IAIN Sunan Ampel. This institute puts made a lot of efforts to improve its library in term of collection, collection management and circulation. Our library has signed the MoU with other universities’ libraries in a way to enable student looking for more books not available at our library. Online and automatic catalogue is also in place in our library.
IAIN Sunan Ampel has also another library located at the Post-graduate program. This library has no less than 5.293 topics with 13.343 copies. These books include topics on Islamic thought, Islamic history and civilization, Islamic institutions, Islam in contemporary life, economics and so on. Most of these books are in English and Arabic. The Post-graduate library has also a great deal of collection of national and international journals, in addition to a Corner of Indonesian Islam with a collection of 412 books and journals.
The Post-graduate library has used a program called SIPISIS since 2002. This program is about software with computerized documentation service and uses integrated set of information system. It is produced by UNESCO. With all this at hand, the Post-graduate library has all the capacity to provide the service professionally and satisfactorily.
7. International Class and Acceleration Program
Like any other aspects of our life, education has been under the influence of globalization. IAIN Sunan Ampel has realized that; that globalization is now the key in shaping the world. To respond the demands of globalization, our institute has opened up a program called international class in which Arabic and English are used as medium of instruction. Through this programs, students and lecturers may also have an exchange program with other national and international universities such as the University of Kebangsaan Malaysia, Husein On University, and McGill University. In addition, IAIN Sunan Ampel also gives opportunity to talented pesantren alumni to enroll in accelerated degree program.
Message From Rector
44 years since its establishment, Sunan Ampel State Institute of Islamic Studies, better known as IAIN Sunan Ampel has fairly successfully achieved much in terms of its academic and administrative programs. But in order to pursue further achievement, IAIN Sunan Ampel is now ready to reorganize itself both academically and administratively. IAIN Sunan Ampel is committed to serve the community especially through the realization of the vision and the mission that it has been identical with, namely to become the centre of excellence for the multidisciplinary and competitive study of Islam and its sciences. In line with this, the institute will continue organizing programs that have been part of its agenda all along such as education, research, community service, and graduate’s quality assurance. All these programs will be organized in such a way that our community may well be served and that the vision of the institute may also well be achieved. To this we may add that the institute is also ready to open up new departments, encourage research activities, and look closely how community may be involved in the whole process of developing our education system. We are also ready to employ a new approach in our community service program (KKN), which we call transformative and sustainable approach.
Institutionally speaking, IAIN Sunan Ampel is en route toward developing an integrated system whose management is fully based on the information and communication technology (ICT).
On further note, to make sure that our mission in education may fully be realized our institute will soon establish more centers for research, community development, and quality assurance all of which will be run professionally using the ICT.
Final notes on our optimism must be said. Through the creative efforts of self-reorientation and reorganization coupled with the tireless and hard work of all our staffs, we are confident that IAIN Sunan Ampel has all the capacity to become the world-class university. We trust that we can be at the forefront in education, in academic and intellectual development as well as in nurturing the spiritual values relevant for the transformation and enlightenment of our fellow Indonesians, Muslims and humanity.
May Allah guide us, and may with His guidance we do what is beneficial for ourselves and our community.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Prof.Dr. Nur Syam, M.Si
The Vision, Objectives, and Motto
he Vision of IAIN Sunan Ampel
“To become the centre of excellence in the multidisciplinary and competitive study of Islam and its sciences”
The Objectives of IAIN Sunan Ampel:
1. To organise the undergraduate and post-graduate degree
2. To conduct research in Islamic, social and humanities studies relevant to the need of the community
3. To promote community empowerment based on religious values
4. To educate students according to the accepted academic and professional standard.
The Motto of IAIN Sunan Ampel:
Thinking globally and behaving morally
Kerjasama Dalam & Luar Negeri
To develop institutional and Tridharma Universities, IAIN Sunan Ampel build partnerships and cooperation with various agencies both within and outside the country. Since 1998 until 2010, IAIN Sunan Ampel has worked with 46 agencies. The Partnership and Cooperation program IAIN Sunan Ampel in the last 10 years detailed as follows: - English Language Upgrading Cooperation (2010)
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