Inauguration UTM State College became the University is inaugurated by President Abdul Rahman Wahid on July 23, 2001 and pursuant to the Decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia (Presidential Decree) Number: 85 of 2001, dated 5 July 2001.Dan inauguration took place on July 23, 2001. and that's when he gave a speech which said that one of the desires and aspirations of Madura society has reached the community Madura island in particular expects this salt there is one State Universities, because what? basically because so many prospective students who, after graduating from top-level school (high school) to continue his studies in the outer islands madura.dengan by the fact that this is so at this time since 23 July 2001 the President decided that the PTN is no island of Madura have developed and can compete with the State Universities or Swastayang which has stood first in providing quality education and quality of service for prospective students and the President expects the presence of PTN on the island of Madura is the Prospective Students who would pursue not need all the way to other islands . if you see Suramadu bridge is where access can be easier for prospective students who could easily lecture outside the island of Madura
University Trunojoyo Madurese (UTM) has the view that college is where the establishment and improvement of life through outreach programs and community development. With the development of on-campus program, students are facilitated to grow into a mature adult faith, character, skills and intelektual.Mendidik not only aims at filling the brain with a range of knowledge but to form a person who has a personality that intact and able to build a better life. This was reflected in the spirit NON SCHOLAE DISCIMUS VITAE (We Learn not the mere sake of science, but for life) in which students are encouraged not only pursuing a diploma per se, but it's better than that, they also learn to develop personal life as well as the wider society.
Vision & Mission
Vision UTM:
"Creating Nation UTM Levels For Printer The Smart, Skilled and Competitiveness The akhlaqul Kariamah Helpless."
Understanding of the meaning of:
- Smart: if think the ability to obtain the critical science and technology, Creative, Innovative and imaginative.
- Spiritual: The ability of liver to regenerate and strengthen Kabul (IMTAQ) faith and devotion and noble character as well as having a noble character.
- Emotional & Social: The ability to increase the sensitivity of taste though, subtlety, beauty and culture and in fostering relationships beraktualisasi democracy, human rights, confidence, diversity-minded etc.
- Kinenstatis: Ability Sports aktualisasimelalui beings who exercise to achieve healthy, fit, alert, skillful, and resilient trengginas
- Helpless Competitiveness: personality superior, high morale, independent, creative innovative unyielding, resilient, productive, conscious, quality, globally oriented, etc.
- Akhakul Karimah: civilizing the formation of noble character, manners, character, personality or character superior to uphold the norms of religion and humanity and nationality.
Mission UTM:
1. The implementation of a quality education services, releven and competent to strengthening science and technology and IMTAQ and competitiveness.
2. Increased availability of educational programs as needed to support the development of Madura.
3. Increased professionalism and independence of students through the carrier of the reasoning, talents interests, soft skills, managerial and entrepreneurial.
4. Implement educational services to akhlaqul karimahh through strengthening the intensity and quality of religious education, personality and national character.
5. Implementation of integrated information technology in improving the effectiveness and productivity of education services
6. Improvement of the system restrukturusasi organizational governance and internal control in accordance tupoksi towards good governance.
7. Improved quality of research and dedication to the community in supporting the improvement and development of science and technology in the learning process and scientific publication.
8. Expansion of the network of cooperation with government agencies, private industry, boarding school, alumni and educational institutions within and outside the country and income generatingg to support world class university and improving the welfare of faculty and staff.
Organizational Structure
1. Rektor
Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Ariffin, MS
NIP. 195505041980031024
2. Pembantu Rektor I Bidang Akademik
Dr. Drs. Suryo Tri Saksono, M.Pd.
NIP. 196308282001121001
3. Pembantu Rektor II Bidang Administrasi dan Keuangan
Ir. Muhammad Fakhry, M.P.
NIP. 196208141988031003
4. Pembantu Rektor III Bidang Kemahasiswaan
Yudi Widagdo Harimurti, SH, MH.
NIP. 196407032001121002
5. Dekan Fakultas Hukum
H. Boedi Mustiko, SH., M.Hum.
NIP. 195810011988111001
6. Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi
Dr. H. Moh. Nizarul Alim, SE, M.Si, Ak.
NIP. 196907232003121001
7. Dekan Fakultas Pertanian
Drs. H. Kaswan Badami, M.Si.
NIP. 196111121991031001
8. Dekan Fakultas Teknik
Ir. H. Soeprapto, MT.
NIP. 195610201989031001
9. Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Budaya (FISIB)
Dr. Indien Winarwati, SH., M.H.
NIP. 196201082001122002
University Trunojoyo Madurese (UTM) has several facilities where such facilities are very important to create goals from the vision and mission of the UTM. Campus Infrastructure include:
1. Broad Campus Location: UTM was built on an area of 28.5 hectares.
2. Accommodation Campus Facilities: The Student Dormitory facilities to be established in the near future, and student residence not far from campus.
3. Campus Transportation Facilities: Bus-campus facility that can be used by all the families of Academic UTM.
4. Sports Turf: a sports hall, basketball courts, volleyball ball field, soccer field.
5. Joint Laboratory Facilities Building: The building comprising the Joint Lab; language lab, basic Lab, Computer Lab.
6. Facilities Meeting Hall: There is a room that can be used as a student activity space or off-campus activities.
7. Facility Place of Worship: Mosque Campus
8. Space Library: Reading Room All students and Academic Staff who provide complete facilities to support the implementation of library activities.
9. Banking Facilities: There is a suggestion that the Bank Facility in collaboration with UTM which provides convenience in the process of banking transactions both cash-making process, payment processing, ATM, and many other facilities associated with banks.
10. Facility Security: The security guard manning the Post for about a full 24 hours, it aims to provide campus security facility.
11. Facilities Services Campus (Academic Services): The online service in the process of her well-Regestrasi by charging card Online Student Study Plan without having to fill out manually.
12. Student Financing Facility: The number of Scholarships are readily available with a variety of programs that include: Biasiswa Disadvantaged Program, Student Achievement, Entrepreneurship, etc.. All Scholarship Fund is from DIPA Fund, Higher Education, DP2M
Laboratory of Computer Networks
Laboratorium as Development Center, in charge of providing education to perform a variety of assessment activities, development and implementation of agriculture that is based on the interdisciplinary application of information systems and conduct research and experiments through practical activities, training, and learning field.
Digital Multimedia Laboratory (Laboratory Research and Multimedia)
Laboratium is used to support activities related lectures analysis and design of digital circuits. Students apply to the design implementation of a basic digital circuit which is applied to solve specific problems. Also used also for the needs of research and Informatics Engineering students final project.
Programming Laboratory
Laboratorium as Development Center, in charge of providing education to perform a variety of assessment activities, development and implementation of agriculture that is based on the interdisciplinary application of information systems and conduct experiments through the riser and practical activities, training, and learning field.
Laboratory Information System
This lab is used to support activities related lecture information system. Expected with this lab facilities, students can work on information systems projects. All computers are done installing various software database management system as well as various types of tools for database design.
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