Bogor Agriculture Institute (IPB) began to disseminate invitations lane on new admissions. Socialization is done by inviting the heads of a number of local high school to hear an explanation of the procedure track invitations and various courses available in the IPB, Wednesday (19/01/2011).
We also do not open independently of selection. All regular. Approximately 17 percent of non-SNMPTN was not to seek additional funds, but merely for distinctiveness.
- Herry Suhardiyanto
IPB Rector Herry Suhardiyanto as the Chairman of the National Selection Committee for Higher Education (SNMPTN) said, SNMPTN which followed 60 years PTN has two pathways, namely the written test and track invitations to outstanding students. Path invitations will be opened from February to March.
Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs Kusmaryono explains Yoni IPB, IPB capacity for students accepted through SNMPTN by 83 percent, 63 percent of which was taken from the path of the invitation. While the remainder, 17 percent, taken from Exam Talents Sign IPB (10 percent), and regional representatives as well as the Scholarship and National Achievement International (7 percent).
"We open the doors wide open to allow students from anywhere to get in IPB. We also do not open independently of selection. All regular. Approximately 17 percent of non-SNMPTN was not to seek additional funds, but merely to seek distinctiveness, "Herry said.
IPB, Herry said, has a budget of income and expenditure of Rp 840 billion per year.
"That cooperation is obtained from various parties and commercial enterprises. The goal for the various research IPB can be realized, "he said.
Daya Tampung IPB 2011
We also do not open independently of selection. All regular. Approximately 17 percent of non-SNMPTN was not to seek additional funds, but merely for distinctiveness.
- Herry Suhardiyanto
IPB Rector Herry Suhardiyanto as the Chairman of the National Selection Committee for Higher Education (SNMPTN) said, SNMPTN which followed 60 years PTN has two pathways, namely the written test and track invitations to outstanding students. Path invitations will be opened from February to March.
Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs Kusmaryono explains Yoni IPB, IPB capacity for students accepted through SNMPTN by 83 percent, 63 percent of which was taken from the path of the invitation. While the remainder, 17 percent, taken from Exam Talents Sign IPB (10 percent), and regional representatives as well as the Scholarship and National Achievement International (7 percent).
"We open the doors wide open to allow students from anywhere to get in IPB. We also do not open independently of selection. All regular. Approximately 17 percent of non-SNMPTN was not to seek additional funds, but merely to seek distinctiveness, "Herry said.
IPB, Herry said, has a budget of income and expenditure of Rp 840 billion per year.
"That cooperation is obtained from various parties and commercial enterprises. The goal for the various research IPB can be realized, "he said.
Daya Tampung IPB 2011
A1 | Manajemen Sumberdaya Lahan | 71 | 359 |
A2 | Agronomi dan Hortikultura | 105 | 823 |
A3 | Proteksi Tanaman | 75 | 338 |
A4 | Arsitektur Lansekap | 41 | 467 |
Fakultas Pertanian | 292 | 1987 | |
B0 | Kedokteran Hewan | 120 | 669 |
Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan | 120 | 669 | |
C1 | Teknologi & Manajemen Perikanan Budidaya | 40 | 288 |
C2 | Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan | 70 | 213 |
C3 | Teknologi Hasil Perairan | 70 | 144 |
C4 | Teknologi & Manajemen Perikanan Tangkap | 70 | 255 |
C5 | Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan | 40 | 337 |
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan | 290 | 1237 | |
D1 | Teknologi Produksi Ternak | 35 | 212 |
D2 | Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan | 35 | 232 |
Fakultas Peternakan | 70 | 444 | |
E1 | Manajemen Hutan | 65 | 433 |
E2 | Teknologi Hasil Hutan | 50 | 198 |
E3 | Konservasi Sbd.Hutan& Ekowisata | 65 | 378 |
E4 | Silvikultur | 70 | 268 |
Fakultas Kehutanan | 250 | 1277 | |
F1 | Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem | 84 | 304 |
F2 | Teknologi Pangan | 75 | 1268 |
F3 | Teknologi Industri Pertanian | 84 | 849 |
F4 | Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan | 49 | 744 |
Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian | 292 | 3165 | |
G1 | Statistika | 54 | 836 |
G2 | Meteorologi Terapan | 50 | 380 |
G3 | Biologi | 70 | 483 |
G4 | Kimia | 57 | 528 |
G5 | Matematika | 58 | 505 |
G6 | Ilmu Komputer | 63 | 925 |
G7 | Fisika | 58 | 215 |
G8 | Biokimia | 52 | 492 |
Fakultas Matematika dan IPA | 462 | 4364 | |
H1 | Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan | 60 | 696 |
H2 | Manajemen | 75 | 783 |
H3 | Agribisnis | 80 | 917 |
H4 | Ekonomi Sbd. dan Lingkungan | 75 | 410 |
H5 | Ilmu Ekonomi Syariah | 25 | 0 |
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen | 315 | 2806 | |
I1 | Ilmu Gizi | 73 | 1707 |
I2 | Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen | 55 | 297 |
I3 | Sains Komunikasi & Pengembangan Masyarakat | 88 | 699 |
Fakultas Ekologi Manusia | 216 | 2703 | |
Institut Pertanian Bogor | 2307 |
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