Along with the founding of Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD), PTPG was integrated as a primary faculty of UNPAD on November 25, 1958 under the name of Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) or the Faculty of Teacher Training and Pedagogy. In order to strengthen the system of providing teachers and educational staff, the existing courses at that moment, Teacher Education of B I and B II were then integrated into FKIP through the Decree of Minister of Education and Culture No. 6 Year 1961. FKIP was then developed into FKIP A and FKIP B. In the same year, Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) or Institute for Teacher Education was founded, which resulted dualism in the Institute for Teacher Education. In order to settle the dualism in the Institute for Teacher Education, the government through the Presidential Decree No. 1 Year 1963 united FKIP and IPG into Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) as the only higher education for teacher at university level. FKIP A and FKIP B as well as IPG in Bandung were then merged into Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Bandung.
In 1999, IKIP Bandung transformed into Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) or Indonesia University of Education. UPI was then given wider mandate to educate not only prospective teachers but also other professionals through the Government Regulation No. 6 Year 2004 with its new status as a State-firm University or PT-BHMN.
Vision & Mission
In the course of its development, UPI has become the only institution of higher education in Indonesia which consistently focuses on education. By having this characteristic and all human resources, UPI commits its vision to become A Leading and Outstanding University in the fields of educational sciences in Indonesia in 2010 and to become one of the leading and outstanding universities in Asia in 2025. In addition, UPI consistently supports and facilitates the growth and development of other disciplines to gain the leading and outstanding roles. This implies a commitment to make UPI recognized and inspired nationally and internationally and becomes a reference in making educational policies on national level.
In line with its visions, UPI has formulated the following missions:
1. To educate and prepare human resources in the fields of education, business and industry to cope with the global competitive market.
2. To develop theories of education and other innovative science and its applications for establishing foundations for national education policies.
3. To provide professional social services for the society in order to solve national issues in terms of education, politics, economics and socio-culture.
4. To promote internationalization of education through the development and establishment of networks and partnerships on the national, regional and international levels.
Assets & Facilities
As a Leading and Outstanding University with an international recognition, UPI as a multi campus university prioritizes comprehensive development of its facilities and infrastructures in the main campus located on Dr. Setiabudhi Street and branch campuses in five different areas: Cibiru, Sumedang, Tasikmalaya, Purwakarta and Serang.
In addition, to provide internationally standardized facilities, UPI has constructed 13 new buildings consisting of 381 classrooms and their supporting facilities. The 13 new buildings are: 1) School of Postgraduates Studies,
2) Faculty of Educational Sciences,
3) Faculty of Social Sciences' Education,
4) Faculty of Languages and Arts Education,
5) Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education,
6) Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences Education,
7) Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education,
8) Faculty of Economics and Business Education,
9) University Centre,
10) Centre for Research and Community Services
11) Training Centre,
12) Female Students Residence Hall/Dormitory,
13) Male students residence hall/dormitory,
14) Policlinics with patient wards,
15) Students Centre,
16) Sport Hall,
17) Al-Furqon (Mosque)
The other facilities available are Library, Gymnasium, Al-Furqon Mosque, swimming pool with international standards, Softball field, Bumi Siliwangi soccer stadium, Islamic Tutorial Centre, and six tennis courts.
UPI has developed the sustainable information system that supports the improvement of quality academic services for the students namely:
* Communication and Information Technology includes web server, multiplication of bandwidth capacity from 8 Mbps to 55 Mbps for internet network and from 128 to 256 Kbps for intranet network with the total bandwidth up to 65 Mbps, fiber optic network installation to eight new buildings, hotspot (wireless) installation to operational units in UPI and the connections for teleconference.
* WAP Technology
o To respond the rapid changes in information and communication technology, UPInet has developed Wireless Application Protocol (WAP),
o The WAP technology enables individuals to have internet access in their cellular phone.
* Fingerprint Application
Fingerprint application is a technology which can be used for various applications such as staff attendance records provided with accurate, swift and mass information dissemination.
* Hot Spot Area
UPInet has also developed a wireless computer service in response to the rapid growth of wireless internet technology. Users can get this service in some buildings under the hot spot coverage areas on UPI main campus. This service enables users to easily access the internet in the hot spot areas of UPI campus.
* Online Research
Staff and students can also make the use of UPInet online research services to collect data from a great number of respondents at an affordable cost.
* Security Control
Security control application is intended for security officers to monitor the security situation around campus. The application is equipped by web camera surveillance. The cost of security technology developed by UPInet is efficient.
* Website Design and Application
UPInet provides this service for profit and non-profit organizations to design their websites from static pages websites to interactive pages websites.
* Information System Management covers the development of software requirement specification, three information systems: human resources information system, financial information system and asset and facility information system, the revitalization of academic information system and its integrated system design;
* Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), to support the improvement of library service and supply the book collection up to 200.471 book titles or equivalent to 2.001.584 copies.
Directorate for Academic Affairs is an implementing unit to assist the university management in organizing and coordinating development activities and academic services as well as professional education and services. The facilitates available are to support the development of microteaching and academic practices;
Language Centre is provided with the language laboratory which is equipped with electronic facilities and recording facilities to learn foreign languages both for the academics and administrative staff as well as students who are preparing for overseas study and foreigners who wish to study Bahasa Indonesia as a foreign language.
Academic administrative service has entirely used computer-based program. This service is developed through the computer learning centre, particularly for the students taking computer science course and for those who are in need of the service.
Center for Student Activity has facilities to develop the creativity of university students according to their interests, talents, and abilities. In the center the students develop creativity in sports, arts, and technology for national, regional, and international events. Sports facilities include sport hall, football field, volleyball field, badminton field, basketball field, softball field, tennis court and others talents to support the development of the students according to their interest.
Student's Dormitory has adequate facilities, six dorms for male and female students and four dorms for Elementary School Teacher Students in Cibiru, Purwakarta, Tasikmalaya, and Serang.
KABUMI is a performing art group which hosts students, lecturers and administrative staff, and alumni who are interested in music and other performing arts. The group has performed in several countries such as UK, France, Germany, Yugoslavia, Belgium, South Africa, Malaysia, etc.
Human Resources
At present, UPI has 1,261 faculty members in seven faculties, school of postgraduate studies, and branch campuses. The faculty consists of lecturer of 84 professors, 525 associate professors, 423 lecturers, 244 assistant lecturers. They include 174 lecturers with a Doctoral degree from Indonesian Universities and 37 from overseas, 689 lecturers with a Masters degree from Indonesian Universities and d 45 from overseas. In addition, UPI is also supported by 803 administrative staff including laboratory assistant and librarians.
UPI is always open to cooperate with other institutions, both government and private sector, coordinated by the Directorate of Cooperation and Business. UPI has established co-operations with government and non- government agencies as well as with national and overseas universities.
UPI has established co-operations, among others, with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), for science and mathematics teachers development through the grant of JICA; Paedagogische Hochschulle in Heidelberg, Germany and Deakin University in Australia for student and lecturer exchange; La Trobe University in Australia for joint seminars; Monash University Australia for the provision of Indonesian language teachers in Australia and establishment of Australia Studies Centre, the Norwegian government for inclusive education development through in-country training for UPI lecturers at Norwegian universities; UPSI Malaysia for student and lecturer exchange; Ford Foundation for the development of arts teacher education, The University of Iowa, The Ohio State University, and Houston University, The University of Tsukuba for CRICED; Tokyo Gakukai University, Nara University of Education, Gunma University, Hiroshima University, and Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) for lecturer exchange.
Recently, UPI already signed some Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Korea National University of Education, Gwangju National University of Education, Korea, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Doshisha University, Japan, for academic cooperation; The Japan Foundation for the lecturer exchange; Human Resocia, Japan, for the Implementation of Japanese Language Training for Nurses and Care workers; and Kensyokai Social Welfare Corporation & Tokushima Kensyokai College of Health & Welfare, Japan, for promoting academic cooperation in research, education and training for professional care workers. In addition, UPI has signed the Joint Message at the Asian Roundtable of Presidents of Universities of Education in Hong Kong on May 22, 2009.
UPI has also conducted a number of research projects in cooperation with international agencies such as UNESCO, AMINEF, the Toyota Foundation, and British Council. In its cooperation with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), in particular, UPI has been granted a building equipped with modern facilities. This building is used by the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences Education where the Project for the Development of Sciences and Mathematics Teaching for Primary and Secondary Education in Indonesia (IMSTEP) is to be administered.
On the national level, the cooperation has also been established with the central and local government bodies such as National Assembly of Constitution and Department of Justice and Human Rights for writing a book on Constitutional Awareness Education; West Java provincial government for acceleration of the Human Development Index in the educational sector; Riau Provincial Government for human resources and education quality development, Directorate General of Out of School Education, MONE, for the development of non-formal education; and SEAMEO for distance learning expansion.
In addition, UPI has also set up cooperation in research, education, and development with industrial enterprises such as PT. Telkom, PT. PINDAD, and PT INTI.
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