State Islamic University (UIN) Malang Jawa Timur established by Presidential Decree. 50 dated June 21, 2004. Starting from the idea of ​​leaders of East Java to establish an Islamic higher education institutions under the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Committee established IAIN Surabaya Branch Establishment through Ministerial Decree No. Religion. 17 of 1961 which served to establish the Faculty of Sharia which is located in Surabaya and the Faculty of Tarbiyah based in Malang. Both are faculty branch IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and simultaneously inaugurated by the Minister of Religious Affairs on October 28, 1961. On October 1, 1964 is established also based at the Faculty Ushuluddin Kediri through Ministerial Decree No. Religion. 66/1964.

Here is a list of names of students who accepted through SNMPTN (Invitation) 2011

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Here is a list of names of students who received, through the Scholarship Shoot Mission 2011.

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