During its development, the three branches of the combined faculties and is structurally under the auspices of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sunan Ampel established under Decree No. Religion. 20 in 1965. Since then, the Faculty of Tarbiyah Malang is a branch faculty of IAIN Sunan Ampel. Through Presidential Decree. 11 In 1997, in mid-1997 the Faculty of Tarbiyah Malang IAIN Sunan Ampel switch status to the College of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Malang in conjunction with changes in the institutional status of all faculty in the IAIN branches throughout Indonesia, amounting to 33 pieces. Thus, since then also STAIN Malang is an autonomous institution of Islamic higher education apart from the IAIN Sunan Ampel.
In the strategic plan of development as stated in the Strategic Development Plan STAIN Malang Ten Years Ahead (1998/1999-2008/2009), in the second half time period of its development STAIN Malang launched an institutional change to university status. Through the efforts of earnest and responsible proposal to be approved by university President through Presidential Decree No.. 50, dated June 21, 2004 and inaugurated by the Minister, Prof. ad Interim. H.A. Malik Fajar, M. Sc with the Minister of Religious Affairs Prof. Dr. H. Said Agil Husin Munawwar, M.A. on behalf of the President on October 8, 2004 with the name of the State Islamic University (UIN) Malang with its main task is to conduct a program of higher education science religion of Islam and general science. Thus, June 21, 2004 is the anniversary of this university.
Had named the Islamic University of Indonesia, Sudan (UIIS) as the implementation of cooperation between the governments of Indonesia and Sudan, and was inaugurated by the Vice President H. Hamzah Haz on July 21, 2002 which was also attended by Vice-President of the Republic of Sudan and Sudanese government officials, specifically academic, the University is to develop science is not only derived from scientific methods through logical reasoning such as observation and experimentation, but also sourced from al-Quran and Hadith, hereinafter called the paradigm of integration. Therefore, the position of the Koran, the Hadith to be very central in the scientific integration framework.
Institutionally, until recently the University has six (6) faculty and Graduate Program, namely: (1) Faculty of Tarbiyah, Department of Islamic Religious Education (PAI), Department of Education Social Sciences (IPS), and Department of Elementary Teacher Education Madrasah ( PGMI), (2) Faculty of Sharia, Department of Al-ahwal al-Syakhshiyah, and Sharia Business Law (3) Faculty of Humanities and Culture, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Department of English Language and Literature, and the Department of Arabic Language Education (4) Faculty Economics, Department of Management, (5) Faculty of Psychology, and (6) Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Information Engineering, and Architectural Engineering, and Graduate Program developed four (4) masters courses, namely: (1) Islamic Education Management Master Program, (2) Arabic Language Education Master Program, (3) Master Program in Religious Studies Islamic Studies, and (4) Master Program in Elementary Teacher Education Madrasah (PGMI). As for the doctoral program, Graduate School developed a 2 (two) courses: (1) Doctoral Program Management and Islamic Education (2) Arabic Education Doctoral Program.
Another special feature of this University as an implication of the model of scientific development is a necessity for all members of the academic society to master Arabic and English. Through the Arabic language, they are expected to be able to conduct a study of Islam through its original source is the Qur'an and the Hadith and through English they should be able to assess the general sciences and modern, as well as a global communication tool. Hence, the university is called a bilingual university. To achieve this purpose, developed ma'had or boarding school in which all first-year students must live in ma'had. Therefore, education at the University is a synthesis between tradition and ma'had university or boarding school.
Through such education model, expected to be born graduate scholars who predicated intellect or intellect professional and clerical professionals. The main characteristic figure of such graduates are not only master the disciplines each according to his choice, but also master the Koran and Hadith as the main source of Islamic teachings.
Located at Jalan Gajayana 50, Dinoyo Malang with a land area of 14 acres, this University memordernisasi themselves physically since September 2005 with the rectorate building, faculty, administrative offices, classroom, library, laboratories, student affairs, training, sports, bussiness center, polyclinic and of the mosque and ma'had who had already been there, with funding from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) through a Letter of Approval No. IDB. 41/IND/1287 dated August 17, 2004.
With a magnificent performance and modern physical and determination, passion and strong commitment from all members of the academic society as she begged the blessing and guidance of God Almighty, The University aspires to be a center of excellence and centers of Islamic civilization as well as implement the teachings of Islam as a mercy to the universe nature (al Islam rahmat li al-alamin).
The mission of the University
1. Delivering the student has a depth of spiritual, moral nobility, breadth of knowledge, and professional maturity.
2. Providing service and tribute to the diggers of science, especially science and technology and a breath of Islamic art.
3. Developing science, technology, and art through the study and scientific research.
4. Uphold, practice, and provide exemplary in life based on Islamic values and culture of the noble nation of Indonesia.
University Vision
University's vision is to become a leading Islamic universities in providing education and teaching, research, and community service to produce graduates who have a deep spiritual, moral nobility, breadth of knowledge, and professional maturity, and become a center of science, technology, and art of breath Islam and became the driving community advancement.
Educational Objectives
1. Preparing students to become members of society who have the academic ability and / or professionals who can apply, develop, and / or creating science and technology and the breath of art and culture of Islam.
2. Develop and disseminate science and technology as well as the breath of art and culture of Islam, and seeking its use to improve people's lives and enrich the national culture.
Structure of Scientific
University science building structure is based on the universality of Islamic teachings. The metaphor used is a sturdy tree, branched leafy, leafy fertile and fruitful because it is sustained by strong roots. Strong roots not only support the basic functioning of trees, but also absorb the content of the soil for the growth and development of the tree.
The roots of the tree describes the university's scientific foundation. It includes: (1) Arabic and English, (2) Philosophy, (3) Natural Sciences, (4) Social Sciences, and (5) Pancasila and Citizenship Education. Mastery of this scientific foundation to be authorized for students to understand the whole aspect of Islamic scholarship, which is described as a stump that became self-identity of students of this university, namely: (1) Al-Qur'an and as-Sunnah, (2) Sirah Nabawiyah , (3) of Islamic Thought, and (4) Insights Islamic Community.
Branches and twigs representing the fields of university scholarship is constantly growing and evolving, namely: (1) Tarbiyah, (2) Sharia (3) Humanities and Culture, (4) Psychology, (5) Economics, and (6) Science and Technology. Flowers and fruit illustrates the output and benefit of university education efforts, namely: keberimanan, piety, and keberilmuan.
As the necessity for each tree to tree roots and a strong principal, then an individual duty for every student to master the runway and scientific fields. Described as branches and twigs, then mastery of subject areas both academically and professionally, is an independent choice of each student.
Quality Assurance System
Quality Assurance Cycle:
1. Documents on Educational Policies, Standards and Guidelines for Graduate Education University created and is set to be implemented
2. Documents about the Quality Manual, Quality Objectives each department / program of study / unit, Procedures Manual each department / program of study / unit, and the Work Instructions of each department / program of study / unit is made and approved to be implemented.
3. The implementation uses a foothold on the documents that have been set.
4. Monitoring is done to prevent / detect errors that may occur early in the process.
5. Measurement and self-evaluation done by each department / program of study / unit to the process that has been done. Measurement and self-evaluation undertaken to ensure that the existing system at the department / program of study / unit has been run in accordance with the design.
6. Internal quality audits conducted by the Quality Assurance Agency to find a variety of: 1) constraints that occur in the implementation process of activities at the department / program of study / unit, 2) weakness of the planned system, 3) The errors made in the implementation process.
7. Management Review Meeting (RTM) is done against the findings of the Internal Quality Audit to find a way to solve them. From the results of the RTM will be decided whether corrective action is taken (in case of errors in implementation) or the improvement of Quality Management System (QMS) (if the weakness found in the system). Improvement of Quality Management System was conducted by fixing Policies, Standards, Quality Manual, Procedures Manual, Work Instructions or system implementation.
8. Similarly, a spin cycle is continuously emphasizing the development of continuously (continuous improvement) by demonstrating best practice in the entire implementation process.
Quality Assurance Mechanism:
1. In implementing the Quality Assurance, the University established the Institute of Quality Assurance is responsible to the Rector and Vice Rector.
2. Institute for Quality Assurance Quality Assurance System carry out the process, from planning system, document creation, implementation and implementation of Internal Audit at the University.
3. Faculty has established the Quality Assurance Faculty, Graduate School Formatting PPs Quality Assurance Committee, established the Center for Language Study Language Study Quality Assurance, and Quality Assurance Committee Ma'had Ma'had form that is responsible to the Dean or Director or Chairman.
4. Faculty, PPs, Center for Language Studies and Ma'had follow up with a quality plan with difasilitatori by the Faculty Quality Assurance Committee.
5. Faculty Quality Assurance Committee, Quality Assurance Committee of Language Studies and Quality Assurance Committee Ma'had conduct examination on achievement of targets and report to the Dean of Quality and Quality Assurance Institute.
6. Every 6 (six) months at the Institute of Quality Assurance will perform the activities of Internal Audit.
7. The process scope of Internal Audit carried out on the University Quality Assurance System that occurs in all Courses / Programs, PKPBA, PKPBI, and Ma'had.
8. The results of Internal Audit will be processed by the field of Information Systems for Quality Assurance in the report to the Chairman of the Institute of Quality Assurance. Chairman of the Quality Assurance Agency will provide reports and recommendations to the Rector. Basing on the findings of internal quality audits, Chairman of the Quality Assurance Agency also may submit Correction Action Request To the Rector.
9. Rector will be ordered through the PR related to the Dean, Department / Program, Chairman PKPBA, PKPBI, Ma'had to take remedial action. Corrective actions related to infrastructure and the insufficiency of resources should be facilitated by the faculty, PPs, PKPBA, PKPBI and Ma'had whereas insufficiency related to personal competence should be followed up by the faculty, where faculty can cooperate with the Agency Guarantee Quality.
10. Field of Training and Development can also do training on faculty or administrative staff with the approval / request Provost.
11. Field of Training and Development and Quality Assurance Committee of the Faculty, PPs, PKPBA, PKPBI and Ma'had must conduct an evaluation / measurement of the impact of the corrective action that has been done.
12. The results of audits, inspection reports of the Faculty Quality Assurance Committee will be discussed in the Management Review Meeting (RTM). RTM was held jointly by the Faculty, PPs, PKPBA, PKPBI, Ma'had with the Institute for Quality Assurance and Rectorate.
Executive Board and BLU
1. Chancellor University is a leader who serves as assistant minister in the areas of job responsibilities.
2. The Rector has the task to organize the coordination of policy formulation and implementation of leading education, research, community service; foster educational personnel, students, administrative personnel and relationships with the environment.
3. Rector is assisted in his duties by 4 (four) Vice Chancellor who is subordinate and accountable to the Rector.
4. Provost consist of the Vice Rector of Academic (PR I), Vice Rector for General Administration (PR II), Vice Rector for Student Affairs (PR III), and the Vice Rector for Cooperation (PR IV).
5. Vice Rector for Academic Affairs has the task to assist the Rector in leading the implementation of education and teaching, research, community service.
6. Vice Rector for Public Administration has the task to assist the Rector in leading the implementation of activities in finance and general administration.
7. Vice Rector for Student Affairs has the task to assist the Rector in leading the implementation of activities in the field of coaching and student welfare services.
8. Vice Rector for Cooperation has the task to assist the Rector in leading the implementation of activities in the areas of cooperation.
9. Rector and Vice Rector acted as Leader of BLU and serves as a general in charge of operations and finances of the University.
Therefore, in addition to carrying out the tasks as mentioned, also has the following obligations:
a. Setting up a Strategic Business Plan (RSB) of the University.
b. Prepare a Business Plan and Budget (RBA) yearly.
c. Propose candidates for finance officials and technical officials in accordance with applicable regulations.
d. Delivering operational performance and financial accountability of the University.
Special Programs Development Arabic
1. Preliminary
Arabic language skills that have been believed to be a requirement for every student who studies Islamic college degree turns until now has not entirely encouraging. Most of the prospective student UIN / IAIN / STAIN is generally derived from Madrasah Aliyah graduates who have Arabic language skills are low. If there are good, the numbers are very small and usually graduated from Madrasah Aliyah held in the boarding school or Madrasah Aliyah graduates of the Special Program (MAPK) or MAK in school or pre-eminent model.
The low proficiency in Arabic and even other foreign language (English) also experienced by students and alumni UIN / IAIN / STAIN. This selection can be seen when held for further study (S2), which is Arabic and English became the main test subject in this selection process turns out many of those who have difficulty in following the exam in that language.
This phenomenon actually has long been felt by various parties, including by any official Minister of Religion in some periods. Prof. Dr. H. Mukti Ali never suggests that the weakness of student IAIN (now UIN / IAIN / STAIN) lies in two things, namely weak in methodology and mastery of foreign languages. The same concern was also expressed by H. Alamsyah Ratuprawiranegara, H. Munawir Syadzali, and Dr. H. Tarmidzi Tahir.
University considers that the Arabic language ability is a necessary condition to be met by every student who will conduct a study of Islam such as tafsir, hadith, fiqh, theology, Sufism, and the discipline of kalam and other Islamic sciences. This is based on empirical fact that these sciences are written at once explained in Arabic.
Rationally, it is highly unlikely anyone can master the discipline of Islamic sciences such as the above without having an intact ability in Arabic. Therefore, for assessment of Islamic institutions such as the UIN, IAIN or STAIN mastered the Arabic language is a must so that the students are able to critically explore the Islamic sciences developed critically.
Within this framework the University initiated to establish the Special Program Development Arabic (PKPBA) in 1997 when the campus still a STAIN.
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