There are two majority populations living in Jember, the community of Java and Madura, each of which has a unique culture. Two ethnic and cultural characteristics combined with the plantation area to form a beautiful combination of the natural scenery and cultural heritage. This is where Unej continue to progress and develop.
Faculty and Program
Until the 2008/2009 Academic Year, University of Jember has 13 faculty and an equivalent course of study consisting of 11 faculty level diploma PS, 39 PS S1, S2 and 6 PS.
Each PS has an identity in the form of a vision, mission, goals, and competencies of graduates according to the needs of stakeholders. Description The identity of each PS of all faculty / faculty equivalent courses can be clicked from the menu on the right.
Some faculty already has its own website so that more complete information presented there.
Research Institute (Lemlit)
Lemlit is an element of the academic executive to implement part of the basic tasks and functions of universities in the field of research that is under the rector. To conduct this task, Lemlit has the function:
1. conduct pure scientific research;
2. carry out specific research to support the development of science and technology;
3. carry out research and development for educational institutions;
4. implement science and technology research and development research to develop a conception of national, regional, and regional cooperation antarperguruan or higher, both at home and abroad;
5. carry out administrative affairs Lemlit. In carrying out activities, Lemlit has Research Centers (Center), which consists of:
1. Research Center for Environment,
2. Research Center for Development of Water Resources and Irrigation,
3. Madurese and Javanese Culture Research Center,
4. Research Center for Food Technology and Nutrition,
5. Research Center for Molecular Biology,
6. Agribusiness and Cooperative Research Center,
7. Research Center for Women,
8. Population Research Center,
9. Research Center for Coastal Areas and Small Islands, and
10. Health Research Center.
Institute for Community Service (LPM)
Institute for Corporate Citizenship is an element of implementing academic perform basic tasks in the field of community service under the rector. Institute for Community Service has the task of organizing community service activities and participate commercialize and control the necessary resources. To conduct this task, the LPM has the function:
1. the practice of science and technology;
2. improve the relevance of the program Unej accordance with community needs;
3. assist communities in implementing development;
4. carry out development patterns and conceptions of national development, territory, or region through cooperation and high antarperguruan and or other agencies, both at home and abroad;
5. carry out the administrative affairs of the LPM. In the implementation of the activities, aided by LPM centers consisting of:
1. Student Field Work Management Center,
2. Center for Integrated Regional Development,
3. Agribusiness Incubator Center,
4. Centre for Education and Service to the Community,
5. Development Center for Appropriate Technology,
6. Agribusiness and Agro-Industry Development Center, as well as
7. Center for Community Health Development and the Development of Family Medicine.
Guidance and Educational Development Institute (LP3)
Institution Building and Development of Education is implementing the elements that develop, coordinate, monitor, and assess the implementation of educational activities organized by educational centers and participate as well as controlling the administration seek the necessary resources. Institution Building and Development of Education to coordinate activities of the centers which consist of:
1. Center for Instructional Improvement and Development Activities (P3AI),
2. Information and Training Center (PIPK),
3. Education Management Development Centre (P2MP),
4. Counseling and Guidance Services Centre (P2BK),
5. Center for Cooperation and Information Education (PKIP).
Supporting Elements
Supporting elements are complementary tools in education, research, and community services that exist outside the faculty, departments, and laboratories. Shaped support element technical implementation unit (UPT), which consists of:
* UPT Library,
* Information Technology Unit,
* UPT Language Centre,
* Publishing Unit,
* General Course Unit,
* Unit Unej Medical Centre.
In addition, Unej has special support units, the Quality Assurance Agency and the c-Bios.
Unej provides a number of facilities and services that can be utilized by students during the study, among which are:
1. Library,
2. Information Technology,
3. Foreign Language,
4. Guidance and Counselling,
5. Information and Service Work,
6. Health,
7. Scholarships,
8. Cooperatives, and
9. Dormitory.
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