Unesa become one of the favorite universities in Indonesia. It is known from the large number of interested applicants via the Universities National Selection (SNMPTN) 2011. The number of applicants SNMPTN Invitation Line across Indonesia reached about 132 thousand students from class XII in March. Unesa ranks ninth out of ten univerisitas. Here are the top ten public universities in Indonesia with the largest number of registrants through SNMPTN Line Invitation:

1. University of Gadjah Mada, 34,922 applicants
2. University of Indonesia, 32,363 applicants
3. Padjadjaran University, 27,292 applicants
4. Diponegoro University, 23,010 applicants
5. UB, 21,560 applicants
6. Education University of Indonesia, Bandung, 19 258 applicants
7. State University of Yogyakarta, 19,254 applicants
8. Institute of Agricultural Bogot, 17,203 applicants
9. State University of Surabaya, 16,655 applicants
10. State University of Semarang, 16,258 applicants

Data based on results from this Invitation Line SNMPTN committee proves that Unesa currently a favorite choice for prospective students who wish to study. Deserves pride of attainment achieved, hopefully next year Unesa increasingly in demand and increasing performance.


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