Furthermore, based on Ministerial Decree No. 182 of 1964 PTIP, stand IKIP Surabaya. Opening was held on December 19, 1964 at 08.00 am, on the road 72-74 Kayoon Surabaya. At that time Surabaya Teachers' Training College has five faculties, namely Faculty of Education (FIP), Faculty of Social Sciences Teacher Training (FKIS), Faculty of Arts Teaching of Literature (FKSS), Faculty of Teacher Training exact sciences (FKIE), Faculty of Engineering Science Teaching (FKIT). Then increased by one faculty more, based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No.: 042/O/1977 High School Sports (STO) to integrate into IKIP Surabaya with the name of the Faculty of Sport Science Teaching (FKIK).
Furthermore, there is a development and change its name to Faculty of Education (FIP), Faculty of Social Sciences (FPIPS), Faculty of Education Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FPMIPA), Faculty of Education and Language Arts (FPBS), Faculty of Technical Education and Vocational (FPTK), and Faculty of Physical Education and Health (FPOK).
Based on Presidential Decree No. RI. 93 In 1999, Teachers' Training College, State University of Surabaya turned into Surabaya. As per the decision of the senate meeting on October 12, 1998, which agreed that the name of the post-conversion IKIP Surabaya State University of Surabaya is an abbreviated Unesa. In English, it was agreed mention is the State University of Surabaya.
Unesa is an institution that has a dual mission that still has a base as LPTKs (Institute of Education Personnel). Unesa still held a primary mission, namely conducting educational programs and non-educational programs, so Unesa remained on active duty as a producer of educational personnel for preschool education, primary education and secondary education. As per Presidential Decree No. RI. 93 of 1999, Unesa has the task:
Based on the extension of the mandate and the change, Unesa still has six faculties are also changing the name, the Faculty of Education (FIP), Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Natural Sciences), Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS) , Faculty of Engineering, and Faculty of Sport Sciences (FIK).
In 2006 or seven years after conversion, Unesa open a new faculty, the Faculty of Economics. That's according to Director General of Higher Education issued Letter No. 761/D/T/2006 about the opening of the Faculty of Economics Unesa dated February 16, 2006, and Decree No. Unesa Rector. About Partition 050/J37/HK.01.23/PP.03.02/2006 Economic Education Programs and Courses His studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Opening of the Faculty of Economics, dated March 16, 2006. So when this Unesa has seven faculties.
State University of Surabaya (Unesa) can not be separated from the whole long journey of national education. With has produced about 80,000 graduates, Unesa courageous position itself as one of the higher education providers are able to plan for organizing the development of quality education, self-evaluation to prepare graduates who are highly competitive (nation competitiveness) and the spirit of entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship), and governs all activities in a healthy organisiasi mechanisms (organizational health).
Unesa must be independent (autonomy) as a Legal Entity Government Education (BHPP) as mandated by Law No. 20/2003 on National Education System (Law on National Education System).
Unesa history can not be separated from Surabaya Teachers' Training College which began around 1950. Starting from the course of the BI and B-II, Chemical and Physical Sciences Surely that utilize the facilities and infrastructure in the form of classrooms and laboratories of the Dutch education, Hoogere Burger Schol (HBS). Courses are held in Surabaya to meet the needs of teachers for junior and senior high school level. The courses include: (a) BI and B-Chemistry II, (b) BI and BII must Sciences, (c) BI English, (d) the BI German, (e) BI technique, (f) BI Education Physical, (g) Economic BI, (h) Bank of Commerce, and (i) BI Aircraft Sciences. In 1957, BI courses are grouped into two categories, namely (1) General BI Course, which includes English and German languages, and (2) Vocational Course BI, which includes Chemical, must Sciences, Economics, Commerce, Engineering, Education Physical, and Science Aircraft. The courses lasted until 1960.
To eliminate the dualism of course BI and B-II with graduates who are not
title, and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) that produce graduates degrees, with No. MPRS. 11/MPRS/1960 both courses are integrated into the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) who scored a school teacher. Furthermore, these institutions, based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture number 6 / 1961 dated February 7, 1961, integrated into one of the faculty in Guidance and Counseling University Press Branch named Malang and Surabaya Branch FKIP University Press.
In 1962 with the founding of the Academy of Teacher Education (APG), which
later became the Institute of Teacher Education (IPG), dualism reappear. To eliminate such dualism, by virtue of Presidential Decree No 1 / 1963, dated January 3, 1963 conducted by the Guidance and Counseling IPG integration into the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Teachers' Training College). With this integration FKIP Airlangga University in Malang, on May 20, 1964, its status was changed to IKIP Malang University Press Guidance and Counseling Center and became Branch Surabaya Surabaya Branch IKIP Malang. Such situation lasted until December 19, 1964.
Based on the Decree of Minister of Higher Education and Science the number 182/1964 dated December 19, 1964, formally IKIP Surabaya stand alone with the leadership of a presidium date is set as the date of birth IKIP Surabaya, which every year is celebrated as the Anniversary IKIP Surabaya. In 1964, Surabaya Teachers' Training College has five faculties, namely (1) Faculty of Education (FIP), (2) Teacher Training Faculty of Social Sciences (FKIS), Faculty of Arts Teaching of Literature (FKSS), (4) Faculty of Teacher Training exact sciences (FKIE) , and (5) Faculty of Engineering Science Teaching (FKIT). On March 1, 1977, Cleaner School Sports (STO) to integrate with IKIP Surabaya based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs number 042/O/1977
dated February 22, 1977 and became the Faculty of Sport Science Teaching (FKIK), which is a faculty-run sixth IKIP Surabaya. Based on Government Regulation R.I. number 27/1981, IKIP Surabaya has six faculties, namely: (1) Faculty of Education (FIP), (2) Faculty of Education Language and Arts (FPBS), (3) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FPMIPA), ( 4) Faculty of Social Sciences (FPIPS), (5) Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education (FPTK), and (6) Faculty of Physical Education and Health (FPOK).
With a trust to hold the expansion of the mandate (Wider mandate), IKIP Surabaya Surabaya State University turned into (Unesa) based on Presidential Decree number 93/1999, dated August 4, 1999 by managing the six faculties, namely (1) Faculty of Education (FIP), (2) Faculty of Languages and Literature (FBS), (3) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Natural Sciences), (4 ) Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS), (5) Faculty of Engineering (FT), and (6) Faculty of Sport Sciences (FIK).
Currently Unesa manages 63 programs of study, educational or nonkependidikan, with the level of diploma (D2 and D3), degree (S1), and graduate strata consisting of two (S2) and three strata (S3). Because the trip can not be separated from Unesa IKIP Surabaya, then the day of birth (Dies Natalis) Unesa keep using IKIP Anniversary Surabaya.
Learning from teacher training courses journey BI and B-II to become a university, do not close opportunities in the future Unesa that will develop into a major university located in West Surabaya-area courses, majors, and faculty in accordance with the needs of the community development . Unesa development that emphasizes competency and stakeholders' needs will always be a chore that was never completed for Unesa.
The university is the rector and the vice chancellor in charge of running the management functions of the university as a whole, provide education, research, and community service, foster faculty, staff, students and fostering relationships with alumni, both within the university and the community.
Rector appointed or dismissed for a term of 4 years, after going through the process of selecting a special place in an open meeting of the University Senate. This arrangement Unesa Chairman 2010-2014.
Unesa Rector: Prof.. Dr. H. Muchlas Samani
Vice Rector I: Prof. Dr. Kisyani Laksono, M. Hum.
Vice Rector II: Dr. Purwohandoko, M.M.
Vice Rector III: Prof. Dr. Warsono, M.S.
Vice Chancellor IV: Prof. Dr. H. Nurhasan, M. Kes.
Vision is an institutional perspective in realizing expectations. Missions are things that must be done to realize the hope that can be measured keterlaksanaan level and success. The goal is implikatif of the implementation of the mission which is based on the vision. Here are presented the vision, mission, and goals Unesa.
By continuing to carry out the mandate as a university education (university teaching), and always base its activities on the results of research / study / feasibility study quality (based research activity), Unesa vision formulated as follows:
Independent and university-based research in the development of science and technology, education personnel, and professional nonkependidikan.
Some key words contained in the vision statement above is described below.
By 2015, Unesa already incorporated into the university, namely
Legal Education Government (BHPP), having a healthy organization, and able to carry out autonomous colleges.
All activities on the environment including the activities of tri Unesa Dharma, administrative and financial management, human resources development, development of science and technology, to produce educational personnel policies and nonkependidikan, and any decision should be based on a research or advanced study, either itself or from parties another, so that the set targets can be
achieved its full potential.
Graduates Unesa memunyai competencies relevant to their expertise, has a stock of entrepreneurship, competitiveness and have the ability to be comparative and competitive at the national, regional, and international.
Based on this vision, Unesa has the following mission.
1. Carrying tri Dharma college that is consistent with the vision Unesa.
2. Develop research excellence in education and teaching.
3. Developing science, technology, and art (science and technology) which is based on professionalism.
4. Develop cooperation with various institutions / agencies and stakeholders for the sustainability of the implementation of programs and / or opening of new courses.
5. Generate nonkependidikan faculty and professionals.
6. Making Unesa development center primary and secondary education.
7. Holding colleges accountable, efficient, effective, transparent, and independent.
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