A total of 121 participants entered the selection of national public universities (SNMPTN) invitation and program Shutter Mission Jember University (Unej) be disqualified for not doing re-registration.

Head of Public Relations and Protocol Unej, Rochani, on Thursday said, Unej prospective new students receive an invitation SNMPTN lines and as many as 942 people Shutter Mission, but the number of participants who re-list on as many as 821 people Unej campus.

"The committee for two days to give time for re-registration of participants SNMPTN the invitation and Shutter Mission on Tuesday (31 / 5) and Wednesday (1 / 6) in the student center building (PKM) Unej," he said.

According to him, as many as 821 high school graduates, MA and vocational re-do lists consisted of 536 participants and 285 lines SNMPTN invitation Mission Aim of program participants from poor families.

"Automatically 121 students who do not perform re-registration in accordance with the schedule set committee declared killed," he said.

Rochani claimed not to know the reason why the 121 prospective students and Shutter Mission SNMPTN invitation to poor families that do not re-list, and there is no formal notification to the Unej.

Prospective new students, Academic Year 2011/2012 Jember received through National Selection of Higher Education (SNMPTN) Written Line shall register themselves with the following conditions:
A. Schedule and Venue Registration

* Registration was held on 11 to July 13, 2011, held at Student Activity Center (PKM) Jember University, Road No.37 Jember Borneo.
* To expedite the registration process of new students are expected to report to the Proof of Registration card shows SNMPTN Path to the committee of Written Exam Registration starts at 07:00 till 11:00 pm, with the following schedule:

Registration Schedule

B. Cost of Education

* Participants SNMPTN received Path Written Exam / pass selection in Unej before registration, paying in advance LUNAS tuition on-line starting on 4 to July 8, 2011.
* Prospective new students are free to choose the payment of tuition fees at Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), Bank Mandiri, the State Savings Bank (BTN) our bank or the Bank of East Java at all branches throughout Indonesia to show / enter the number Written Exam participants SNMPTN Line. Education costs referred to include the Contribution of Education Development (SPP), Contribution of Academic Development (SPA), Introduction to Campus Life (PK2), Field Work (COW), Practicum and PPL / street vendors, as listed in the table below.
Financing Education SNMPTN Write Path

Important Note

* Contribution of Academic Development (SPA), Introduction to Campus Life (PK2), Field Work (COW) and Practice of Field Experience (PPL) / Internship Field (PKL) is paid once during the study;
* Donations for Educational Development (SPP) paid each semester;
* Practicum is paid each semester until the fourth year;
* Any payment / transaction administration charge of Rp. 1500, - (one thousand five hundred dollars)

C. Conditions of Registration
Participants SNMPTN received Path Written Exam / pass selection in Unej required to register by completing the administrative requirements and follow the following procedure.

* Participants must come to the University of Jember and should not be represented.
* Indicates SNMPTN Line Registration Card Proof of Written Exam.
* Indicates Diploma or Certificate of Graduation and submit a copy that has been approved by the Principal as much as 1 (one) sheet.
* Indicates evidence of receipt / receipt of payment of education fees and submit original copies of as many as 1 (one) sheet.
* Following medical tests in Unej Medical Center (UMC).
* Fill out the Bios.
* Picture taken for a student card.
* Measurement Jas alma mater.
* Student Card and Card Making English Ability Test.
* The cost of education as in panel B that has been paid can not be withdrawn for any reason

D. Important information to know prospective students

* Faculty / Study Program requires that prospective students are not color blind, are: Faculty of Agriculture (Agroteknologi / Agroekoteknologi), Guidance and Counseling (Physical Education and Biology Education), Faculty of Arts (Television and Film), Faculty of Agricultural Technology (Agricultural Technology), Faculty Dentistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry and Biology), Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Engineering (Engineering and Electrical), Faculty of Pharmacy, Nursing Science Program and Studies Program Information System.
* Special who voted Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling), Faculty of Dentistry (FKG), Faculty of Medicine (FK), and Nursing Science Program (PSIK) height for males and females of at least 155 cm at least 150 cm
* Prospective students must follow the introduction of Campus Life (PK2), from 1 sd August 5, 2011 at the Faculty / Study Program each
* Prospective students must follow the English Language Proficiency Test (Home Proficiency Test) held starting on 8 to August 16, 2011, housed Soetardjo Building.
* Prospective students who do not register on the date 11 to July 13, 2011 declared resigned.
* The cost of education as in panel B that has been paid can not be withdrawn for any reason
* Your contact person / committee registration
o The committee SNMPTN 2011
- Tel. (0331) 330224, 339029, 336580 ext 335 and 338
- E-mail: biro1@unej.ac.id; akademik@unej.ac.id.
- Contact person: Bp. Sulistijono, S.Pd. & Bp. Dadang Margiraharjo, ST.
o Things that are considered less / not clear it may be asked to register on the executive committee Student Activities Center Building (PKM)  (0331) - 335 794 Jember.

June 22, 2011
a.n. R e k t o r
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs,


Prof. Agus Subekti, M.Sc., Ph.D.
NIP. 19600801 198403 1002

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