KegiatanSeleksi National College Entrance (SNMPTN) pathway Write Exams conducted in 2011 that the local committee in the province of Bengkulu Bengkulu University campus for two days, Tuesday - Wednesday (May 31-June 1), walking orderly and smoothly. The number of participants increased from the previous year, into 5550 include those majoring in Social Sciences (IPS), the Natural Sciences (IPA) and mixed (IPC).
Orderly and smooth SNMPTN activities in 2011 is certainly thanks to the efforts and hard work of all components of the leadership, faculty, staff and employees who are members of the University of Bengkulu local committees. Seen from the technical implementation, support facilities and other supporting elements have been prepared since long ago by the committee, so SNMPTN in Bengkulu province is not experiencing significant obstacles.
Various measures of socialization and strict supervision conducted oversight committee and the team have also yielded positive results. The proof, in addition to running orderly and smoothly, in SNMPTN this year did not find any case of "jockey" or other forms of cheating.
In terms of supervision in accordance with the provisions, the committee commissioned the 467 lecturers and employees who meet the requirements. They consisted of 16 inspectors responsible for the sector, 23 people responsible for the location, 146 rooms and 282 inspectors responsible for space, assuming that one supervisor overseeing 20 participants.
Activities at the University of Bengkulu SNMPTN also receive supervision from the Central Regional Monitoring Team SNMPTN I headed West Region Drs. M. Syadeli Hanafi, M.Pd. From day one until the expiration SNMPTN, M. Syadeli with Rector Prof. Unib. Dr. Ir. Zainal Congress, M. Sc, Ph.D accompanied by the provost and the deans to review the entire room directly to the site of a SNMPTN, ranging from tens of room in the building J, I, English Language Unit, up to hundreds of rooms in Building Joint Lecture (GKB ) I, 2 and 3, as well as the Multi Purpose Building (GSG) Unib a capacity of thousands of participants.
When conducting interviews with several members of the press in Building Joint Lecture I Unib, M. Syadeli revealed, based on the observation results of the implementation of the local committee conducted SNMPTN Bengkulu, everything was running smoothly.
"SNMPTN in Unib this is in conformity with the rules of the center. In terms of supervision also have met the criteria. Various facilities used are also very qualified. Unib a green campus with trees very nice, cool and comfortable. We expect, will also result SNMPTN accordance with what is expected, especially concerning the number of graduation and the quality of graduates produced, "he said.
Sidelines of the review directly to the location SNMPTN, Rector Prof. Unib. Zainal congress to a number of print and electronic media journalists also expressed his delight for the implementation SNMPTN from beginning to end went smoothly. "Thank God all the stages and processes SNMPTN has been running smoothly, do not occur something undesirable. All this thanks to the hard work we are all especially the local committee that has been struggling in a variety of preparations are ripe, "he said.
Rector SNMPTN expect the number of participants who pass will be announced next June 30 could reach the maximum, so that more young people especially high school graduates can continue their education into college. But for participants who have not succeeded, do not be discouraged and can take other steps to continue their education, such as through an independent pathway that is implemented Unib ANR / PBM or SPMU (Admissions Selection Unib).
To SPMU registration process will be conducted June 27 to July 8 and the selection of the written paper dated July 13 to 14. Then Unib also will conduct Entrance Examination (UM) for Diploma program or the Non-Regular registration process will be held July 11 to 29 and August 3, the next selection, according to Rector.
Orderly and smooth SNMPTN activities in 2011 is certainly thanks to the efforts and hard work of all components of the leadership, faculty, staff and employees who are members of the University of Bengkulu local committees. Seen from the technical implementation, support facilities and other supporting elements have been prepared since long ago by the committee, so SNMPTN in Bengkulu province is not experiencing significant obstacles.
Various measures of socialization and strict supervision conducted oversight committee and the team have also yielded positive results. The proof, in addition to running orderly and smoothly, in SNMPTN this year did not find any case of "jockey" or other forms of cheating.
In terms of supervision in accordance with the provisions, the committee commissioned the 467 lecturers and employees who meet the requirements. They consisted of 16 inspectors responsible for the sector, 23 people responsible for the location, 146 rooms and 282 inspectors responsible for space, assuming that one supervisor overseeing 20 participants.
Activities at the University of Bengkulu SNMPTN also receive supervision from the Central Regional Monitoring Team SNMPTN I headed West Region Drs. M. Syadeli Hanafi, M.Pd. From day one until the expiration SNMPTN, M. Syadeli with Rector Prof. Unib. Dr. Ir. Zainal Congress, M. Sc, Ph.D accompanied by the provost and the deans to review the entire room directly to the site of a SNMPTN, ranging from tens of room in the building J, I, English Language Unit, up to hundreds of rooms in Building Joint Lecture (GKB ) I, 2 and 3, as well as the Multi Purpose Building (GSG) Unib a capacity of thousands of participants.
When conducting interviews with several members of the press in Building Joint Lecture I Unib, M. Syadeli revealed, based on the observation results of the implementation of the local committee conducted SNMPTN Bengkulu, everything was running smoothly.
"SNMPTN in Unib this is in conformity with the rules of the center. In terms of supervision also have met the criteria. Various facilities used are also very qualified. Unib a green campus with trees very nice, cool and comfortable. We expect, will also result SNMPTN accordance with what is expected, especially concerning the number of graduation and the quality of graduates produced, "he said.
Sidelines of the review directly to the location SNMPTN, Rector Prof. Unib. Zainal congress to a number of print and electronic media journalists also expressed his delight for the implementation SNMPTN from beginning to end went smoothly. "Thank God all the stages and processes SNMPTN has been running smoothly, do not occur something undesirable. All this thanks to the hard work we are all especially the local committee that has been struggling in a variety of preparations are ripe, "he said.
Rector SNMPTN expect the number of participants who pass will be announced next June 30 could reach the maximum, so that more young people especially high school graduates can continue their education into college. But for participants who have not succeeded, do not be discouraged and can take other steps to continue their education, such as through an independent pathway that is implemented Unib ANR / PBM or SPMU (Admissions Selection Unib).
To SPMU registration process will be conducted June 27 to July 8 and the selection of the written paper dated July 13 to 14. Then Unib also will conduct Entrance Examination (UM) for Diploma program or the Non-Regular registration process will be held July 11 to 29 and August 3, the next selection, according to Rector.
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