UNM Receives 6 Thousand New Students

State University of Makassar (UNM) accept new students through two channels. In addition to passing a written test of Higher Education National Selection (SNMPTN), also there is a path invitation.

Pathway invitation itself is appraisal based on the value of the proposed report card by the principal online. This includes program Shutter-mission aimed at disadvantaged students, but excel.

That committee chairman disclosed SNMPTN UNM, Prof. Dr. Sofyan Salam accompanied PhD Chairman of Publication and Public Relations Division, Prof. dr Hasnawi and Prof. Haris Ansari during a press conference in the House of Wong Solo Eating Wednesday, February 9 last night. A press conference was also attended UNM Rector, Prof. Dr. Arismunandar. Sofyan said the invitation SNMPTN different pathways PMDK which is independent of selection. Pathways open invitation February 1 until March 12 next. Then the announcement of the results will be done on May 18.

"Through this pathway, we wanted to see if the school principal or actively enrolled students. Invitation to March. The school principal is expected to enter the names of students who excel. If the principal does not actively enrolled students, then that means he has been negligent," he said.

According to Sofyan, this year's UNM will receive six thousand new students through a national selection and self selection. For the selection of independent, UNM conduct written test and PMDK.

"The comparison is 60:40. 60 percent of the national selection and 40 percent of self-selection," said the professor of the Fine Arts UNM.

UNM party will also conduct road shows to some areas for socializing processes and mechanisms of new admissions was two lanes. Areas to be visited include Makassar, Parepare, Polewali Mandar, Mamuju, and others.

UNM SNMPTN 1000 muster Supervisors

National Selection of Higher Education (SNMPTN) Univerisitas Affairs Makassar (UNM) today took place simultaneously in several locations, among them, SMA 11, SMA 2, SMA 3, SMP 24, SMP 3, SMA 8, SMK 1, campus STIE YPUP , and STIEM Bungaya.

Yusminah Hala, Responsible SNMPTN test locations in SMA 2 Makassar said, there are 900 rooms in use and 1,000 supervisors who oversee the exam today a number of locations.

Added another pegawas, Patta Bundu, each room include two supervisors. Affirmed, the participant is caught cheating, then it will not be tolerated because it will be immediately removed from the exam room.

Info Prospective Students New Path Exam Write SNMPTN 2011

For Prospective Students New Path Exam Write SNMPTN 2011 who passed the State University of Makassar to pay attention to the following schedule:

1. Date 11 to July 18, 2011 report in BAAK UNM 1st Floor
2. Until the 18th of July 19, 2011 do pemerikassan health at UNM polikinik
3. July 18 to July 22, 2011 Payment of fees to branch offices throughout the State Savings Bank (BTN) or at the Post Office Online
4. Dated July 30, 2011 New Student Reception at the Celebes Convention Center (CCC)

List of participants who received at State University of Makassar can be downloaded here

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