About 30 thousand participants Higher Education National Selection (SNMPTN) in the Local Organizing Committee (Panlok) Padang estimated failed to enter public universities (PTN) PTN favorite choice in two in West Sumatra, University Andalas (Unand) and the State University of Padang (UNP). Because the two state universities have a quota of only 4585 people; 2726 seats and 1859 seats in Unand in UNP. Meanwhile, examinees SNMPTN in Padang reaches 33,942 people.

Not to mention the data collected by the central committee SNMPTN, showed interest in the two state universities in Padang, both UNP Unand or exceeds the number of examinees in Panlok Padang. For the UNP, enthusiasts nationwide totaled 37,570 people, and demand Unand 34,498 people from around 551,117 people across Indonesia registrant.

Even so, Yanuar argues, private universities (PTS) in West Sumatra is able to accommodate many of them. He suggested that participants who did not pass SNMPTN so as not to be discouraged because a lot of quality private universities in West Sumatra. "Competition is very tight indeed enter PTN, because a small quota," said Yanuar told reporters on Wednesday (1 / 6).

Meanwhile, from 33 942 participants who filled out the exam SNMPTN, 34 people not present during the exam. "That does not come exam was already destined to fail," added Yanuar. However, certainty about who and what the exact number of participants who passed or failed the new SNMPTN this year will be announced 30 June.

Densest in the Outer Java
This year, the number of participants Panlok Padang SNMPTN through 6966 increased from the previous year of which only 27,725 people. For locations outside Java exam, Panlok Padang examinees populous with 33,942 people, and the fourth most populous national under as many as 44,851 people Panlok Jakarta, Surabaya as many as 36,436 people, 35,245 people and Bandung.

The high interest of participants to follow SNMPTN in Padang, according to PR Panlok, emery Amir caused heightened public awareness of higher education and getting good quality Unand and the UNP, as well as an increasingly safe condition Padang earthquake.
"I think that some of the things that drive the increasing number of applicants SNMPTN in Padang," he said.

Increase in number, making extra work preparing Panlok Padang SNMPTN needs. Start of site preparation, exam questions, including supervision from start to finish implementation of the exam. The result, emery admitted satisfied because it is generally safe to walk SNMPTN.

From the evaluation results panlok, location map and instructions exams will be a serious concern for implementation next year. "We received many complaints about the maps and location instructions exams. This is what we will fix. For others it is technically going well, "he explained.

Tomorrow, Exam Skills
Although SNMPTN completed a written test on Wednesday (1 / 6), approximately 1,500 participants who choose majors SNMPTN sports, fine arts, drama and art of dance and music (sendratasik) will follow the skills tests 3 and 4 June. Implementation of the skills test according to Yanuar implemented in their respective faculties.

For sports skills test held at the Faculty of Sport Sciences (FIK) UNP. And skills tests and sendaratasik art at the Faculty of Languages ​​and Arts (FBS) UNP. The skills test, physical test forms to major in physical education, and aptitude tests for art majors. "From tomorrow (this morning, red) participants who majored in sports can take the test as a condition of health before the physical tests," he explained.

Skills test scores combined with the results of written test to determine graduation SNMPTN participants. The comparison, 70 percent and 30 percent of the written test of skills tests.


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