Rector of the University Tanjungpura (UNTAN), Prof. Dr. Usman Thamrin DEA, accompanied by Head BAAK, Amir Dahlan, congratulated the participants of the National College Entrance Selection (SNMPTN) who graduated in various courses in UNTAN.

A total of 2391 people from 9183 applicants passed in UNTAN, spread over 39 courses in UNTAN. "We congratulate and welcome in UNTAN graduation and other campus of choice for younger siblings. After this, the next task is to immediately enroll according to the schedule," said Thamrin in New York City, Wednesday (29/06/2011).

Announcement of the results can be accessed SNMPTN since Wednesday night at 19.00 on the website or www.untan.ac.id www.smptn.ac.id. In addition, the announcement also made ​​on Thursday (6/30/2011) through print media, among them the Tribune Pontianak. Pontianak tribune allocate two special pages, ie pages 4 and 5, to convey such information to the community of West Kalimantan.

Participants who passed the SMPTN can register at the BAAK UNTAN Pontianak Jl Ahmad Yani, Monday (7/18/2011) until Tuesday (26.07.2011) at 08.00 hingg 16:00 pm. "Participants who submit Shutter Mission and passed a written examination SNMPTN academic in 2011, be accepted as a prospective student at UNTAN," Amir said Dahlan.

"However, participants are not funded program Shutter Mission, because it does not pass the verification of the completeness of the data requirements and selection of Mission in UNTAN Shutter," he explained.

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