Vice Rector for Academic Affairs (PR I) State University of Semarang (Unnes) Agus Wahyudin suggests that, on the campus have now, on Thursday (5 / 1). The initial information received from the central committee SNMPTN 2012.
''The line is a national selection mechanism based on academic achievement crawl without written test / skill. In addition, this pathway is not included in search interests and talents, so no test of skill,''he said.
Pathways open invitation in order to provide opportunity to all children of the nation are high academic achievers to obtain higher education.
Moreover, it also provides the opportunity and confidence to the principal to be part of the implementation of the initial selection at the school level.
''Thus, the registrant or prospective student must get a recommendation from the head of the SMA / SMK / MA / MAK respectively. Therefore, the principal who will perform in accordance with the rating of students majoring in science, social studies, or language, based on the subjects tested in the National Examination, 2012,''said Agus.
A mechanism in line registration invitation, student applicants may choose a maximum of two public universities (PTN) of interest and two courses in each PTN.
This is because the order choice of state universities and the courses stated priority of choice. Information and a list of schools who are invited can be found at the official page SNMPTN this pathway, namely in http://undangan.snmptn.ac.id address.
''Maybe now those pages have not been opened, but soon would be active,''he said.
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