Head of Public Relations Unhas Dahlan Abubakar said the new admissions quota adjusted to the needs of faculty. Dahlan predict, quota SNMPTN for a common pathway will not be much different from the receipt of which is in the range of 2011 and 3231 people.
"Acceptance of new students to Unhas, probably will not be much different with the quota set last year. Students who are accepted will be tailored to the needs of each faculty," said Dahlan, yesterday.
Dahlan reveals, in Unhas there are 13 faculty in between, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, and Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.
"But the new committee will be meeting on 19 February next, with three state universities. So the possibility of quota will be slightly changed but not much different from the previous year," he said.
Dahlan explained further, in 2011 and then, Unhas accept new students through the SNMPTN write as much as 3231 people, 930 people Invitation pathways, as well as learning potential search path (JPPB) 417 people.
Comparison of last year for medical school quotas in the range of 125 seats, 174 seats FKM, the law school as much as 220 seats, 40 seats faculty of economics, management of 75 seats, 40 seats informatics engineering, pharmaceuticals 45 seats, 40 seats nursing, dentistry 46 seats, and several other faculty as needed.
SNMPTN addition, according to Dahlan same as last year Unhas open lines of invitations. Through this channel, outstanding students are asked to enter a file, for this outstanding students of its quota of approximately 292 people.
However, referring to last year the number of registrants at this point reached 900 people. Unhas also open up opportunities for students through the Learning Potential Path Search (JPPB).
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