The University was officially opened by the four founders, along with Drs. Mohammad Hatta, and the Minister of Education and Culture, Sarino Mangoenpranoto on September 13, 1956.
In its early years, the university has 5 faculties: Faculty of Agriculture in Payakumbuh, Faculty of Medicine and Science in Bukittinggi, Faculty of Law at the Padang, and the Faculty of Teacher Education in Batusangkar.
Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Animal Husbandry was established in Padang in 1961 and 1963, respectively, following the five other faculty. In 1965, the Faculty of Education Master's separated and became IKIP Padang.
Campus Location
Located in the hills of Limau Manis, Pauh subdistrict, about 15 km from Padang, the capital of West Sumatra. Andalas University Campus covers an area of 500 hectares. This area is referred to as Bukik Karamuntiang / Hill of â € œRhodomyrtus tomentosa, and situated at an altitude of  ± 255 m above sea level.
The building has a unique architecture: a combination of traditional Minangkabau roof model (buffalo horn) and the structure of modern style. Universities are in the process of completing their facilities to accommodate academic and extracurricular activities.
Almost all faculties are located at Limau Limau Manis, except the Faculty of Medicine, located in Jati area (the first campus), Padang, and the Polytechnic of Agriculture in Payakumbuh.
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