University of Bengkulu (UNIB) was established under Presidential Decree No. 17 in 1982 and inaugurated by the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof.. Dr. David Joseph. At the same time inaugurated the first UNIB Rector, Prof.. Ir. Soenjoto Sumodihardjo (UGM) for a term of 1982-1986. Dr. Ir. Soekotjo (UGM), who previously served as Vice Rector I, led UNIB for the period 1986-1990. For the period 1990-1995 Dr. Ir. Nitza Arbi (UNAND) was entrusted with leading the UNIB. Year 1995 to 2005 Rector UNIB position held by prof. Dr. H Zulkifli Husin, S.E, M.Sc. (UNSYIAH). From 2005 until the present Rector UNIB chaired by prof. Ir. Zainal Congress, MSc., Ph.D.

The existence UNIB a concrete manifestation of the relentless struggle of the Governor Soeprapto who got full support from the community, traditional leaders, local government Tk. I Bengkulu, and private university called the University of Bengkulu Lively (UNSEB). Support the university is embodied in the form of student submission UNSEB as its forerunner UNIB Campus area of ​​24.9 ha of land in the village banyan Kingdom Bengkulu.

The main obstacle encountered during the process of establishment UNIB based on the results of a feasibility study conducted by the University of Srivijaya in between the unavailability of educational personnel, so that by the time it was concluded that in Bengkulu has not established a viable state university. These obstacles can be overcome eventually after Governor Soeprato cooperation with Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta on the instructions of President Soeharto. Realization of the results of such cooperation dikirimlah some educative power of GMU including Prof.. Ir. Soenjoto Sumodihardjo, Dr. Ir. Soekotjo, Drs. Sutarto, Ir. Supratoyo and H. Hidjazi, SH to conjunct in UNIB either as officials or as a structural educational power. They recruit educative power of the few universities in Java and Sumatra.


University of Bengkulu will be the college is at the forefront in the development of science, technology and art that supports the ongoing ethical and moral in an academic system that is democratic and supported by facilities that efficient, effective and integrated as well as providing outstanding service.

Carry out education, research, and community service to educate and meet the needs of the community;
Improving the academic atmosphere is more ethical, moral, and democratic;
Improve and develop superior academic programs, partnerships with businesses, governments and society;
Improving competitiveness of graduates Univerrsitas Bengkulu through academic programs of strategic, effective, comprehensive and relevant;
Improving the quality of academic citivitas University of Bengkulu.


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