On October 3, 1956 The Foundation was successful in establishing the Faculty of Law, which was then set as the date of the birthday of Pattimura University. Next in succession was established Faculty of Social and Political Sciences on October 6, 1959, and dated 10 September 1961 opened the Faculty of Teacher Training and Science Education.
On August 1, 1962 Foundation for Higher Education inaugurated the Maluku Irian Western State University with PTIP Decree No. 99 of 1962 dated August 8, 1962 which includes five faculty namely: - Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
- Faculty of Social and Political
- Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry
- Faculty of Animal Husbandry
Then by Presidential Decree No. 66 of 1963, dated 23 April 1963 endorsed the establishment of the University in Ambon and was named the University of Pattimura. University is led by a presidium consisting of:
• Soemitro Hamidjoyo, SH (Chairman)
• Colonel Boesiri (Member)
• Drs. Soehardjo (Member)
• Dr. M. Haulussy (Member)
Then on September 15, 1965 Faculty of Economics and opened on 16 April 1970 opened the Faculty of Engineering who use the buildings former Faculty of Technology project Ambon (FTA). In August 1964 the Faculty of Teacher Training and Science Education switch status to IKIP Jakarta Branch Rector Ambon with Drs. F.F.H. Matruty. Then on 16 September 1969 IKIP Jakarta Branch Ambon reintegrated into the University of Pattimura into two faculties namely Faculty of Science Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. In 1974 the Faculty of animal husbandry department is equipped with Fisheries and simultaneously changed its name to Faculty of Animal Husbandry / Fisheries.
By Presidential Decree No. 40 / M of 1971, Ir. L. Nanlohy (Dean of Faculty of Engineering) set as the first Rector of the University of Pattimura. Then by Presidential Decree No. 69 / M Year 1976, MR Lestaluhu, SH Unpatti appointed as Rector of the second, which further the Presidential Decree Number 43 / M of 1981 he set out for a second term. After that the Presidential Decree Number 89 / M of 1985 DR. Ir. J. Ch. Lawalatta, M.Sc. defined as the Rector of the University Pattimura. As rector of the following: Prof.. DR. Ir. J. L. Nanere, M.Sc. established by Presidential Decree No. 247 / M Year 1989. Furthermore, with the Presidential Decree Number 207 / M Year 1994 established DR. M. Pattimura Huliselan as Rector of the University, Prof. further. DR. H.B. Tetelepta, MPd since 2004 until now been appointed as rector Unpatti.
"Being a University of Excellence and Competitive In Human Resource Development, Science, Technology and the Arts (IPTEKS) Based Islands".
1. Improve capacities and access to services in a sustainable manner.
2. Produce graduates who are qualified and competent in the global market competition.
3. Improving the quality of educational infrastructure and facilities in a sustainable manner.
4. Improving the quality of institutions in education, research and community service.
5. Promoting good kekola, accountability and public imaging.
1. Achieve equity and justice for all levels of society to follow higher education.
2. Produce outcomes that can compete in the job market locally, nationally, regionally and globally.
3. Realizing the availability of facilities that meet the quality standards of National Education (SNP).
4. Achieve the sustainable standard content and process according to the SNP.
5. Brought Unpatti academic community as a potential container and reliable. Having a scientific culture, uphold truth, justice, open, critical, creative, innovative, and responsive to the dynamics of the changing times regionally, nationally and internationally.
6. Realising the creation of the organization and administration (governance) university of healthy and accountable.
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