Opening Fakultet Economic officially under Syakhyakirti Foundation of Higher Education was held on October 31, 1953 in a ceremony attended by Mr. Hadi, Secretary General of Ministry of Education and Culture Teaching (KDP), Drg. M. Isa (Governor of South Sumatra), Bambang Utoyo (TT II Commander of Srivijaya) and Ali Gathmyr (Chairman of the Parliament of South Sumatra).
Efforts to complete college in South Sumatra was continued by the Foundation of Higher Education Syakhyakirti by establishing the Faculty of Law Implementation Committee. On 1 November 1957, coinciding with the celebration of the Fourth Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics, diresmikanlah faculty with the name 'Faculty of Law and the Knowledge Society ".
Development then continued with the help of Territorial II Sriwijaya Military Authorities that provide financial assistance transform and establish a permanent building Syakhyakirti Foundation of Higher Education in the Big Hill (now Unsri Hill Campus). First stone laying ceremony took place on October 31, 1957
The next effort is penegerian colleges that already exist such. With the persistent struggle of public figures when it's South Sumatra, among others, Colonel Aaron Sohar (Commander as Chairman Paperda TT II / Srivijaya) and A. Bastari (Governor), amsih existing barriers to the establishment of state universities in Palembang could be addressed. A delegation was sent to Jakarta in December 1959 met the Minister of KDP (Mr. Moh yamin) managed to obtain guarantees government's willingness to take over college Syakhyakirti became a state university. With the Government Regulation no. 42 of 1960 dated October 29, 1960 (No. Lambaran of 1960. 135) finally stood inaugural University of Sri Vijayan conducted on November 3, 1960 in charter signing ceremony by President Sukarno, witnessed by Minister of KDP (Mr. Priyono) and some of the Ambassador friendly countries. As the first President of the University appointed Drg. M. Isa who was appointed by Presidential Decree. 696 / M of 1960 dated 29 Okober 1960
To meet the demands of development, Unsri then plan the addition of campus, beyond the existing Bukit Besar, by freeing the land area of 712 hectares, in Indealaya, Komering Ogan Ilir regency (Now Ogan Ilir-OI), in 1982. Construction of a new campus was started in 1983 with financial support Asian Development Bank (ADB), which physically started in 1989 and ended on December 31, 1993. South Sumatra Governor Ramli Hasan Basri H gave his inaugural lecture marks the beginning of new academic activities on campus this Inderalaya on September 1, 1993. Utilization of facilities at the Campus Inderalaya fully implemented by the Decree of the Rector in January 1995 which stipulated that as of the date of February 1, 1995 all administrative activities and most of the academic activities held at the Campus Inderalaya. Campus Inauguration of new real Unsri Indralaya held on March 6, 1997 by President Soeharto.
Vision and Mission of the University of Srivijaya
One of the goals of higher education is to produce graduates who can carry out development in accordance with national development needs. Because the needs of national development is not something static, meaning will always change according to changing regional and global situation, the college also required to constantly change and adapt to changing needs and development, as well as adjust to developments in science, technology, art and information world. This is a major challenge facing higher education Indonesia entered the XXI century, which will be preceded by the era of free competition and market keterbukaaan regional (ASEAN Free Trade Area: AFTA) and the subsequent free competition and market openness Asia Pacific (Asia Pacific Economic Corporation: APEC ) in 2020.
Wind "Market Openness" is seen starting to touch Unsri. Demand for education in Unsri from prospective students abroad began to seem to increase in recent years. This is an exciting phenomenon that was also a challenge. "Encouraging", because it has began to be calculated as Unsri college qualified for the demand by prospective students from abroad. "Challenges", because it requires consideration of revisions, enhancement and institutional development in all aspects so that the academic standards Unsri really equivalent to universities abroad, at least in the region.
In the XXI century universities in Indonesia, including Unsri have should be able to produce graduates who are more qualified and able to play a role in the global community. It is demanding an increase in the number, quality and academic and non academic facilities in line with efforts to improve the administration and organizational management. In an effort to prepare themselves to face the challenges of the XXI century, the Unsri has conducted an internal environmental assessment to see strength (Strength) and weaknesses (Weakness), and external environmental assessment to see opportunities (Oppurtunities) and challenge (threat) that will be encountered. From this SWOT assessment formulated vision, mission and purpose Unsri face XXI century.
Vision Sriwijaya University in 2020 is "The University of Srivijaya in the second decade of the 21st century is a university in Indonesia termuka research-based, have advantages in various branches of science, particularly in the field of natural resource development, to produce a human being devoted to God Almighty God, quality, have a certain height, cultured, vibrant scientific, and control and be able to use science, technology, information, and the arts to improve the welfare of mankind ".
To realize its vision, mission Unsri set as follows:
1. Organize, foster and develop higher education in an effort to produce well-educated man who can apply, develop and / or creating science and technology and / or art;
2. organize, foster and develop higher education in order to generate empirical knowledge, theories, concepts, methodologies, models, new information on the new way of working, which enrich science and technology and / or art;
3. organize, foster and develop community services by applying knowledge in an effort to contribute to the betterment of society; and
4. modern higher education organized and efficient.
1. Produce graduates who are qualified and independent according to the needs of the community;
2. produce educated and trained personnel are skilled and reliable to support the development of the nation;
3. generate empirical knowledge, theories, concepts, methodologies, models, or new way of working that will enrich science, technology and art;
4. produce a reliable leading technology, and proven production techniques and appropriate for public use;
5. produce a study of art, works of art and organizing activities to enhance the aesthetic artistry of the nation;
6. increasing role as a center for the development and interpretation of science, technology, information, arts and sports;
7. increasing active role in helping governments and communities through relevant institutions in Unsri; and
8. improve the performance of relevant, accountable, integrated, sustainable and efficient in implementing the autonomy of universities.
By considering a major strategic issue nationally and is associated with the results of internal and external environmental studies, development strategies are implemented didapatlah Unsri towards Vision 2020, as follows:
1. Unsri development as a center of education;
2. Unsri development as the central revenue, storage and penyebarluas science, technology, art and information for the community;
3. institutional and organizational development;
4. human resources development;
5. development of student affairs;
6. development of cooperation with business, industry, agencies and universities at home and abroad;
7. campus development.
Development strategy above is poured into the various development programs which basically consists of three main program development, as follows:
1. Parent program mapping the higher education system.
2. Parent program relevance and quality improvement.
3. Parent program equity of access higher education.
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