Graduation Invitations results can be checked on the page in his name direct information please access the page by entering a registration number and date of birth is http://undangan.snmptn.ac.id/result.php
For Validation and Registration dilakaukan directly to the University of Mataram in accordance with a schedule that coincides with the schedule set SNMPTN Write 2011 with Prospective Students May Not Attend Live On The file represented Takes On May 31 and June 1, 2011 Hours 09:00 to 10:30.

For those who participate Participants Prospective Scholarship Shoot The mission received as a Prospective Student University Matararam not necessarily receive a scholarship before the decree issued by the Aim ​​Higher Education Mission to validate the data by the Data Verification Team.
Cooperation entire pronounced Thank you.
PR I Mataram University
Note Terms and Conditions of Registration will soon Diuplod.
Congratulations, For those of you who pass the selection Snmptn Jalur Undangan 2011


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