A total of 815 prospective students (Cama) National Selection signed up Higher Education (SNMPTN) at the University of Borneo Tarakan (UBT) that have been closed on Wednesday (05/25/2011). Overall freshman who enroll as many as 1830 people. The rest chose to go in State College who entered the region III, such as the University Mulawarman and UB.

According to Vice Rector for Academic Affairs UBT Prof Dr Muhammad Arifin Bahri, SNMPTN written lines, UBT has a quota of 564 freshman, the existing quota of 1160 with 17 courses owned by UBT.

"Implementation of the written exam will dilaksanankan SNMPTN lane for two days, May 31 and June 1, using the three locations, the Campus UBT, SMP 1 and SDN 018 Tarakan. For the UBT will be used plebe who choose majors IPC, SMP one IPS department, and SDN 018 science majors, "he said, Thursday (05/26/2011).

Six People Coming to Late Participants SNMPTN UBT

Implementation of the National Selection exams Higher Education (SNMPTN) written track which was held at the University of Borneo Tarakan (UBT), for two days starting on Tuesday (5/31/2011) and Wednesday (01/06/2011) stained with a delay of 6 participants .

Delays occurred in the participants of this first day of the SNMPTN. Participants who are late, because it is still looking for rooms will be occupied for the exam. Though the committee had called on the participants the day before the execution of the test SNMPTN first find a room that will be used.

Those who are too late to find running room that will be used to follow SNMPTN. Because the exam pelaksaanan SNMPTN there are three locations that are used, ie, UBT for participants majors IPC, SDN 018 participants majoring in science and social studies majors SMPN 1 participant.

"Although they were late, we tetapperbolehkan SNMPTN exams. Besides they also do not delay too long, because participants who are in the room was still filling biodata, has not worked exam," said UBT Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Bahri Muhammad Arifin who contacted Tribune , Wednesday (01/05/2011).

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