On Wednesday (16 / 6), a total of 30,057 high school graduates across Indonesia following the National Selection of Higher Education (SNMPTN) in East Java. Competition in the path of science and social studies will be held tight.

The first day of this exam, they will do the exam Academic Potential Test (TPA) and Test Basic Field of Study (TBSD).

For the second day of a written test on June 17, 2010, they were working on Test Field Study Field of Study in science and social studies tests. Meanwhile, the exam and skills test will be held on June 18 to 19, 2010.

Competition IPA pathway and IPS will be held tight, because the applicants are two pathways is quite high. 11,541 enthusiasts IPA, IPS 11 440, and IPC 7076 people. These participants will begin to take a test at 07.30 am until 11.00 am. There was a break for 15 minutes.

"In the early hours of exams and final exams, the traffic on some highways will be congested. Especially on college campuses and several high school Surabaya. Please adjust to road users, "said Imam Mustafa, Public Relations Coordinator SNMPTN Panlok 50 Surabaya, on Tuesday (15 / 6).

The priest, who is also the Director of Student Affairs this Unair ask all participants to attend at least thirty minutes before the execution of the test. In addition, examinees are asked to bring ID documents or photocopies of diplomas that have been legalized.

"We're grateful, because all participants had seen a day earlier examination hall before the exam. Do not get lost, because it will give opportunity to the jockey. However, we guarantee, jockeys in Surabaya will be scared by itself, "added Imam.

Solar Monitoring on college campuses Tuesday, many prospective examinees who continue to see the test room. As in the Campus B and C Unair. The committee continues to devote more time and serve the participants to simply explain.

Currently, Unair remains a favorite among state universities in Surabaya. Campus is located in Surabaya this east devotees nearly 15,000. The participants chose uijian Unair as the first choice as much as 14,045. While ITS and Unesa in the range of nearly 10,000. The rest in Unijoyo.

Unair itself has a limit in each direction between 30 to 87 seats. Most is the Faculty of Pharmacy that provides a seat 87. Medicine 86, FKH 81, Math 36, Chemistry 36, Physics 45, Law 72, Accounting, Management, and Economics Pemba respectively 81.

This year, the Local Committee Unair Scholarship program provides Following Exam (BMU). This is a program for participants who Unair seeked Shutter scholarship mission of the center. "Especially given the facility to the students on track following the scholarships Take missions during the exam," explained Imam returned.

Shutter Mission is one of the central scholarship program for students not able to. By demonstrating the certificate can not be accompanied by KK and electricity bills, students who excel in school get a chance. They should be ranked top five in its class.

For eight semesters, they would free his education S-1 in Unair. Not only that, they also received an allowance during his education. Magnitude of about Rp 5 million per semester.

Unair itself currently provides seats for 850 students excel in this pathway. However, that has been proposed schools reaching 950 students. But when it closed, which is entitled to the trail just 450 students.

On Tuesday, hundreds of students who are entitled to receive debriefing BMU. Educate Mandrasi, BMU recipient origin Belor Village, Purwoasri, Kediri, when met Surya claimed to be fighting hard. "It's my dream to go to college," said the winner of three in the MAN Purwoasri

Child farm workers from partner Yasmadi, 42, and Kusmiati, 37, is along with ten other recipients BMU is placed in Block F SNMPTN Hajj during the exam. Students majored in Physics at Unair. "The important thing now how to pass first. Residents in the village I will tell you that the college can also be free, "added Educate.

Regarding the practice perjokian, panlok party has prepared a series of strategies. "Anticipation we have been doing since the beginning, since system randomize the location of the computer already exam time online registration," said Imam Mostopha.

In addition, he continued, the committee also has prepared other strategies, including the committee will not tolerate mistakes exam room, because it's usually just an excuse. "The committee will also utilize the 30 minutes before the exam on the first day SNMPTN to verified by matching the ID card, diploma, and the participant sign the card, so that the jockey is not likely to escape," he said.

According to him, data verification SNMPTN examinees is important, because SNMPTN online registration allows for manipulation of data. "If there is no match between the data done 'online' with factual data on the identity card or certificate, the participant will be subject to disqualification, even though the relevant exams for two days," he said.

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