A total of 1427 participants Colleges National Selection (SNMPTN) was accepted to study at the University of Indonesia (UI). In SNMPTN 2011, there were 43,167 people who fought for prospective students get a seat in the UI.

"The register via the written SNMPTN reaching 43 167 prospective students, and received only 1427 participants," said Head of Communication Office UI Vishnu Juwono in Depok, on Thursday (6/30/2011).

According to him, the best course is much demand for the field of Science (Medicine) who sign up as many as 3044 people and received 36 million people. Furthermore, nutritional science study programs who enroll as many as 1754, which received only 40 people.

As for the field of IPS (Management) who sign up are as many as 3304 people and received only 40 people. For accounting majors who enroll as many as 3332 people and received only 43 people.

Vishnu explained that for selection through SNMPTN divided into two paths through invitation and through a written test. In addition, he said, carry out selection into the University of Indonesia (SIMAK) UI 2011. He said, SIMAK UI is integrated entrance exams of all levels of education at the UI level to level doktoral/S-3 vokasi/D-3.

Vishnu added, as a commitment in supporting government policy, in 2011, UI SIMAK quota set at 15-25 percent of total new students who received UI and the remainder received through a national selection into public universities (SNMPTN).

According to him, the amount of tuition fees for students who received regular S1 through SIMAK UI similar to students accepted through SNMPTN which is equitable in accordance with the ability of prospective students financially responsible. For the written exam will be held simultaneously on July 3, 2011 at 10 locations spread all over Indonesia and one test location abroad that is Brussels, Belgium.

SIMAK UI is integrated into the selection, which gives participants a chance to be able to choose one to four educational programs with a maximum of up to 8 programs of study. The material tested on the UI SIMAK 2011 ie for the IPA is the basic skills and the ability of science, while the IPS is the basic skills and the ability of the IPS. IPC group being tested is the ability of science, social studies skills and basic skills.

Implementation of UI SIMAK exam will be held in Jakarta / Depok, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Padang, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Makassar, Samarinda and Brussels, Belgium.

"The existence of the local committee is intended to facilitate the implementation of the exam in the area," he said.

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