Diponegoro University (Undip) increase the capacity of students through the national selection into public universities (SNMPTN) in writing.

Last year, Undip only provide about 20 percent of the seats through a pathway that is as many as 1619 of the carrying capacity of 8305 students. For the new academic year 2011 to about 43 percent of the total quota of 8445 students or as many as 3668 students.

Meanwhile, in nasiaonal, capacity SNMPTN 2011 as many as 108,535 of the 60 state universities throughout Indonesia. This figure is up from last year are just as much as 82 thousand. This increase is expected to provide opportunities for prospective students to be accepted in line with the cheapest payment.

In addition SNMPTN through written, Undip invitation also open up channels (1395 students), independent examination (3087), and PSSB Partnership (295). All of vio higher costs, as a form of subsidy to the students the middle to lower SNMPTN received via written.

Written SNMPTN registration opened May 2 to 24 online, through www.snmptn.ac.id. Written test will be held on May 31 and June 1, while the announcement of the results on June 30.

Undip Rector, Prof. PhD MES Sudharto Prawata Hadi explained, Undip require prospective students SNMPTN received in writing, must pass a test unit of education, national exams, healthy and fulfilling other requirements specified.

Prof. urge prospective students to learn first course of interest according to the study of his ability, so they can compete to the fullest. There are 43 in 11 faculties Prodi to choose the students.

It also actively disseminate excellence variety Prodi Prodi particularly new, directly to the various high schools around Central Java.

"In addition to deploying the team, we also muster the students in their respective areas or through the organization of SNMPTN tryout. Hopefully, people can be familiar with the advantages of each study program so that not one vote," he said on Friday (6 / 5).

To help the asyarakat obtain relevant information on how to register these pathways, Undip hotline provides information through www.undip.ac.id or 0247460041.

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