The announcement of the National Selection of Higher Education (SNMPTN) of 2011 lines conveyed the invitation on Tuesday (17 / 5) night at 19:00. This announcement a few hours ahead of schedule, ie on Wednesday (18 / 5) at 00.00 pm.

Especially for the State University of Semarang (Unnes), the number of participants who passed the selection SNMPTN Invitation Line 3495 people, including 400 applicants who submitted scholarship Aim Mission who passed the academic selection. This amount is the second largest of all state universities in Indonesia who joined in 2011 Track Invitation SNMPTN after receiving the 4370 UB participants through this pathway.

The number of participants who received through this Invitation Line SNMPTN 2011 52.4% of total capacity of new students that graduate programs will be accepted in the academic year 2011/2012. Based on data automation system selection SNMPTN Jlur Invitation, the number of applicants who choose Unnes well as PTN PTN I and II amounted to 15 341 people. Thus, the ratio of tightness amount received to the total number of registrants at 1: 4.39. If judging the tightness of each program of study entry, Guidance Counseling is a program of study with the highest ketetatan 1: 32.18, followed by English Education Study Program with a: 26.70, and PGSD with tightness ratio of 1: 22.24.

"Participants who passed the point SNMPTN Invitation shall implement a series of new student registration activities in order to be accepted as a student Unnes. While participants who apply for SNMPTN Shutter still must undergo a verification mission, "said Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Unnes, Agus Wahyudin, at the coordination meeting new student registration Unnes in Building H, Rectorate Unnes, Tuesday (17 / 5) afternoon.

Results of selection and new student registration mechanism Unnes SNMPTN path selection results in full invitation can be viewed through the pages http://registrasi.unnes.ac.id.

The series of new student registration activities Unnes results SNMPTN Invitation pathway in outline are: (1) pay the tuition fees in accordance with a prospective study programs received through Bank BNI (ATMs, teller, internet banking), BRI (teller), and Bank Mandiri ( teller) throughout Indonesia on 23 till May 30, 2011, (2) carry out the online registration via the page http://registrasi.unnes.ac.id on May 24 till June 7, 2011, (3) present in the activities of Self Report (not be represented) on May 31 and / or June 1, 2011 (as scheduled), and (4) comes with a verification of the registration division of time on Monday, June 6, 2011 for faculty FIS, FT, FIK; Tuesday, June 7, 2011 for the faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences , FE, FH, and Wednesday, June 8, 2011 for faculty FIP, FBS. "When the report itself, prospective students must come according to schedule, and shall be present on site to report no later than 08:30 pm. If not present at the time, the participants considered to cancel out of graduation in Unnes through lane SNMPTN Invitation, "said Agus stressed.

Please note, in the academic year 2011/2012 Unnes new admissions plan through three programs, namely SNMPTN conducted via two pathways, ie paths and trails invitation written exam, UMBPTN, and SPMU. Of the three programs, more than 7000 new students will be accepted, both levels of doctoral, masters, degree, diploma or three. Registration SNMPTN own line written exam has been started since May 2 and will end on 25 May. The written exam will be held on May 31 to June 1 next. UMBPTN registration will begin on June 1 s.d. July 5, 2011 through http://spmb.or.id pages, and tests will be performed on July 9, 2011. While registration degree and diploma programs SPMU will begin on June 2 and ends July 2, 2011, and tests will be held on July 10 next week. Detailed registration information can be accessed via http://spmu.unnes.ac.id SPMU.

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