National Selection Register of Higher Education (SNMPTN) re-opened since May 2. One of the Local Organizing Committee (Panlok) Hasanuddin University (Unhas) expressed readiness to hold SNMPTN, including anticipating the usual fraud occurred in SNMPTN. How welcome the readiness Unhas SNMPTN this year? Here's an interview with the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Unhas, Prof. Dr. Dadang Suriamiharja, which are summarized reporter Dawn, Anggi S. Ugart.

This time, SNMPTN registration is done online.

How to prepare the campus of red? Are there courses that opened? Here's an interview Angriani S. Ugart with the Vice Rector III of the Local Organizing Committee and Chairman Unhas Unhas 82, Prof. Dr. Dadang Suriamiharja, in his office, Thursday, May 13:

How Unhas readiness to face SNMPTN this year?

We're ready. Unhas also has opened online registration since May 2. We speed up the time of registration for the UN, too. The goal is that participants graduate examination are also not too long waiting time SNMPTN registration.

Our schedule has also been compiled. UN's announcement dated May 16, so we open registration until 26 May. On 25 to 30 May is a period of rest. Then on May 31 and June 1 is the period of examination.

Expected on May 30, participants are given a number of participants and can identify or know the location of the exam room.

How about the location of the exam, whether existing zoning?

For the location of the exam room not much different from last year. Participants outside Unhas IPA, such as Jl Sunu, Bawakaraeng Jl Jl Sudirman and Jl Ratulangi.

The IPS participants ujianya off campus but still in the area Tamalanrea. Generally use the schools to junior and senior high schools in the Power. For participants in the exam room IPC Unhas Tamalanrea campus.

How to SNMPTN Unhas registration?

Over the last two years, we use online. Thus, applicants SNMPTN stay open an existing website. Participants no longer need to queue, jostling even sunbathe panasan to register.

The current technology already allows for the registration process SNMPTN better. Participants can access the registration of his house, from the cafe and from school.

What if there are problems associated with internet access participant data entry? Or there are those who do not know use the internet?

Even though registration via the Internet but the committee remains open service counters which we call the help desk. Help desk was placed in the Register House Unhas near the lake.

So, if there are problems with online registration can consult and ask for help to the help desk. The committee has always been there. Or you can also contact the central committee. Last year it was online so expect senior brothers were previously able to introduce online registration way to younger siblings. So hopefully all can register online.

How do I register through the website?

It's easy. Just open the website SNMPTN. On the next screen there is a pin number that must be filled SNMPTN potential participants. This pin number will be obtained after paying the registration fee at Bank Mandiri, either through an ATM or teller immediately.

After paying, participants will be given a pin number that will be used to fill in an online bio. Biodata of them have a name, address, place of birth date. Thus, it is expected that biodata is loaded correctly. On the website can also upload photos SNMPTN participants.

How Unhas precaution against fraud, including the jockey?

As usual and in previous years. Force long as 2009, 2010 separated the room with a new, graduated in 2011. Party central committee has implemented a new way to detect fraud that occurred from the answers given. Central committee to know that there was fraud from the common answer.

For supervisors, the same as last year, namely a supervised two-person room. Elements of lecturers, teachers and staff are also involved. The number of participants this room depends. It is estimated that the number of registrants SNMPTN Unhas's 20,000, same as last year.

If a space is only 20 participants, then the room will be used up to 1000. One room was guarded by two supervisors. In terms of security we are also ready. In addition to campus security guard, Unhas also involve the police. So, if there are criminal acts, can be dealt with police officers.

Are there any new courses that will be opened this year?

There is. We opened the program of study Veterinary Medicine. Actually last year but due to late permits are down, so the new open enrollment this year. Entered the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

How Unhas quota?

To track the invitation as much as 904 seats. The SNMPTN write as many as 3200 seats. Quotas are not much different from last year.

What is the number of registrants to date?

The data obtained at the Bureau of Academic Unhas mention, until 11:00 am Thursday, May 13, the number of applicants who already recorded in the Central Committee of the new SNMPTN 3235 people. Of that amount, a select group of 1,417 people IPA, IPS 453, and IPC 1365 people.

Meanwhile, the number of those who pay in Bank Mandiri, which chose 82 Panlok Unhas until Thursday afternoon carrying 5693 people, consisting of IPA 2218, the IPS 836, and IPC 2639 people.

Who have used the pin obtained from the new bank 3393 people, so there is still unused pinyang 2300. Unused pin consists of IPA 1471, the IPS 477, and IPC 1445. Unused IPA 747, IPS 359, and IPC 1194. Most pins are unused most likely SMTA 2011 graduates who have not received a passing mark or diploma.

Selling race announcement SNMPTN Unhas 2011

National Selection Results State University (SNMPTN) 2011 finally announced on Tuesday (29/06/2011) evening.

A total of 3221 participants SNMPTN passed at the University of Hasanuddin (Unhas).

The announcement was disseminated in a number of points in the city of Makassar, among them at the door of the Independence Pioneer Road Unhas, Losari, Jl Sultan Alauddin, Jl AP Pettarani, Urip Sumoharjo Road Flyover, and a number of intersections in the city of Makassar.

East campus newspaper stands and Identity will publish the results of the selection was on the issue of Thursday (30/06/2011).

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