University of Lampung (Unila) is in the ranking fourth nationally in the field of Social Sciences (IPS) in the National Selection of Higher Education (SNMPTN). This rating is judged by the tightness or the ratio of the number of quota by the number of applicants or registrants

"We can be proud of this achievement. Unila won the fourth after the University of Indonesia (UI), State University of Surabaya, and the State University of Mataram, from a total of 60 public universities (PTN)," said Habibullah Djimad, SNMPTN Unila Committee Secretary, on socialization results press conference on the 3rd floor SNMPTN Unila Rectorate building, on Wednesday (29 / 6).

While in the field of Natural Sciences (IPA), college pride Lampung is located on the 13th. Ranking 1 to 3 achieved by the UI, the University of Education Indonesia (UPI), and the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB).

Habibullah explained, majoring in Computer Science is a study program (Prodi) are most in demand or join in Unila. The next sequence, Prodi Biology Education, Guidance Counseling, Medical Education, and English.

For the highest test scores in Unila SNMPTN Prodi won by Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine with a value between 90.89 to 95.93 and the average value of 88.91. Further study program Mathematics Education and Accounting.

Overall average value, Unila is best to-2 out of Java after the North Sumatra University (USU). Unila is at rank 20th nationally with an average value of 75, 27. While at USU was ranked 10th nationally. UI won the first national ranking, then the University of Gajah Mada and the University of Padjadjaran.


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